Advanced Hypnotherapy Ireland
Using the power of your mind to help solve your problems Advanced Hypnotherapy Ireland is owned and run by Christopher Dobinson RC Hyp, Dip Hyp ,
Certified as an Advanced Hypnotic Consultant over 10 years ago by Andrew Newton the man
that originally thought Paul Mc Kenna Christopher has amassed a wealth of knowledge including
graduating from the Cognitive Hypnosis Academy. With this knowledge he has helped many people
over come a number of problems/issues using the power of their own mind and he can help you to
with such problems/issues as Stopping Smoking * Fears/Phobias * Weight Control * Stress Anxiety *
Motivation *Addictions * Pain Relief * Insomnia * Low Self Esteem/Confidence * Panic Attacks
* Fertility Issues * Study and Exam Performance * Bed Wetting * Sexual Dysfunction * Emotional Difficulties
* Sports Performance * Regression/Memory Recall * Past Life Regression * And Many More
Group discounts and in home service available