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The Birr Centre of Health, Healing and Wellbeing

Emmet Square, Birr, Ireland
Medical & Health




My lovely friends of the Birr Centre of Health, Healing and Wellbeing We or rather I am relocating, I just don't know yet where to. So the Centre will be a virtual space for a while... For appointments it's business as usual... So don't worry.. All is well.. Thank you for all your beautiful support over the last year!!! Love, Renée

Good morning everyone.... What a glorious morning... for me it is anyway... I tidied up my garden, talked to my plants and now I am ready for anything.. but sometimes those bright sunny days make you even more depressed or out of sync with yourself and the world around you... Then it is time to ask for help... As a homeopath I will figure out what the problem is and address it , gently, efficiently and permanently... And if you need help with Hay fever, sun allergies, monthly issues, fertility problems, any other issues...just make an appointment. Love, Renée

Good morning everyone... I am still so excited ... We had a brilliant seminar on yesterday here at the Birr Centre of Health, Healing and Wellbeing... It was for professional Homeopaths ( Sorry to the lay people we look after ye another day..). Focusing mainly on using the Table of Plants in Homeopathy...We learned more about remedies and the wondrous order of the Plant system and we worked on cases to put the new knowledge to the practice... So if you feel you are stuck in a rut somewhere, maybe a plant remedy would suit you... Why don't you make an appointment and we see where the journey will bring us.. Thanks, Renée

Learn new strategies to deal with internal and external clutter. Save Time and Money.. Cover charge €16.00 includes refreshments

Well my friends...Did ye miss me... I took a break and it was only great... I feel refreshed and happy and full of energy... I can recommend it... We have 3 Workshops coming up before the summer break. The first one is 'Declutter your Life and Home', on Saturday 6.May from 10.00 till 13.00... You will learn new strategies to deal with your internal and external clutter. Cover charge €16.00. Includes refreshments. 3 weeks later, on Saturday 27th. May, we will have an exchange morning from 10.00 till 13.00. You bring unwanted clothes and ornaments and bric a brac and home furnishings and swap them with whatever the others bring in...Your clutter might well be somebody else's treasure. Cover charge €5.00. Includes refreshments. On 10th June we will have another Tree Appreciation Event. Get to know your local trees...From 11.00 till 13.00. Cover charge €5.00. Includes refreshments.. That's all for now.. Enjoy the spring..Love, Renée

Hi Folks.... Sorry for not talking to ye in a while.. it's not personal.. I promise...Just trying to get myself organised.. you know how it is.. Anyway.. just wanted to let you know about Rowena Keaveny joining our team... She is a qualified arts therapist... For more info check our services section on this facebook page.. I am in the process of planning new workshops and Talks for the spring.. So if you would like somebody to speak at the Birr Centre of Health, Healing and Wellbeing I will gladly try to arrange it.. Put yer thinking caps on for an exciting programme of events.. Love ye and leave ye.. Renée

Good morning... A magical morning again... for all the mummies and daddies out there.. Enjoy a relaxing Sunday morning with your The Birr Centre of Health, Healing and Wellbeing...Talk to Aoife about it... Love, Renee

Happy New Year, Everybody... Just getting back to kind of normal ... whatever normal is.. This is the time to reflect and adjust and most important of all.. Take Action!!! It's all very well to say I am going to be healthier, fitter, slimmer, kinder,successfuller, nonsmokinger, lessdrinkinger, etc... Just do one tiny step.. Pick up an apple, walk around the block, phone your health practitioner to help you over the stumbling blocks, read an amazing book... whatever works for you... small steady undaunting steps.. as long as you are moving forward... And enjoy it... See ye soon... Love, Renée

Well it is this time of the year again... Wishing you all a very happy Christmas... Get excited or still.. Love it or ignore it..get stressed over it or go for a long walk.. What ever happens it's the right way.. Love, Renée

Well it is this time of the year again... Wishing you all a very happy Christmas... Get excited or still.. Love it or ignore it..get stressed over it or go for a long walk.. What ever happens it's the right way..
Love, Renée


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