Coach Mc Cormack Personal Training and Fitness Classes
Mc Cormack Fitness Studio is Private Personal Training Studio in Athboy
that provides meal and workout packages along with fitness classes for public use. Mc Cormack Fitness Studio is something different. The vision and mission is to provide small PT based fitness classes and to provide an effective and affordable facility to the public coupled with professional and expert advice and programming.
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facebook.comWill be in touch with all as we get updates
A glimpse of my wedding. See yis all next week
Hi all. No real response regarding the Tuesday morning class so it won't go ahead. I'm only on messenger so if there is an interest for Thursday morning please comment so I can arrange cover. Danny
Hi guys please message me here if interest in following this week coming as its only cover I can get. Thursday 7pm kettlebells and Thur eve for PT. Fri eve for PT. Tuesday 10am for circuits. Danny
Hope alls well everyone. Please don't be afraid to message the page so I can try organise sessions or a class for you. I am back next week. I have no phones so please let me know here about nights or times so I can try get the lads in. Danny
Hi folks I have just arrived in Madeira and on phone now. I am trying to sort cover and what days can be covered. I will try get a couple of classes running and a couple evenings for PT sessions. If you are a client please message me here. No phone. I will let people know about classes in the morning. I have no cover for tonight now, apologies.
Hi all. I'm not on the phone while away so you can get me on messenger and I'll get back to you. I'm working on cover for some clients and classes through the week so contact me and I'll sort it from here. Danny
New classes coming in march ! Nows the time to save money as they will all be €7 pay as you go. Till this Friday only I'm selling 10 class passes for €50. And 10 Personal Training sessions for €120. Total saving of nearly €100. This week only. Pop down to me in the studio to collect. Danny 0857113232
Rest in peace Ross. Thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.
Good stretches here....