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港怡醫院 Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital

1 Nam Fung Path, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong



The first private hospital in Hong Kong to offer all-inclusive and fixed-price medical packages 港怡醫院座落於港島南區黃竹坑,設有500個床位,並配以先進的醫療設備及儀器,提供全面的臨床服務,涵蓋超過35個專科及分科。


Located at Wong Chuk Hang on Hong Kong Island South, Gleneagles provides 500 beds, cutting edge medical technologies and a comprehensive range of clinical services spanning more than 35 specialties and subspecialties.

Gleneagles is a joint venture hospital between Parkway Pantai and NWS Holdings Limited and is managed by Parkway Pantai. The University of Hong Kong is the exclusive clinical partner of Gleneagles and is responsible for clinical governance.


【大腸鏡收費難有預算?】 由即日起至10月1日,預約大腸鏡檢查全包套餐,可享優惠價,由基本檢查 $10,154 至最高收費 $17,066 (已包醫生費、瘜肉切除、化驗費等),套餐包括鎮靜麻醉或監測麻醉。詳情請 Click 入 ▶ 💻 港怡醫院網站: ☎ 預約熱線:2122 1333 | 醫院總機:3153 9000 【Difficult to estimate the cost for Colonoscopy?】 From now until 1 October, enjoy exclusive offer for Colonoscopy services. Starting from $10,154 to $17,066 (doctor’s fee, polypectomy and pathology charges inclusive). The packages cover IV sedation or Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC). Click for details. 💻 GHK website: ☎ Appointment: 2122 1333 | Mainline:3153 9000

【港怡健康教室:流感 vs 感冒點樣分?】 如果小朋友有高燒、肌肉痛或頭痛等徵狀,到底係「普通感冒」抑或係「流感」呢?🤔想知點分辨就即刻睇吓醫生嘅講解啦! ▶ 無論如何,如果小朋友有以上徵狀,就要儘早帶小朋友睇醫生喇! #兒科病房75折優惠 有效至8月31日,歡迎致電查詢。📲 💻港怡醫院網站: ☎️預約電話:2122 1333 | 醫院總機:3153 9000 【GHK Health Channel: Flu or Cold? Know the Differences】 When my kid has symptoms like high fever, muscle aches or headache, how do I know whether it is a cold or flu? Learn about the differences between the two from the doctor! ▶ Do seek medical advice if symptoms persist! 25% off of Paediatric Standard Room rate effective until 31 August. Call us for details. 📲 💻GHK website: ☎️Appointments:2122 1333 | Mainline:3153 9000

【醫療套餐特別優惠】 為咗俾到病人同家屬安心,港怡醫院除咗提供優質醫療服務,更提供超過50種全包形式兼定額收費嘅醫療套餐。一個價錢已經包括醫生費、住院費、診斷程序同手術療程、手術室費、麻醉費、護理費、藥物、醫療器材、治療消耗品、植入醫療物料費、病人膳食費,同埋喺指定住院期內因併發症而須再接受手術同深切治療嘅費用。 由即日起到 10 月 1 日,選用醫療套餐可享特別優惠,詳情請 Click 入 睇睇。 💻港怡醫院網站: ☎️預約電話:2122 1333 | 醫院總機:3153 9000 【Medical Packages Special Offer】 To give patients and their loved ones peace of mind, GHK has been offering more than 50 all-inclusive and fixed prices medical packages. The fee covers doctor’s fee, room charges, diagnostic procedures, treatment procedures, operating theatre charges, anaesthetic fees, nursing care, medications, equipment charges, consumables, implants, patient meals as well as re-operation and intensive care as results of complications that may arise during the prescribed length of stay. Special offers for selected medical packages are now available until 1st October. Find out more at 💻GHK website: ☎️Appointments:2122 1333 | Mainline:3153 9000

