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Sabina Jennings Health Clinic, Bandon, Ireland
Alternative & Holistic Health Service



Iridology is the study of the Iris of the Eye (  the coloured part) in order to assess a persons genetic predisposition. Please note that any case history shown on this site has had full permission of the patient. Please note that all irises and case histories put on this facebook page and on our web site have the full permission from the our clients.
Through the markings, colours and structure of the iris, the iridologist can find out so much about a person - for example -  a client came into our clinic having seen a raft of practitioners and doctors.  The client was in pain.  The patient had been treated for muscular tensions, but looking at the iris, it was clear from some very clear markings, that the probable cause was dysbiosis from the digestive tract and food intolerances causing inflammation. Iridology is not 100% accurate, but it does give the practitioner a further insight into the patient sitting before them.


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Bandon, Ireland
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