Scribblestown Boot Camp
Health and well being of mind & Body .
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facebook.comClass review, Thurs March 16th, 6pm - 7.15pm Remember 2 arrive for class suited & 'booted' , ( so 2 speak ! ) 5 mins b4 we kick off, so that means checkin in @ 5.55pm, & starting on time @ 6pm sharp! This means we all finish on time @7pm and not 7.15pm ! Tonight we employed the 'Tabata' principle on our circuits. This means isolating one muscle group and targeting it continuously over 2 & hlf mins, working it back to back for 8 sets of 20 seconds with 10 seconds off. With 4 different stations ( 4 different exercises) we worked upper body ( squat trusts ) lower body ( low squat stomping ) heart & lungs ( ladder climbs ) & feet swipes for a full on, non stop, 10 minutes Our Cardio consisted of 7 sets of interval runs, which are the very essence of the system of fitness underpinning bootcamp classes ie H.I.I.T. or High Intensity Interval Training . This means working intensely for short explosive bursts followed immediately by recovery, then on again and so on . 2 nte we ran 30 seconds @ 70% of our max , followed by 30 seconds of recovery jogging , followed immediately by 30 seconds of the 'on ' phase etc. We then worked the mid section with some core (abdominal) exercises ; flutter kicks, cross kicks, Jack knives , and finishing suitably enough, 'on the floor ' (!) with a 2 min plank . Good job class ! Now having put in the graft in your class , with a pep in your step & pride in ur stride , go and enjoy your St Patrick's Eve ! Your next class , as ever is the most important & will begin @ 10.30am on Saturday morning 18 th March , in T.V.P Bring it on . Coach
Notice of class cancellation - tues March 14th. Please note that due to late cry offs & injuries to regulars I am , and regrettably, cancelling tonight's class ! Bootcamp class will recommence as usual at 6pm on the eve of St Patrick's Day, Thursday 16th March at 6pm . As Friday is a national holiday what better way to celebrate than an invigorating, energising , & mood enhancing outdoor fitness class ! Lets do it . Coach
Sunday Match 20th, Class review. Q. When did u last regret doing a tough fitness class ? A. Never is the answer , and here are the reasons ; In order to achieve something good u must step out of your comfort zone , reach breathlessness , feel lactic acid build up, and a deep burn in ur muscles . You need to work at an intensity representing a heart beat of between 160 & 190 b's p.m ( beats per minute ) This level of exercise hits all the bases : burning calories all day, shedding pounds, building lean muscle, lowering blood pressure , improving heart & lung function and many more health & functional fitness rewards . This morning in the spring sunshine we pushed those boundaries , especially on the 5 back to back z runs up hill, driving hard & finishing each successive run at the same time or better as we did ! Good job guys & well done to newbie Rita who was shocked to hear we were doing 5 sucessive runs with only 20 second breaks but who surprised us and herself by finishing first on the 5 th run. ( albeit having g stood out the 4th run ? ) Remember, in order to sustain your progress your most important class is your next class, Tuesday 6pm. Coach
Notice ; Weekend 10/12 March -Class time . Take note we will be holding a class on Sunday morning 12th March, 10.30am in Tolka valley park. This Sunday choose health and well-being with a full on & flat out high intensity interval fitness training class . You will be glad u did . Coach
Bootcamp Week day start times. 6pm every Tuesday & Thursday evening until further notice . Further notice.......From the end of the month, in 2 & half weeks time, with the additional hour of daylight when the clock 'springs' forward on 26th March, we will start @ 6.30pm. Coach
NOTICE Our Tuesday 7th March , Bootcamp class will begin as usual @ 6pm . Coach
Sunday morning, 5th March, class report With soggy , damp underfoot conditions, the going was definitely soft to yielding in TVP but it certainly didn't stop Mal, Derek & Willie making light of the conditions with a good 70 minute shift . Kicking off with partner on kosak walks over 25 metres leaving willie in agony on the ground ' planking ' it , the big man was in rare form laughing loud from early doors a sure sign he was in glorious pain b4 being relieved by Mal & Derek who took over with push ups ! 3 × 2 & hlf min similar drills alternating with various movements, incl crab walks, bear crawls, jogging backwards, combined with squat trusts, low squat pulsing set the errrrr....pulse rising so to speak , b4 we 'dived' ( maybe belly flopped wud describe it better ! ) n2 a lengthy ( 16 min ) circuits phase.. Slogging it out up hill over 4 stations, plank push-ups, squat jumps, seated double kicks & burpees followed by a long and winding recovery run back to station 1 for rounds, 2,3,4, 5 & 6, reducing the reps by two on successive sets providing the psychological incentive on finishing each set . A Tough , turgid, trudge in the conditions, it undoubtedly was, but fair play in finishing out strongly after set 6. Complimenting the ground work with some 'air'obic fitness Mal, Willie & Derek 'flew' through 6 mins of intervals pushing hard for the yard in the 'on ' phase of our rectangular , ant clockwise , mud track ! Well done all & welcome back Mal . Your next class , as always, is ur most important . Watch this space for times. Coach
Sunday 5th March, 10.30am - 11.30am. Take note of an opportunity 2 lose weight, shed pounds, tone, burn fat tissue and feel the natural high caused by releasing endorphins ! ? At Scribblestown Bootcamp you are guaranteed all of the above under the guidance of an experienced fitness instructor whose tried & tested class drills, adaptable to all fitness levels , will help u attain your fitness goals. So get out to Tolka valley park, Rathbourne, Ashtown, on Sunday morning at 10.25am. No registration, forms, membership mullarkey, yearly contract required . Just turn up and go . With ur first class free of charge it's a no brainier . Let's do it !