【兒科病房75折優惠】 提提大家📢,#港怡醫院 提供兒科標準病房 75 折優惠到 8 月 31 日。每日房租連一位陪宿現只需 $862。有需要嘅歡迎致電了解更多。 💻港怡醫院網站: 🚑優惠詳情: ☎️預約電話:2122 1333 | 醫院總機:3153 9000 【25% Off Paediatrics Standard Room Rate】 Until 31st August, we offer a 25% off of our Paediatric Standard Rooms’ daily room rate. Inclusive of one lodger’s accommodation, the rate is now $862 (Original: $1,150). Call us for details. 💻GHK website: 🚑 Promotion details: ☎️Appointments:2122 1333 | Mainline:3153 9000

【流感高峰期 – 港怡醫院急症室】🚑 流感高峰期持續,提提大家,#港怡醫院 嘅 #急症室 服務時間係每日朝早 8 點到晚上 11 點,由專門處理緊急病症嘅 #急症科專科醫生 同醫護人員主理。急症室同時設有急救房及儀器、負壓隔離室、發燒區,仲有觀察區同提供 X 光檢查服務。 💻 港怡醫院網站: 🚑 急症室資訊: 🚇 交通指南: ☎️ 預約電話:2122 1333 | 醫院總機:3153 9000 【Seasonal influenza – GHK A&E Services】🚑 Stay alert to seasonal influenza and seek medical help when necessary. Our Accident and Emergency department currently operates daily from 8am to 11pm. With consultations provided by A&E specialists, our A&E is equipped with a resuscitation room, negative pressure isolation rooms, a fever zone, an observation bay and X-ray equipment, to allow us to handle urgent and critical medical conditions. 💻 GHK website: 🚑 A&E details: 🚇 Getting here: ☎️ Appointments:2122 1333 | Mainline:3153 9000

【提提您 港怡醫院兒科病房優惠】 提提各位,由即日起至8月底,港怡醫院提供兒科標準病房七五折優惠。日租連一位陪宿由原價 $1,150減至 $862。歡迎打電話嚟了解多啲。 💻 港怡醫院網站: ☎ 服務熱線:2122 1333 【Reminder - Special Paediatrics Standard Room rate】 Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital is offering 25% off of its daily room rates for Paediatric Standard Rooms with one lodger accommodation included. Effective until 31 August 2017, daily room rates are reduced from $1,150 to $862. Call us for details. 💻 GHK website: ☎ Service Hotline:2122 1333

【港怡醫院招聘日】 今個星期五,本院會舉行 #招聘日,招聘 #醫院服務員 。如有意申請職位,記得喺 6 月 29 日(星期四)中午 12 點之前打電話 / WhatsApp ☎到 9315 6155 登記個人資料,以便安排即場面試。希望睇緊呢個Post 嘅您會成為我哋一分子啦!👏 關於其他職位空缺,歡迎瀏覽: 【GHK Recruitment Day】 Our recruitment day for Service Assistants is scheduled for this Friday, 30 June. If you are interested in the posts, please call or send WhatsApp to 9315 6155 to register before 29 June (Thursday) noon for on-day interviews. For other vacancies at GHK, please visit

【「Doctor for A Day」公開場順利舉行】 喺剛過去嘅星期六日,有成430位小朋友嚟到港怡醫院,著起有型嘅制服扮醫生,體驗吓各類醫護工作:由急症室到X光診斷、手術室、物理治療,甚至模擬做「通波仔」手術等等。 期間,港怡醫院執行總裁Dirk Schraven先生更驚喜探班,同一眾「小醫生」體驗各個工作坊!好玩之餘又學到醫學知識,好多小朋友都話,第時大個要做醫生護士呀! 嚟緊我哋會將一連兩日嘅相片,上載到活動網站 ( 嘅相簿俾大家下載,各位參加者會喺兩星期內收到電郵通知登入密碼,記得密切留意喇! 【"Doctor For A Day"】 Last weekend, more than 430 children dressed up as doctors at GHK! The kids had fun role-playing at workshops featuring A&E department, X-ray room, operation theatre, rehabilitation centre, and cardiovascular laboratory, where they performed wound cleansing, suturing, coronary bypass surgery and post-surgery physiotherapy. Our CEO Mr Dirk Schraven joined the fun and tried out some of the workshops with the children! Event photos will be available for downloading on the event website ( Participants will receive an email with a login password in the coming two weeks. Stay tuned!

