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Midwife Nanni

Westbrook Green, Balbriggan, Ireland
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I offer midwifery-led care for HSE approved homebirths, antenatal classes, antenatal and postnatal care and accupuncture. Self-employed community midwife


The Positive Birth Movement

Always good to read positive birth stories rather than listening to bad ones! Yes, unfortunately loads of woman have bad experiences and stories to share and should be listened to but if you are about to have a baby is better to wrap yourself in positive ones for a while.

Photos from Midwife Nanni's post

Photo session with the last ĺittle bundle of 2016. She is thriving and as you can see my own "little" bundle had to come and help this week. Part of the normality of having your own midwife=) congratulations to the proud first time parents! It was a great year and I am looking forward to more wonderful birth stories in 2017. There is still a few places available for my homebirth service so get in touch and see if I could be around for your due date! To another wonderful year as independent midwife🎉🎊😉

Photos from Midwife Nanni's post

Timeline Photos

Wishing everyone a happy new year. All the births have happened and there is a bit of a pause from being on call before the spring babies will be born. I still have a little bit of capacity before the summer break so get in touch if you are thinking of a homebirth and midwifery led care. Hope we all will have a great one! Xx Nanni

Timeline Photos

Returning to Love

Returning to Love

Timeline Photos

Happy Christmas to all! This little Angel was a present from one of my homebirth mama's and it suits my tree really nicely I feel. Always reminds me of the special side of the job. ❤💙💚💛💜

Timeline Photos

Kein Platz für Schwangere

The midwife situation is terrible in Germany and Swiss as well. Almost no more homebirth midwifes, closing of small units, centralisation, over-worked and under-staffed hospitals and very little choice for a lot of woman. Where is this so called first world going? It's all down to money. Normal natural birth is not lucrative and insurances for midwifes are hard to get and very expensive. I really hope the tide will turn again, for all of our beautiful countries and the future generations. BTW 'the midwife' was placed under cultural heritage protection in Germany recently! Is that almost like being extinct? Food for thought. ...

Midwife Nanni's cover photo

Midwife Nanni's cover photo

Electronic Fetal Monitoring — No Benefits, Plenty of Harm


Channel 4 News

I like when she sais that she doesn't think it's right to feel embarrassed when you admit that it's not easy.

Ina May Gaskin

This is a very short clip that Ina May found and I think it is spot on.

Birth Without Fear


Birth Without Fear

A midwife's perspective on home versus hospital births

"The center of power at a homebirth lies with the woman and her loved ones. ".. so well said!


NEAR Midwife Nanni