Michael Kennedy is one of Ireland's leading ceramic artists.
His work is vested with the skill and artistry of the skilled Master Craftsman. Michael Kennedy produces an exclusive and much sought after range of tableware and individual pieces. The range is celebrated for it's originality and practical application. The individual and sculpted pieces are collected as unique art objects.
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Pots from last kiln #pottery #ceramics #michaelkennedypottery #gort #ireland
Photos from Michael Kennedy Ceramics's post
#woodashglazed #lamp #michaelkennedyceramics #pottery #gort
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#pottery #michaelkennedyceramics some recent mermaid vases #ireland
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#michaelkennedyceramics #worldceramics #sligo #pottery #irish #woodash #clay #gortpottery
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#michaelkennedyceramics #woodashglaze #gort #ireland #pottery #ceramics
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#woodashglaze #jug #stoneware #michaelkenedyceramics #gort #pottery #ireland
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#kilnopening #pottery #ceramics #gort #irelandpottery #ceramicsireland #worldceramics opened this morning
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#stonewarelamp #pottery #sligo #gort #ireland #handmade
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#pottery #ceramics #ireland #reduction #servingdish #gort
Photos from Michael Kennedy Ceramics's post
#gort #pottery #ireland #ceramics #michaelkennedyceramics ##