Our goal is to service the needs of the Co-op’s owners, providing goods and services to the rural communities stretching from Ring, Clonakilty on the west to the Old Head of Kinsale on the east.
Barryroe Co-op, the great value superkmarket for food, electrical goods, hardware, building materials and farm supplies. We have a comprehensive fresh meat counter and a Deli counter. We also have a comfortable Café/Restaurant serving Tea/Coffee and Lunches.
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facebook.comImported Fodder In response to the continued bad weather and fodder shortage, Barryroe has organised the delivery of imported Haylage big bales (approximate weight 750-800Kg each) coming into Co-op early next week. Please book your requirements (bales will be sold at cost price of €90 per bale) with Scott in Central or Brian in Ballinspittle.
Congratulations to Ivor Anderson, Baurleigh, Bandon for winning the Co-op Source/Greenvale competition. Ivor won a pallet of Barryroe Ultra Sweet Calf Starter (manufactured by Greenvale) having purchased a pallet of Co-op Source TopStart Milk Replacer this Spring (all customers who purchased a pallet of TopStart were automatically entered in the draw). Pictured in the photo below from left are Brendan Cronin (Greenvale), Ivor Anderson (competition winner), Scott Lovell (Barryroe Co-op) and John Heaphy (Co-op Source).
Last week, the Co-op Committee of Management praised and expressed their gratitude to the efforts of all Barryroe Co-op staff during and after Storm Emma. Many went way above and beyond what would be reasonably expected of them.
Congratulations to Conor Lehane (son of Gerard Lehane, Burrane, Timoleague), who along with Mark Shorten representing St. Brogan’s College, Bandon, were confirmed as the overall winners of the 2018 Certified Irish Angus Beef Schools Competition which is organised by the Irish Angus Producer Group, ABP and Kepak. For the full story see
Saint Patrick's Day (Weekend) Opening Hours Please note all Barryroe Co-op branches (mill/agri/hardware) are closed & there are no deliveries this Saturday 17th March.All branches are open & a full delivery service will operate next Monday 19th March Note Central Supermarket is open 9am until 2pm and Ballinspittle 7am until 8pm on Saturday 17th March.
Eurospar @ Barryroe Co-op & Agri store in Central are now open today Saturday until 4:30pm. Normal hours tomorrow Sunday in Supermarket 9am until 2pm.
Due to extreme weather conditions and the safety of our staff and customers all branches of Barryroe Co-op will remain closed today Friday. Hopefully we can re open tomorrow Saturday. Take care.
While the local landscape was a picture today, it caused significant challenges for the Co-op, its farmer customers and the local community. Sincere thanks to all the employees, across all branches and departments, who worked through the difficult conditions today to help service customers; and to all our customers who showed great patience and understanding.
Speak to Volac AS Gold representative and avail of the following special offers: Buy 5Kg Vovac As Gold & Get 2x500g FREE Buy 2.5Kg Vovac As Gold & Get 1x500g FREE Milk Bar Teats & Feeder’s 10% OFF
Last Tuesday, 20th of February, Teagasc ran a spring Grass 10 farm walk on the farm of Owen O Brien, Cashelbeg, Bandon. Key points from the event: -Importance to utilise grass in early spring. Even if that means 3 hour grazings at a time. -A spring rotation planner is vital to plan for the grazing season. The targets are one third of the farm grazed by the 1st March, two thirds grazed by 17th March and first rotation completed by the 5-10th of April (Magic day). -Important to ensure cows are covered for grass tetany. One of the easiest ways of doing this is to feed your cows the recommended rate of dairy nuts.
Speak to Volac AS Gold representative and avail of the following special offers: Buy 5Kg Vovac As Gold & Get 2x500g FREE Buy 2.5Kg Vovac As Gold & Get 1x500g FREE Milk Bar Teats & Feeder’s 10% OFF
Zanil milk withdrawal now 4.5 days Be aware the milk withdrawal period for Zanil Fluke Drench is now 108 hours/4.5 days (it was 3 days). Old packaged product can still be used (once it is in date) but 4.5 day milk withdrawal MUST be observed.