Class review, Thurs 2nd March, 6pm - 7pm. Hitting the track running ,so to speak after a 'joint' joint mobiliser & flexibility jog we did what once was an olympic sport ; a hop, skip & jump over 40 metres, followed with a bear crawl for 10 metres then up & on2 the track where we did an upward & outward arcing gallop returning up to the start changing up the dynamic with a 40 metre backwards run complimented with a 10 meter crab walk up 2 the track where we pushed out on a downward arc towards the tolka river then a sprint on the flat track & back to the start, repeating drills 1 & 2 we completed a tidy pre - circuits warm up . Adopting the Tabatha principle of 20 seconds on, 10 off ,with a 4 exercise 8 round circuit , working flat out 2 mins 40 secs per station , we targeted lower body muscles with low squat pulsing, getting down & durty with reverse push ups for the top of the house, donkey kicks for the engine room, & ab crunches 4 the core , blowing hard on the last few rounds of the 4 th station Derek & Willie finished strong . For the cardio : 5 back to back , on the clock, 120 metre sprints across a heavy, damp sod , which proved a real stamina sapper, getting a good 1 st time, we tried to equal it or better and did, well done . As I said u can feel proud of urself 4 puttin in a huge shift 2nte & enjoy ur cuppa & biscuit after that class . With our HR working between 160 - 190 b's p. m we certainly were ticking all the boxes of a good workout with a calorie burn, building lean muscle tissue, toning , changing bmi , & conditioning lower, middle & upper body in 1 . Well done 2 my class . I'm proud of the athletes I am producing ! Your next Scribblestown bootcamp Class ; Sun March 5th, 10.30am, TVP. Bring it on !
Bootcamp class, tues 28th Feb, 6pm-7pm. We headed for the hills first to raise the pulse & rev the engines, where we ran 3 back to back hill sprints ( 60 metres) with some low impact, aerobic exercises to follow, we then mobilised & stretched out b4 doing 2 mins of pyramid sprints,over a 10, 20 & 30 metre distance following up with 4 mins of 20, 40 & 60 metre pyramids . Hitting our straps now we did a 4 station , 6 round, 11 min , descending reps circuit phase including tuck jumps, plank jacks, feet swipes & standing Spiderman tucks, around a rectangular shaped perimeter with good work rate & steady pace on the 'off' phase . Huge application from Willie & Derek finishing out a tough drill in demanding conditions of driving wind and rain ! We completed a hard session with a run through the park as far as the bridge where we did some wide stance squats pulsing out on the down phase, followed by some lunges b4 returning to the RVP for a post stretch to prevent cramp , return the major muscle groups to their pre activity elasticity, to bring down the HR and to lower the body temperature . Good job . Your next class , as always is your most important .
What's a total body workout ? In tonight's class we focussed on achieving a total body workout . Firstly, Targeting lower body muscles we did a series of 20 metre lateral squat shuffles followed by 5 quality squat jumps, repeating the squat shuffle back except on returning to the start upping the reps to 10 jumps, then 15 and then 20 jumps . We then lunged out over a 20 metre space, stopping every 10 lunges , holding the lunge position and pulsing out to failure, continuing with lunging out on alternating legs to the start line. We then focussed on some upper body muscles with some walking push ups moving laterally 3 arm paces, 1 push up and repeating 3 paces arm walk & 1 push up etc 4 one full minute . 40 seconds of donkey kicks followed .We finished our upper body work with some standing , arms outstretched hand circles, complimented by some seal jacks, returning to the hand circles except changing direction, repeated the drill 4 times, followed by a flat out sprint on the track down to orange coloured lamp and sprinting back up track . Finally and targeting the mid section we did 1 minute of ab cruches with emphasis on form ensuring no jerking of neck or head on upward phase , holding at top of movement before lowering our upper body under control , followed by 40 secs of Russian twists ( obliques ) ,40 seconds of v-ups , & ur 'core' core exercise , 90 seconds of plank ! We complimented the lower, upper & mid section conditioning with 5 , timed , back to back, endurance runs , starting on track at RVP sprinting up hill towards Gate turning left and hitting the downhill track along side training area and down towards river track turning left towards orange lamp post , taking a sharp left and sprinting 70 metres up to the start / finish line. We recovered for 25 seconds before repeating the run this time reversing the direction heading down first along track and back up etc . Repeat, repeat, repeat and repeat . That is what u call a total body workout out ! Well done guys u nailed it !
Scribblestown Bootcamp class Thurs 23rd February . This evenings class at tolka valley park, rathbourne, D.15 reboots at 6pm sharp, arriving with ur trainers ( preferably on your feet ! ) your bottled water under your oxyster, and a big smile on your face ! More invigoration of mind & body in the great outdoors with 60 mins of a co ordinated, and structured total body workout , bringing in pre & post major muscle group stretches, joint mobilisers & flexibility exercises, circuits , cardio, core and much more from res fitness instructor . Let's do this !