Cork Golf Centre
Enjoy our fantastic Practice facilities at Cork Golf Centre with Brand New Srixon Golf Balls, Super new Playing Mats, Brand new Trackman Teaching Studio & Golf Fitness Suite, while also being able to work with our Mind Coach. Your One Stop Shop for Golf. Enjoy our fantastic Practice facilities at the Cork Golf Centre with Brand New Srixon Golf Balls, Super new Playing Mats, Brand new Trackman Teaching Studio & Golf Fitness Suite, while also being able to work with our Mind Coach. All elements covered in your One Stop Shop for Golf.
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Capto and Trackman Putting analysis at the Cork Golf Centre #trackmangolf #captogolf #puttingsolutions #visioputting #golf @ Cork Golf Centre
Photos from Cork Golf Centre's post
Wayne Jnr with Muskerry junior scratch cup @ Muskerry Golf Club
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Trackman at the Cork Golf Centre #trackmangolf
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Wayne Jnr hitting form handicap dropping#corkgolfcentre #golf #juniorgolf
Photos from Cork Golf Centre's post
Path before and after. A posture change and path drill analysis with Trackman and Capto putting software #captogolf #trackmangolf #putting #puttingsolutions #corkgolfcentre
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Results of bruen youths in Muskerry well done to all my students some great golf. #golf #corkgolfcentre
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Wayne Jnr shot level par round one of the Bruen boys in Muskerry this morning handicap tumbling. #golf #muskerrygolfclub #corkgolfcentre #douglasgolfclub
Photos from Cork Golf Centre's post
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Awesome win by Wayne Jnr
Photos from Cork Golf Centre's post
Awesome score in Muskerry junior scratch cup by cork golf centre student. Level par.
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Available now at the Cork Golf Centre #trackmangolf
Available now at the centre contact wayne for details