Mullingar Parish has five churches, including the Cathedral of Christ the King, which is the seat of Most Reverend Michael Smith, Bishop of Meath.
Our 2020 Festival will run from Fri. 6th to Sat. 14th March 2020 Adjudicator Mr. Darragh Smith. You can follow us on Twitter
Healing, Psychic, Energy, Reiki, IET, Meditation and Angel Workshops and Courses in Galway Ireland Certified Healing, Massage, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage Courses in Galway Ireland
Landscape Oil Paintings e.g mountains, lakes, rivers, sea
An Pucan is a small, family-run business started in 1977. For over 30 years, we have produced some of the finest Aran handknits in the world, specialising in custom-knit sweaters.
Sports Ireland Training Centre based in Roscommon is the first center in the west of Ireland based on personal training program from beginners to Elite level.With a team of sports sciences qualified staff in Medicine, Physiology, strength conditioning
The next generation in Dance. Weekly classes for children, teenagers and adults. Competitive squads and recreational classes. You also have the chance to join the Decadance team and dance in shows, music videos etc.
Buna, ma numesc Ana si ofer serviciile mele de pensare si depiilare a fetei la fete si baietii.