These are very simple solutions for kids/adults who are suffering health issues. Ayurvedic remedies will be provided to make their life better.
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facebook.comHello Friends, Below are benefits of cow's milk mentioned in Ayurveda Jeevaneeya – promotes long life, Rasayana – anti aging, rejuvenating Kshataksheena hita – good for those emaciated after chest injury Medhya – increases intelligence, Balya – strengthening Stanyakara – promotes breast milk production Sara – helps easy movement of the bowels Relieves Shramahara – exhaustion, Bhramahara – dizziness Mada – toxicity, Alakshmi - in-auspiciousness Shwasa – dyspnoea, Kasa – cough, Atitrut Kshudha – severe thirst and hunger, Jeernajvara – chronic fevers, Mutrakrichra – dysurea Raktapitta - bleeding diseases Hope you will find this useful Thanks
Remedies for HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE according to Ayurveda 1. Daal chini ( Cinnamon) : Cinnamon is very healthier with honey and hot water. This is one of the best cure for high BP. Cinnamon tea also is very helpful. 2. Methi Dana ( Fenugreek seeds) : Put in hot water for overnight and consume in day. 3. Arjun ki chaal (Terminalia Arjuna) : This tree root has to be boiled in hot water and then drink. This will reduce heart blockage, obesity, tryglyceroide. Very good for weak heart patients. 4. Lauki ka Ras: Bottle gourd Juice, Eating bottle gourd is also helpful. 5. Bilva patra ( Bilva tree ) : This is the same bilva patra which we offer to lord shiva. Best would be to offer this to lord shiva and then dry them in sunlight and then drink with hot water . This is the most cheapest and easily available leaves in India. The sacred tree can cure problems like bleeding gums, dysentry, asthma, jaundice, anaemia etc Try these and let us know. Thanks
Origin of Ayurveda: Below para will only be understood by those who have knowledge of Indian mythologies. Apologies for others. Lord Brahma, remembering Ayurveda, taught it to Prajapathi, he in turn taught it to Ashwini Kumaras (twins), they taught it to Sahasraksa (Lord Indra), he taught it to Atri’s son (Atreya Punarvasu) and other sages, they taught it to Agnivesa and others and they (Agnivesha and other disciples ) composed treatises, each one separately. Thanks
You all will be amazed to know that 5000 years ago below branches were described in Ayurveda, which modern day doctors specializes in 1. Kaya Chikitsa – General medicine 2. Bala Chikitsa – Paediatrics 3. Graha Chikitsa – Psychiatry 4. Urdhvanga Chikitsa – Diseases and treatment of Ear, Nose, Throat, Eyes and Head (neck and above region) 5. Shalya Chikitsa – Surgery 6. Damshrta Chikitsa – Toxicology 7. Jara Chikitsa – Geriatrics 8. Vrushya Chikitsa – Aphrodisiac therapy These are 8 branches in Ayurveda
Hello Everyone, Below is some information about drinking hot water according to Ayurveda Ushnajala-hot water drinking benefits Hot water Deepana – stimulates hunger, Pachana – helps digestion, Kantya – good for the throat, Laghu – easily to digest, Basti shodhana – cleanses the urinary bladder, Relieves Hidhma – relives hiccup, Adhmana – flatulence, Anila – aggravation of Vata Shleshma – aggravation of Kapha It is ideal on the days of Panchakarma therapy Navajvara – fever of recent origin Kasa – cold, cough Ama – accumulation of undigested materials, Peenasa – rhinitis (running nose), Shwasa – dyspnoea and Parshvaruja – pain in the flanks. Hope you will find this information useful and will start drinking hot water.
अधारणीय वेग Adharaneeya Vega – Natural urges that should not be suppressed according to Ayurveda One should not suppress these natural urges - 1. Adhovata – flatus (fart) 2. Vit – faeces 3. Mutra – urine 4. Kshavatu – sneeze 5. Trut – thirst 6. Kshudha – hunger 7. Nidra – sleep 8. Kasa – cough 9. Shramashvasa – breathing on exertion 10. Jrumbha – Yawning 11. Ashru – tears, weeping 12. Chardi – vomiting 13. Retas – semen All these natural urges should not be suppressed by force.
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Four simple Ayurveda rules (Vaghbhat Sanhita) that will change life of everyone specially for kids: 1. Never drink water immediately after food. Drink after 1 hour. Why? When we drink water immediately after food it destroys fire which is generated inside stomach and your food will never get digested properly. In Ayurveda water immediately after food is referred as Poison. You can drink milk, butter milk or fruit juice after food but never water. 2. Drink water slowly slowly . Ghoot ghoot Karke (sip sip ) Why? Cuz alkaline in saliva mixes with acid in stomach and makes ph value zero. Zero ph value is ideal for everyone. If there is loads of Acid n no alkaline we wil get Acidity, indigestion, gas, stomach bloating. 3. Never ever drink COLD WATER 4. Immediately after waking up in morning drink hot water . Thanks
Sun is transiting in Vrishchika Rashi from 16th November 2016 for one month. Since Saturn is already sitting in Vrishchika Rashi this transition is not good. Mesh Rashi: Gud or Gehun ka Daan Karen , Sehat Kat Dhyan Rakhen Vrishabhava Rashi: Career might change, Good for this Rashi , Jal charayen Mithun : Surya mantra ka jup Karen, take care of kids Karka Rashi: Take decisions properly, wear copper Singh: Gayatri mantra ka jap Karen Kanya: Santaan key Jeevan ko Lekar chinta, krodha na Karen , surya ko argh de Tula: Stomach problem, surya ke tantrik mantra ka jup Karen Vrishchika:Career problems, keep watch on language and anger, roz Subah surya ko Haldi daalkar jal charayen Dhanu: Money problem might happen, Trouble with bosses might occur , don't wear red , respect father Makar : Aakasmit dhan ka laabh hoga, Aaditya hriday strot ka path Karen Kumbh: Problem with bones, jal charayen Meen :Surya ok roli milakar jal charayen Hope you will find this useful. Thanks
Are you Maanglik? It's very simple to know that whether we are Maanglik or not. You don't have to go to any astrologer to know this. If you have your kundali simply check where is Mangal (Mars) sitting. If it's in the 1, 4, 7, 8, 12 then you are Maanglik. If it's in the 7th house then you are pure Maanglik cuz it's marriage house.