【男士健康 – 診斷影像檢查 限定優惠】 日日都咁忙,好多男士都忽略咗自己嘅健康狀況。做足定期身體檢查,防範好各種隱性疾病,保持最佳狀態,過更精彩嘅人生!💪 由即日起至7月18日,預約 #港怡醫院 #男士健康診斷影像檢查 專享85折優惠。詳情請即Click 入▶ 💻港怡醫院網站: ☎️預約電話:2122 1333 | 醫院總機:3153 9000 【 Men’s Health – Diagnostic Imaging Exclusive Offer】 Regular health check-up plays an important role in maintaining Men's health. Regular examination helps identify signs of illness or other health issues that commonly affect gentlemen alike.💪 From now till 18 July, enjoy a 15% off exclusive offer upon an appointment of Men’s Health Diagnostic Imaging. Visit to find out more. 💻GHK website: ☎️Appointments:2122 1333 | Mainline:3153 9000

【急症室知多啲】🚑 話俾大家知, #港怡醫院 嘅 #急症室 ,喺由專門處理緊急病症嘅 #急症科專科醫生 同醫護人員主理㗎!我哋嘅急症室同時設有急救房及儀器、負壓隔離室、發燒區,仲有觀察區同提供X光檢查服務。現階段我哋嘅急症室服務時間喺每日由朝早8點到晚上11點。 💻港怡醫院網站: 🚑急症室資訊: ☎️預約電話:2122 1333 | 醫院總機:3153 9000 【About our A&E Services】🚑 At the Accident and Emergency Department of GHK, consultations and treatments are provided by A&E specialists, who are trained to handle critical medical conditions. Also, our A&E is equipped with a resuscitation room, negative pressure isolation rooms, a fever zone, an observation bay and X-ray equipment. Currently our A&E operates daily from 8am to 11pm. 💻GHK website: 🚑 A&E details: ☎️Appointments:2122 1333 | Mainline:3153 9000

【流感高峰期 港怡醫院兒科病房優惠】 踏入夏季流感高峰期,兒科病床亦相對緊張。為咗比有需要嘅小朋友盡快得到適切治療,我哋即日起至8月底,會提供兒科標準病房七五折優惠。日租連一位陪宿由原價 $1,150減至 $862。歡迎打電話嚟了解多啲。 💻港怡醫院網站: ☎醫院總機:3153 9000 【Seasonal influenza - Special Paediatrics Standard Room rate】 In view of the increasing demand for paediatric beds in Hong Kong hospitals during seasonal influenza, Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital will offer 25% off its daily room rates for Paediatric Standard Rooms with one lodger accommodation, effective immediately until the end of August 2017. Daily room rates are reduced from $1,150 to $862. Call us for details. 💻GHK website: ☎ Mainline:3153 9000

【溫暖設計.舒適環境】 為咗紓緩病人同家屬到訪醫院時嘅情緒,我哋嘅大堂、入院登記處以至專科門診等等,設計同色調都著重溫暖同舒適。我哋更喺大堂用上特意挑選嘅香薰,所以一入到嚟,唔會聞到一陣消毒藥水味,自然無咁緊張啦。希望透過經精心設計嘅環境,等到訪 #港怡醫院 嘅病人同家屬都覺得溫暖安心!💓 【Warm and relaxing ambience】 While people seldom associate hospital visits with a feeling that is warm and relaxing, GHK believes that a pleasant and comfortable environment is conducive to healing. That’s why we go to great lengths to ensure that our interior designs, lighting, use of colours etc. would help achieve a warm ambience. An example would be the relaxing scent that visitors would appreciate when coming into the lobby, which marks the beginning of an exceptional patient journey.


NEAR 港怡醫院 Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital