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清山塾 Casphalt

Tuen Fu Road, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Local Service



Casphalt is your backyard in New Territories West. What would you do there? 清山塾前身為清涼法苑轄下佛教見修幼稚園,現為大家的新界西後院,以啟發個人學習和社區創意為目標。這裏提供素食餐飲,策劃社區性項目及藝術展覽,售賣書籍、影碟、唱片等,租賃展覽或活動場地,在開放時間內歡迎街坊自由進出。

地址:屯門屯富路清涼法苑內 (
1) 西鐵或輕鐵兆康站F出口,過行人天橋後沿斜路直落,轉左出屯富路後,沿右邊直行3分鐘(經虎地消防局後橫過馬路前方30米小路入)
2) 巴士嶺南大學站:經興德學校向西鐵方向,轉左入屯富路,沿右邊直行3分鐘(經虎地消防局後橫過馬路前方30米小路入)
*勿跟Google Map上屯安里迴旋處

清山塾/ Cafe開放時間
星期二至日 12:00-21:00 (週末私房菜時段18:30-21:00,須預訂)


星期四至日 12:00-18:00


A former village school on the land of Ching Leung Nunnery in Tuen Mun is being converted into a place for learning, creativity and communal bonding. Casphalt, consisting of a vegetarian cafe, a cultural retail store, an artspace and a courtyard, is your backyard in New Territories West.  

Location: Ching Leung Nunnery, Tuen Fu Road, Tuen Mun (
Public transportation:
1) Rail: Siu Hong station via West Rail or Light Rail. Exit F for West Rail Siu Hong Station, cross the footbridge and turn left to exit Tuen Fu Road, then turn right and walk pass Fu Tei Fire Station; the entrance is 30m ahead on your left.

2) Bus: Lingnan University Station. Walk pass Hing Tak School towards West Rail Station, turn left to Tuen Fu Road, then walk pass Fu Tei Fire Station; the entrance is 30m ahead on your left.
*Don't follow Google Map which guides you to Tuen On Lane.

Casphalt/ Cafe Opening Hour
Tue to Fri 12:00-21:00
Sat to Sun 11:00-21:00 (Weekend private booking 18:30-21:00; beverages will be served for walk-in)
*Close every Mon, or the following day when public holiday falls on Mon.
*Close at 17:00 on 27 Jan and throughout 28-30 Jan

- Weekend private booking $200/ head; half price for aged 4-10; free for aged under 4
- Book and pay 50% deposit before Thursday 11am. Contact/ call us for details.

Artspace Opening Hour
Thur-Fri 12:00-18:00
Sat-Sun 12:00-19:00
*By appointment outside opening hours
*Close every Mon to Wed, except public holidays.

Parents/ Pet-owners shall take care of their children and pets.
No outside food and consumption of alcohol allowed.
Keep your voice down at evenings.
Photo-taking at Casphalt  is more than welcome, except commercial, wedding/ pre-wedding, and model photography. 【Please contact Casphalt staff for venue hire details】


天台塾 Asia Seed Cycle 1, 2展覽最後一天迎來中學生、街坊、 僧人、藝術機構代表等,今天正式結束了。 1/10新專題登場。 Rooftop Institute's Asia Seed Cycle 1, 2 exhibition and sharing wraps up today. We had a diverse crowd from neighbours, monk, representatives of art organisations to secondary student visitors. Next thematic curation starts on 1 Oct. See you! #happycrowd #asiaseed

10/10 開始,逢星期二傍晚有靜觀練習。 值日生Ban Wong鼓勵有痛症或受都市病困擾嘅朋友嚟練習,因為人人效果不同,真的要練習才行啊!可於該時段來參與,長短時間不區,隨心支付或可免費參加。 Meditation is good for people suffering from physical pain or stress related illnesses. Come by anytime during those specified hours, every Tuesday from 10 Oct. You may even opt to join for free or pay as you wish for this exercise. #meditation #anewroutine #靜觀 #我們都是練習生


#watching #tooclose #frontrow #vipseat #yunhautong #kittenlovesmovingimages #artlover #indulgedaudience #thanksforcoming #asiaseed #rooftopinstitute

