@Invigorate I strive to take all my clients to a whole new level of fitness. I focus hugely on emotional fitness along with physical fitness,as it is key:)
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking." I'm excited to guide you into Mental , Physical & Emotional Wellness. Ken Mahony 089-2215354
"Always Remember when your on a weightloss/fitness journey or seeking out any goals for that matter in life, keep focused on what your gaining not sacrificing. Very important to realise that when we quit things that will not serve us on our journey we are Consciously swapping out something of a lower nature so we can receive or achieve that of a higher nature. Everything we want is available to us in Abundance if we begin ACTING & MAKING DECISIONS the way that NEW YOU would be." Ken @Invigorate
"Getting into a rut," which means that we accept our fate because we form the HABIT of daily routine, a habit that finally becomes so strong we cease to try to throw it off. MAKE A CONSCIOUS DECISION RIGHT HERE AND AND NOW TO STEP AWAY FROM IT. NOBODY ENJOYS BEING "COMFORTABLY MISERABLE IN THERE OWN RUT" Ken Mahony
*Become Your Greatest Self @Invigorate* Experience the amazing atmosphere and phenomenal high energy exercise classes at Invigorate. Get a feel for this very unique Total Health & Wellness Programme. Imagine if there was a service in the Health & Wellness Industry that offered you all of the following. Congratulations ! You've found it... 'Start Living Life From The Inside->Out' *Weight Loss/Management Program *Weekly Accountability/Body Analysis *Life Coach Guidance *Mindfulness Coaching *Learn to manage Stress & Anxiety etc *Become the Master of your Emotions (Spaces Very Limited) Book Now : Ken Mahony 089-2215354
For those of you deciding to go Vegan on your health journey ☺
Hey guys for those of you who have young kids/youths . I'm going to be really focusing on 'Invigorate Kids & Youths' in 2018. Along with the exercise I really aim to begin teaching the kids and youths of clane some life changing techniques and strategies that will help them stay clear of anxiety/depression and guide them in how to experience much more happiness , confidence , self esteem and wellbeing. One thing I'm certain of is that children need this in order to find themselves and follow their heart, before all the bad habits and addictions are developed because of unhappiness or uncertainty about who they truly are or who they are becoming. (Limited) Kids up to 15 only €50 month Mon-Fri@4.30pm 20+classes ☺ Youths 16-18 €60 month Mon-Sat Unlimited Classes 😉
If your Answer to these questions is yes, you're ready to make a lasting Change. Are you ready to accept responsibility for how your results have been in your health and wellness up until this point? Are you ready to Change your entire life by mastering your emotions? Are you ready transform your entire mindset and swap the old beliefs for new ones ? Are you ready to step away from the pain of remaining your Current Self and move forward into pleasure becoming your Desired Self? Are you ready to take back control of life and begin living a life of fulfillment every single day? If you've answered yes to all of the above then it's time to get a move on as your ready for lasting change in your life. Don't procrastinate any longer. Book an Appointment ASAP.
Grab a free trial at Invigorate class to confirm your new year resolution.
Here @ Invigorate I cannot drill it home enough to my clients how important it is to manage our thoughts and absolutely master our emotions. If you truly want to lead a healthy life and start living a life of total wellness both emotionally and physically you must not procrastinate any longer . I promise my programme will transform your life and this year and forever more . I have many many clients who are living a much more fullfilled and happy and emotionally in control life after learning my principles. If you are willing to change, things can start changing immediately. Call: Ken Mahony 0892215354