Scoil Mochua Parents Association
Welcome, here you will find information and news about events and activities of School Mochua Parents Association.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS***REMINDER: NO SCHOOL TOMORROW** School is closed on Monday 26th February to facilitate teacher training.
*MID-TERM THIS THURSDAY/FRIDAY* Don't forget that school is closed on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th February for mid-term.
**Physical Activity Survey** Scoil Mochua are involved in the Active Flag initiative, giving both parents and children the opportunity to complete a short survey regarding physical activity in the school. This information can help the school to improve in the area of physical exercise, so please take a few moments to give your views. The parents' survey is at the following link: and the children's survey can be found here:
**DON'T FORGET SCHOOL CLOSING EARLY TOMORROW!!!** Scoil Mochua closes at midday tomorrow Friday 9th to facilitate staff training.
We are well into the 5 week Readathon, which started on 29th January and continues until Friday 2nd March. There are lots of useful tips for parents at the following link:
**Scoil Mochua Swap Shop TOMORROW 1.40pm-2.40pm** It's the first Wednesday of the month tomorrow and it's a school day. That can only mean one thing...Scoil Mochua Swap Shop!! Come along and swap one size for another. This is a great way to keep school uniform costs down so venture over to the foyer and don't forget to bring any no-longer-needed uniform items. **Please note that the swap shop is in the foyer, not the small hall as previously stated**
**Tomorrow is Safer Internet Day** As tomorrow is Safer Internet Day, all classes will be engaging in age-appropriate lessons to promote the safe use of the internet. Parents can find more information and guidance at and Parents of children in 4th, 5th and 6th classes are also invited to attend a workshop at the school on Tuesday 13th February. You must register for this event. Please click on the link for further info:
**Enrolment for Junior Infants** Just a reminder that enrolment for Junior Infants takes place on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th February between 10.00am and 1.00pm in the school foyer. Please read the Enrolment Policy for full details:
**Please see below message from the school, which you can also find on** Dear Parents, you are invited to attend a talk on Internet Safety on February 13th at 7pm in Scoil Mochua. This is a follow-up to the workshops which all children from 3rd - 6th engaged in before Christmas. Zeeko are a UCD-based company that have vast experience of working with children and parents on how to ensure our children are safe when online. We will endeavor to cater for as many parents as we can, given the serious nature of the topic under discussion. We will prioritise parents of children in 4th, 5th and 6th classes. Confirmation of your place at this talk will be sent to you by email, and we will have a sign-in sheet on the night. All parents are invited to register an interest in attending, and if there is a need, we will book a second evening with Zeeko. Everyone who registers here will receive an email, either confirming your place at the talk on February 13th at 7pm, or offering you a place at a later date. Please contact the school if you have any queries in relation to this.
Swap shop is back today between 1.40 & 2.40 in the small hall!
Merry Christmas to everyone from the Parents Association at Scoil Mochua