#新西人先會明 今期明周專訪好有心走遍屯元天,睇下新西年青人係點過日子。或者當我哋下標籤之前,了解下、學習一些自己未懂的事或想法。 051頁有清山塾早前以【這裏】為專題嘅地圖,仲記唔記得你有份貼過你住喺邊呀? A story feature on young people living in NT west, allegedly remoted threesome, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai. #weareyoung #ntwestrocks

【24/9 出海去】 10am 由小屯員帶隊,遊走屯門「景點」,九月團主題為《漁民樂》,有艇搭。 7:30pm 《岸上漁歌》社區放映@清山塾,映後座談一齊傾傾漁民每餐必食:海產。 🎠屯團轉 報名詳情 🎥岸上漁歌 留位詳情 📞查詢 2461 6288 #漁民 #屯團轉 #旅行團 #岸上漁歌 #紀錄片 #社區放映 #社區發動 #屯門 #叫埋漁民朋友嚟啦

我們都是練習生 1/10-31/12/2017 (A New Routine : please scroll down for English) 練,本義是把生絲或織品煮熟,使之潔白柔軟,也解作訓練、幹練的意思。當覺得生活惱人,萌生軟弱、灰心,我們不妨做些練習,重新定立規律,使灰心變白、練強心志、「除其熱煩、得入清涼」^。 ^ 出自清涼法苑佛殿內筏可法師題的對聯:菩薩現身度盡眾生除其熱煩 釋尊應世化諸火宅得入清涼 ------------------------------------------ 今個專題分為兩部份,清山塾範圍內會展示三位藝術家作品,展出作品及創作人稍後逐一介紹。第二部份就是一⠂齊⠂做⠂練⠂習! 練習人人皆宜,可視乎個人本質、意圖、興趣選擇練習內容,幾位屯門友將一連三個月就其專長提供指導 (#值日生),與有志人士一同練習、分享心得(詳見月曆),唯我們有兩個要求: (1) 一旦報名,#確保自己能按時到達清山塾練習,我們不會監督或統計練習生的出席率,你只需向自己交代;中途加入亦可; (2) 活動不設定額收費,#鼓勵參加者每課前後隨心支付、#自由定價,以答謝值日生的付出;值日生與清山塾會共享報酬。如活動涉及工具,練習生需自攜工具材料或支付材料費。 【現有練習】 靜觀(Meditation), 水墨, 書法(金文篆書), 西洋書法, 篆刻, 兒童英語唱遊, 昆達里尼瑜伽(Kundalini Yoga)... 陸續更新 月曆 (10-12月 ): 【參加方法】 (1) 非常鼓勵電郵報名,讓值日生大概知道有幾多人出席 電郵 題標列明參加活動名稱(毋須註明出席/不出席日期) (2) Walk-in,如果尚有名額或在值日生允許下,請於活動時段內自行出現 【值日生招募】 清山塾開業至今,不少人對這個空間開始萌生了些想法,無論主動找我們的或開業後認識的,很多都是民間高手,這個關係才促成今次的練習專題。現有的練習類別較為文靜,如果你有其他練習想公諸同好,而日期時間亦可配合,不妨與我們聯絡。 提示:這個只是平台,不一定要在藝術空間內發生;唯值日生要認同自由定價和與清山塾分酬的做法,亦不可在值日時段內銷售或推銷練習材料以外的商品。 A New Routine 1/10-31/12/2017 You wake up. You go to work. You eat. You sleep. You work long hours for months to long for a week-long vacation. This is life. So long. Alternatively, you can choose to change this routine. Do something else and do it regularly. “Regular” means do it regardless of how busy or tired you are, do it with commitment. From October to December, Casphalt opens up spaces for pre-arranged exercises conducted or mentored by some neighbours. Before joining, please note that: (1) Make yourself available at the designated date and time; show up on time. It’s your own exercise commitment so no one will take attendance. You can join in the middle of the period. (2) Pay as you wish. There’s no fixed price. You may pay before or after each class to as a token of appreciation and Casphalt will split the payment with the mentor. Some classes will impose a material fee. 【Current classes】 Meditation, Ink painting, Calligraphy (Bronze inscription and seal script), Brush calligraphy, Seal carving, Singing in English for kids, Kundalini yoga... and more Calendar (Oct-Dec): 【To participate】 (1) Email us to save a seat: (state the class name in the subjectline) (2) Walk-in. Just arrive on time or whenever the mentor allows. 【Call for mentor】 If you want to make use of this platform to exercise with other like-minded, please contact us via email to offer a class here. Please consider carefully: you need to agree to adopt a free-pricing model and split the payment with Casphalt. Mentor shall not solicit any sale (except material fee) during the classes.

