Are you looking for personal training or HIIT? Well I specialise in HIIT packages. Fun, fast and effective. Personal training packages available too. Thank you for taking the time to click on and have a look at my page. My story started with a huge passion for exercise and when I started to work on getting myself stronger, conquering fears and smashing goals I never felt so good. I would like to help you do the same.
If you have been thinking, or just toying with the idea of getting a personal trainer then why not just take the leap. Only good can come of it, you will start to feel better by smashing goals you only ever thought about. Its an hour for you and we can all do without an hour off from the real world...right?
Ive been where you are and fearing the change, thinking I CANT do it or I wouldn't be able to lift weights. Whatever your fear is its ok and we are allowed to be afraid of new things. To help you over these fears we call it personal training because its Personal to you. Any fears or reasons why you haven't tried before is ok we can talk through them and hopefully I can reassure you that you can achieve your goal.
And its not only lifting weights we will do, we will mix in some Suspension training, kettlebells, a bit of boxing to get out the days frustrations and resistance band work... Looking to burn body fat why not throw in some HIIT training. Also going on holidays why not ask me for a work out plan while you are away. There are so many body weight exercises you can do.
Got a group of work colleagues who have been talking about going to the gym but cant find the time, Why not arrange a 30 min HIIT session with me or a fun ETM Class, Circuit training is always a great choice as its mixes the work out up with great variety.
My PT Studio is small so that it allows that one on one time. No big gym atmosphere and only you and me and the weights :) Got a buddy that's itching to train too then we can do Twin Fit Sessions. Both of you train and the best bit is you progress together, push each other and get to celebrate the goals together.
I am currently building my studio at the moment it will be ready in a few weeks. If you are interested in a consultation or the corporate classes just click on the Message Me button and we can get talking.
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