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B-Safe Fire Safety

Waterpark, Carrigaline, Ireland



Offering Fire Safety Services Nationwide.
Fire Risk Assessments / Fire Extinguishers / Staff Training Fire Risk Assessment

Don’t risk the lives and wellbeing of your employees and customers. The serious disruption to your operations, or the penalties which could be imposed under the Regulations if you fail to do so could be detrimental to your business.

Under Irish fire safety law, businesses have a legal responsibility to have a suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment carried out for their premises.

The fire risk assessment needs to ensure that satisfactory escape routes are identified and kept available for use, suitable arrangements are made to detect and give warning of a fire, and that appropriate fire-fighting equipment is strategically located around the workplace.

Is your Fire Risk Assessment up to date?

It is essential that you keep the assessment under review and revise it when necessary.  It is best practice to ensure this does not exceed a 12 month period.


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