Polski psycholog w Irlandii (Arklow, Co. Wicklow) / Professional counseling and psychotherapy services (Arklow Co. Wicklow) Nazywam się Justyna Jurczyk, jestem magistrem psychologii. Studia ukończyłam w roku 2007 na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim. Uważam że moja praca wymaga nieustannego uczenia się i rozwijania – dlatego uczęszczam na kursy poszerzające moją wiedzę i umiejętności, dokształcam się we własnym zakresie oraz poddaję moją pracę systematycznej superwizji.
Prowadzę psychoterapię łącząc kilka różnych nurtów – między innymi podejście poznawczo – behawioralne, elementy podejścia psychodynamicznego, oraz ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – Terapia Akceptacji i Zaangażowania); aby jak najlepiej dobrać sposób pracy do indywidualnych potrzeb klientów.
Wierzę że każdy człowiek posiada w sobie ogromny potencjał aby poradzić sobie ze swoimi trudnościami oraz polepszyć jakość swojego życia, a moją rolą jako psychologa jest pomóc go odnaleźć i rozwinąć.
My name is Justyna Jurczyk, I am qualified psychologist with Masters degree. I graduated in 2007 at the Wroclaw University in Poland.
I provide professional and confidential counselling and psychotherapy services in English and Polish, adjusted to your individual situation and needs.
Some of the issues that I can help with:
- low mood, depression, sadness
- anxiety (e.g.from travelling, going out from home, staying alone, also panic attacks)
- stress
- eating disorders
- issues around self esteem and self – confidence
- relationship breakdown
- loss and grief
- therapy for Adult Children of Alcoholics
- couples therapy
I also direct my services to people who:
- feel lonely and are lacking of close relationships
- suffer, need support
- have difficult family situation or problematic relationship with partner, parent or child
- feel unfulfilled or unhappy with their life
- wish to develop themselves or understand themselves better
- wish to make changes in their lives
I'm convinced that my work requires incessant learning and developing myself, that's why I attend courses and trainings broadening my skills and knowledge. I also submit my work to systematic supervisions.
I belive hat each person has got own inner wisdom, vast abilities to cope with difficulties and improve one's quality of life, and my role as a psychologist is to find and develop this potential within warm, non-judgemental relationship that I build with my clients.
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facebook.comLiving in the rural area, not being mobile, living abroad with no access to counselling in your language - there are many reasons why it can be difficult to access counseling when you need it. The solution can be online therapy (video on Skype) - I have few years of experience with online therapy and although it can be stressful in the beginning (as the circumstances are quite unusual) - for many people it workes as good as "traditional" face to face sessions. If you're interested - please contact me for more information! (Yes, you can lie on a couch during sessions if you're lucky owner of one ;) )
Those pictures make you think...
If you feel like you need to speak to someone confidentially, you were thinking about meeting a therapist or counsellor and the only thing that stopped you is the distance or your immobility - I offer you a great solution: on line (Skype) sessions. This is a great opportunity for people who live in the rural area and can't find a therapist in their nearest town, for people who don't drive or are not mobile due to health reason, for mothers with small babies... for anyone who wants to speak to a counsellor but for various reasons can't meet one in person. I have long experience with on line therapy, usually it brings some anticipation in the beginning but for most it turns out to be as effective as face to face counselling. I encourage you to meet for a consultation in order to experience how it works and see if it suits you! If you have any questions - contact me via facebook message or ring me: 0851783716
...and that would be it :D
Creativity and spontaneity <3
A group of Harvard researchers did undertake it to find out the secrets to a fulfilling life. They conducted the longest (75 years!!!) study in the history of psychology. George Vaillant, the Harvard psychiatrist directed the study from 1972 to 2004. He has said that the study’s most important finding is that the only thing that matters in life is relationships.
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a sculpture by Alexander Milov - Inner Children Trappedn Inside Adult Bodies
Trening Asertywności
Laboratorium Psychoedukacji
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