Radcliff Dance Academy
Offering RAD and ISTD ballet and tap to the highest standards by a qualified teacher in both fields. Tiny tots to teenagers with optional exams. To learn more about Radcliff Dance Academy please click the contact button at the top of our page and this will take you directly to our website. We hope you will find it most informative.
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facebook.comPresentation in exams is so important. Neat tidy students, hair slicked back with no fringe, new shoes if required, standing tall and doing there best dancing for the examiner. So I'm making the effort too. Proud to be a qualified dance teacher with high standards.
No classes today or tomorrow as its mid term so enjoy the break. Prim tap and G1 tap exam classes I will see you Sunday at Centre Stage as per your letter. This is your last coaching session and in your own groups so please make every effort to be there. Your Music player is coming in especially to play for you too so only opportunity to practice with her. We are nearly there so keep up the good work. You must know everything off by heart by Sunday!
Happy Valentine's day everyone ❤
I feel a bit like this today 😂
To my tap exam students. Please keep practicing. G1 you have the tools and you have the skill but you must do the work and I know that you can. Go for it.
This is ridiculous! Selling shoes online to anyone. Someone bought these for her daughter (not from my school or anywhere I work) without even thinking. The teacher did not tell her to as she is not ready and the parent did not ask the teacher. Pointe shoes should only be purchased with the consent of the qualified teacher and at a certain age and grade. Shoes should be properly fitted in store. No fitting can be done online. This is seriously dangerous stuff. If your daughter asks for pointe shoes simply say NO! The cheap price of these also does not suggest quality. The teacher will not let her bring them or wear them in her class but will that stop her wearing them at home? So worrying.
NB! Just to let you all know that after this weekend we are on half term so no classes on 16th and 17th Feb. I had initially planned to take exam classes only on the sat but with so much extra coaching going on on Sundays etc my body needs to take a rest so I won't be teaching at all on Feb 16th and 17th. There will be exam coaching on Sunday 18th however for my tappers at centre stage in your exam groups as the the exam date is the 25th. Please remember that primary ballet students may attend corresponding classes in Buttevant on fri from 3.45-4.30pm or Charleville on sat from 11-12pm so please feel free to use this opportunity. G1 tappers you already know corresponding class times. See you fri and sat.