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Slimming World Boyle

The Spool Factory, Patrick Street, Boyle, Ireland




BBQ Pulled Pork cooking away slowly in the oven. We all love this dish and free on the Slimming World Plan.

Slimming World is on tonight in the Spool Factory at 5.30 and 7.30pm. There are two great offers out this week giving you the opportunity to join for just €9. Tracy 😊

Watch this space as planning in place to support our very courageous Niamh Flanagan - keep checking for our plans on here ! All members, friends and family Are so welcome to support xx

No more excuses, it is time to out YOU first. Come and join our friendly group in The Spool Factory (Old Roscommon Herald Building), Every Thursday at 5.30pm and 7.30pm where you will find out how to FILL up on your favourite foods & SLIM down!! Call or text Tracy on 0863891600 for more information or message me here. What have you got to lose? Only the pounds😊

Woman magazine out today with a special offer for FREE membership

If you want make a great decision this week, there is an offer in Woman Magazine for free membership to join Slimming World!! 😊 We are in The Old Spool Factory every Thursday at 5.30 and 7.30pm Contact Tracy King 0863891600 for more information

Grab Best Magazine today for a joining offer voucher to join any Slimming World group for just €9

Have you left your weight loss dreams behind, have you tried to diet before? Have you been a member of ours before and abandoned all attempts? If you have, believe me you're not alone. So can I ask you to take a few moments and think about this. Diets are restrictive and put you in a frame of mind that you battle with constantly, so would it help if you thought of things differently. Instead of dieting, think about changing your lifestyle, think about changing the way you cook, shop and eat. Plan delicious satisfying meals that fit in with the family. Think about changing your lifestyle around food and drink and as a bonus you can watch the weight drop off. Put that alongside a great support structure with people that are rooting for you, they won't judge or ridicule you, they will be there for you every week. So why not come to Slimming World and start to change your lifestyle so you can relight those dreams and achieve what you once thought wasn't achievable. Together we can do it. A happy future is just a step away xx

Spread the word - please share

Out in group next week