【蕃茄飯】 將新鮮車厘茄烘焗製成充滿鮮味的蕃茄豆乳醬,是這道菜式的靈魂,配搭隱藏於蕃茄之內的炒飯,吃其鮮、酸、甘等多重味道的交織,是「清山塾」詢問度最高的菜式之一。 【Fried Rice in Tomato】The essence of the dish lies in the sauce - grilled cherry tomato cooked in soya milk. Fried rice stuffed in tomato gives you a complex taste of natural acidity and sweetness. #tomato #內有乾坤 #星期四前訂座 #星期六日供應 #weekendonly #callustobook

(有聲post) 花樣年華腔 :如果有兩張9月24日嘅戲飛,會唔會跟我走? :睇齣戲? :張飛送杯嘢飲,嗰度啲咖啡唔錯。 :齣戲,講乜? :漁民,香港老漁民。 :叫咩名? :岸上漁歌(。 :嗰晚幾點? :7點半清山塾,我喺碼頭接你。 :嗰日約咗清山塾『漁民樂』(屯團轉 之 漁民樂 (24/9、29/10) TuenMun-go-round: Fishermen),各自去得喇。 旁白腔:紀錄片經年製作,旅行團社區策劃,兩個節目均寫盡艇上人生,記錄行將失去的生命歌詞【9月24日 漁民 漁歌 莫失莫忘】 一輪嘴免責聲明腔:『屯團轉之漁民樂』10am-1pm舉行,《岸上漁歌》7:30pm接待,設映後座談。 (Background music fades out) : Wanna have a night out with me? I have two movie tickets on 24/9. : Movie only? : The ticket comes along a drink. Coffee there is good. : What's that movie? : A documentary about fishermen, in Hong Kong. : What's the name? : Ballad on the Shore ( : What time? : Seven thirty, Casphalt. I will pick you up at the pier. : I will meet some fishermen in another activity by Casphalt (屯團轉 之 漁民樂 (24/9、29/10) TuenMun-go-round: Fishermen). See you at Casphalt. Voice-over: "TuenMun-go-round" will be held at 10am-1pm. "Ballad on the Shore" in Casphalt cinema greets you at 7:30pm; post-screening discussion follows. #balladontheshore #movielines #conversation #dating #documentary #fisherman #hongkong #fishtown #ticket #beverage 岸上漁歌 Ballad on the Shore

《觀自在 Vipassana》昨晚文化中心開show,場外場內都有機會聞到專誠調配嘅香氣;如果要形容呢陣味,我會話寧神。 打風改期嘅聞香療心調香工作坊將會採用呢種香油做基調,再配上自己嘅選擇。下星期日,在清山塾…聞一陣自在!(報名請到聞香記)

今期 U Magazine 同 CARZ 搵車王都係因為嚟過嘅街坊*覺得值得推介,介紹咗俾傳媒朋友。係呀,左邊嗰個係KOL女神 方健儀 Akina Fong,而右邊嗰本就介紹屯門景點俾車主。 *街坊: 係因為客人或朋友都不盡準確,既然嚟到清山塾,就大家都係街坊啦~ Find us on the latest U Magazine and Carz. Thanks for visitors' recommendation to media friends. Drivers, foodies, pet lovers, art lovers, book lovers and lovers, Casphalt welcomes you. #買返本 #詳閱內文

各位朋友好~ 清山塾是日午餐有 A. 洋葱湯飯(Rice in Onion Soup) B. 青醬意粉(Pesto Pasta) 前菜:味噌茄子(Miso-grilled Eggplant) 蕃茄椰菜花湯(Tomato Soup with Cauliflower) 午餐供應時間為 12:00-14:30,餐單以現場餐牌為準。 轉頭見!


NEAR 清山塾 Casphalt


Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
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