Tina's Trimmings
Do you want your favourite shrubs & roses pruned and reshaped professionally and with T l C.
Flower beds weeded or containers & hanging baskets potted up.
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facebook.comDon't forget fantastic plant sale at Fota House on Sunday 17th April 11.00 to 4.00. Come along and give it support
Timeline Photos
Tulipa pinochio looking beautiful.
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The most amazing sun set I've ever seen while walking into Carrigaline village this evening. It was bright red. Photo does not capture it. . Do a close up
Photos from Tina's Trimmings's post
Fabulous time in Fotahouse in the apple orchard planting apple trees. Every volunteer has there name on one. Great bunch of girls to be with
Photos from Tina's Trimmings's post
Nothing like beautiful Dianthus from Fin's Horticulture to brighten up an old boot. Gorgeous
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What a beautiful day. Birds chirping and bulbs bursting out of the ground and new growth commencing. Nature is so wonderful
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My kitchen is wafting with the beautiful smell of these scented hyacinths. Devine
Photos from Tina's Trimmings's post
What is more beautiful when working in a garden and a Robin pops in to keep you company and watch you work.
Photos from Tina's Trimmings's post
I look out the window every morning in anticipation of what might have popped up in the garden and my heart melts year in and year out at the sight of narcissus tete a tete. I just absolutely love it.
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3 hanging baskets ready to be delivered this morning. Thanks Fin's Horticulture for the stunning primulas and ivy.
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Scented hyacinth on the windowsill. Bulbs bursting out of the ground. Nature is wonderful.
Scented hyacinth on the windowsill. A stretch in the evenings. Bulbs all bursting out of the ground. Nature is wonderful.