At CrossFit Ashbourne, we want you to become stronger, healthier and fitter overall. CrossFit is constantly varied, functional fitness at high intensity! CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program. CrossFit workouts incorporate elements from high-intensity interval training, olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, calisthenics, strongman and other exercises.
Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. We aim to improve your ability to take part and be successful at any activity you apply yourself to, improving all aspects of fitness.
The CrossFit program is designed to be scalable, making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience, age or gender.
Our coaches are here to instruct, advise and motivate you. With their expertise and your dedication to both diet and CrossFit, you will see amazing results.
CrossFit Ashbourne wants you to join our community. We are inclusive and encourage all athletes, of all levels of experience, to take part. It's time to leave your ego at the door and enjoy pushing yourself to the limits of your ability, learn new skills and encourage other members to achieve.
Tell your friends
facebook.comFor the safety of our team and athletes, Crossfit Ashbourne will be closed for the remainder of today. Sorry for any inconvenience!
CrossFit Ashbourne's cover photo
The Gym Queen
The CrossFit Games
Velites Sport International
Photos from CrossFit Ashbourne's post
To say we are proud of our athletes' achievements this weekend at The Filthy150 is an understatement. Each and every one of you gave each WOD your all and left everything in the competition floor. For a gym our size to put 6 teams into the largest team competition in the country is incredible. Thank you to you all for your commitment,fight and dedication and to all who came to support. Thank you for showing us what CrossFit is all about and helping keep us positive when the WODs got tough! Here's to another year of training! There'll be no stopping us next year!
Come visit us at Meath Healthfest
Timeline Photos
We'll be at Meath HealthFest this Saturday, in Donaghmore Ashbourne GAA club. COme down and check us out! We're even running a competition on the day to win a starter pack worth €69! Just come ready to do a little work first! ;)
Crossfit partying it up for the lovely @niamhnimhuiri birthday. Thanks for a great Sunday girl! #ThereAintNoPartyLikeACrossfitParty 🎉🎈🏋🏼♀️. #Crossfit #crossfitashbourne #snatch #crossfitfamily #crossfitcommunity

Before I thrusters made me as if I was going to puke and my shoulders were so sore I couldn't lift my bag up #Crossfit #CrossfitAshbourne #crossfitcommunity #Trainhard #friday #thrusters

Had the best day at the #CrossfitAshbourne club competition. We all worked our socks off and it was amazing to be part of such a supportive team 🏃🏽♀️🏃🏽🏋🏻🏋🏼♀️💪🏼💪🏼#crossfitfamily #Crossfit #crossfitcommunity #Trainhard

Savage day for team trials! 💪

Well that was a Sunday well spent #crossfitashbourne #inhousecomp #goodsunday

Snatchy snatch

From constant bruises and to losing some skin. It's fair to say this crossfit milarky is a painful business 🤕 🏋🏼♀️💪🏼 #crossfit #crossfitinjuries #nopainnogain

Do crossfit they said. It'll be fun they said. #crossfitashbourne ✊️✊️ #lesschalknexttime #crossfit

Joining crossfit is the best thing I've ever done , such a great positive enviorment to train in and great positive people to train with.😊💪 . . . . . #crossfit #crossfitashbourne #vegains #vegan #positivevibes #fitfam #fitness #deadlift #lift #smile #nopainnogain #strenght #healthymind #yogi #namaste #irishfitfam #healthylifestyle #healthy #goals #plantbased #crueltyfree #dairyfree #happy

🐣"Helen" done with the Sunday crew. Then 10 minutes later I went to the dark place #somuchdarkness #immediateregret with 10 Rounds: 500m Row 15 Burpees. I did it solo. @niallmatthews400 refused to join in. He did pose for a photo afterwards though. Free of charge too... Now to AMRAP some eggs 🐣 🍫 #helen #sheisabitch #24kgwhyyoufeellike100kg #gripruined #kbswings #pullups #run #10rounds #row #burpee #loneWOD #mentalgame #nowicaneatallthechocolate #fitness #fitnesswholedonutinmymouth #eastergains #easterwod #crossfit #crossfitgirls #irishfitfam #irishcrossfit #iifym #gains #cardiNo #girlswholift

60kg clean and jerk. Could definitely go higher
