Youth Mind Thrive Ireland
YMTI promotes mental health, cognitive & emotional well being through progressive programmes for young people, families and professionals of young people. How would a young person cope with a mental health difficulty?...... Do you know a young person challenged and overwhelmed by personal emotions?......How responsible is a young person for their own mental health?.....
YMTI is a lifelong learning and early intervention youth initiative, which helps the development of positive mental health through hope, self awareness, understanding and resourcefulness. Also recognising every day issues young people encounter, identifies keys to recognising early detection and prevention of likely problems, promotion of self advocacy, resilience, sustainable personal strategies and coping skills, and comfort and confidence in their personal life.
Programmes currently available:
Now is The Time -
An mental health and suicide awareness programme for adolescents which addresses positive mental health, cognitive and emotional well. The training is aimed for transition year and/or senior cycle students and reflects the guidelines for Well Being in Post Primary Schools.
From Me to Little Me -
A family youthwork programme. It enables parents invest in meeting the needs of their children and bring about change in dealing with youth mental health, cognitive and emotional wellbeing. The programme also stresses the impact of positive parental mental health to promote positive youth mental health.
Be Mental at Work -
A programme for professionals working with youth. This training addresses work skills and self awareness in youth mental health and suicide awareness, encouraging change in the workplace in mental, cognitive and emotional well being.The programme also stresses on looking after your own mental health within the youth work profession.
Leap into Degree Life for Leaving Certificate students and Mind learning for Junior Certificate cycle, are currently under development and will be available in 2017.
Tell your friends
facebook.comIreland's first online mental health service for teenagers launched this week
These seven steps will keep your brain healthy from childhood to old age, say researchers
New school year !!!! YMTI starts its year with Midleton College, training transition year students on Fridays, the Now Is the Time programme in youth mental health, cognitive and emotional wellbeing. Midleton College Student Council, Friends of Midleton College.
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