Dance Fitness With Edel
mon & wed at 7pm. Dance fitness is a cardio workout to music with various exercises.squats, lunges, boxing, kicking and much more. Sweat & fun gauranteed
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Dance fitness this week wednesday at 7pm and sunday and 11am all in the studio above paco dublin road. Newcomers welcome as always.. €5 pay as go 😊
Ok folks SUNDAY CLASSES ARE BACK: To get us all set for the party season starting 5th november @ 11am in the studio above paco dublin road. €5 pay as you go. Newcomers welcome 😊
Who wants SUNDAY morn classes back??? If I have enough interest I will put on a sunday class at 11am for month of November. Let me know your thoughts 😉
Wanna wish our fellow dancer miss Noelle Tobin the very best of luck in the oskars for Laragh on saturday night. Maybe you come home with an oskar and put it next to mine 😂😂😂😂
Dance fitness continues this eve at 7pm feel guilt free this bank holiday with a sweaty workout
Dance fitness continues this week Monday and wednesdays at 7pm in the studio above paco dublin road. Newcomers welcome as always. €5 pay as you go. Have a guilt free bank holiday weekend with a good workout 😊
Dance fitness continues tomorrow eve (wednesday) at 7pm in the studio above paco dublin road. Newcomers as always welcome €5 pay as u go 😊
Rememeber we NOT dancing 2night 😉
Folks due to pending storm i am CANCELLING tomorrow eve class.
Great to be back tonight and welcome to newcomers hope you enjoyed it. See ya all next monday 😉
I'M BACK and ready to get back to work and get rid of the holiday calories. So see ya tomorrow eve at 7pm. Newcomers welcome as always the countdown to the jiggle bells is nearing 😉😉😉