West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區
West Kowloon Cultural District Events 藝游西九 歡迎來到西九文化區專頁!此活動資訊平台將集中為您們提供西九文化區的最新動向,歡迎大家踴躍發表對西九活動的提問和意見!我們當竭盡所能,回答大家的提問!但請大家謹記:
Welcome to the official page of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority! This page is a fun and resourceful platform intended to share WKCD event news with our fans. We encourage comments, critiques, questions, and suggestions. While we’re excited to connect with you and hear your thoughts on our programmes and events, please be reminded for a few things:
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Be nice and respectful to each other.
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facebook.com【#FreespaceTechLab】即興舞蹈演出 實驗舞台空間裡身體與光影間的關係 Impromptu dance performances that explore the relationship between body, light and shadow (For English please scroll down) 「這個空間很厲害,當我走向鏡面,發覺(倒影)開始變形,突然好像變成了雙人舞蹈,甚至四人舞,接著我開始做某些姿態令手腳變形,劇場的線條亦會重疊,像沙畫一樣,很夢幻,這些是只有舞台才能產生的幻象。」舞者梅卓燕對鏡幕舞台裝置的看法。 「Freespace 舞台與技術實驗室 」進入最後一週,各項舞台實驗進行得如火如荼。舞者梅卓燕和黃靜婷將分別於本週五和六,為大家帶來兩場即興舞蹈演出。舞者於四面無盡反射的空間內,與燈光及投映技術互相捕捉,探索視覺空間與演出者身體關係。同場亦會有專題講座,介紹「鏡幕技術」和「投映與燈光」的應用。 西九 x 進念Freespace Tech Lab舞台與技術實驗室 即興演出+專題講座:【GiantMirror 】 演出: 梅卓燕 主講: ShowTex Hong Kong Ltd. 代表 日期: 11月24日(星期五) 8pm 即興演出+專題講座:【投映與燈光 】 演出: 黃靜婷 主講: 麥國輝及Christie代表 日期: 11月25日(星期六)4:30pm 場地:香港文化中心劇場 門票現於城市售票網公開發售:https://goo.gl/ffcH6i 活動詳情:www.westkowloon.hk/freespacetechlab “The space is amazing. When I walk towards the mirror the reflections begin to distort. Suddenly it looks like a dance duet, or even a dance for four. Then I start to move, shaping my body to overlap the reflected lines of the theatre. The set looks as dreamlike as a sand painting. Illusions like these can only be created in the theatre.” Dancer Mui Cheuk-yin on the GiantMirror stage installation. This weekend, join us for the last showcases in our “Freespace Tech Lab” series, when dancers Mui Cheuk-yin and Chloe Wong present impromptu performances that explore the relationship between new technologies, arts spaces and the dancer’s body. On Friday, Mui Cheuk-yin’s performance is followed by a talk on the use of “GiantMirror”. Saturday’s performance with Chloe Wong is followed by a talk on the use of projection and lighting. West Kowloon x Zuni: Freespace Tech Lab 2017 Impromptu Performance + Thematic Talk: 【GiantMirror】 Performer: Mui Cheuk-yin Speaker: Representative of ShowTex Hong Kong Ltd Date: 24 November (Friday) 8:00pm Impromptu Performance + Thematic Talk: 【Projection and Lighting】 Performer: Chloe Wong Speaker: Mak Kwok-fai and Representative of Christie’s Date: 25 November (Saturday) 4:30pm Venue: Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre Tickets available at URBTIX now: https://goo.gl/ffcH6i For more information: www.westkowloon.hk/freespacetechlab #Freespace舞台與技術實驗室 #劇場 #Theatre #自由空間創作 #CreationforFreespace
【#FreespaceTechLab】立即登記專題講座「自由空間 Freespace 的技術設計」Register for thematic talk “The Technical Design of Freespace” (For English please scroll down) 是次活動最後一場專題講座「自由空間 Freespace 的技術設計」將於本週日舉行,屆時由西九的表演藝術主管(戲劇)劉祺豐和表演藝術高級技術與製作經理胡偉聰帶領,深入探討自由空間Freespace的技術設計,以及如何配合當代跨界別節目的各種技術與創新需求,立即登記: https://etickets.hk/project/zuni/freespacetech/ 就如胡偉聰所言:「這次計劃中的討論及試驗將有助我們預視未來『自由空間』在應用上的不同模式,又為香港或附近地區的同業建立平台,一起討論舞台科技應用,可望為藝術家們在創作過程中增添選擇及拓寬創作空間。」 場地: 香港文化中心劇場 活動詳情: www.westkowloon.hk/freespacetechlab This Sunday, in the last thematic talk in our Freespace Tech Lab series, West Kowloon’s Head of Theatre Low Kee Hong and Rae Wu, Performing Arts Technical and Production Senior Manager and Technical Director of Tech Lab, discuss how the technical design of the flexible Freespace venue answers the various creative and technical needs of different cross-disciplinary programmes. Register now: https://etickets.hk/project/zuni/freespacetech/ Rae Wu: “Freespace Tech Lab aims to stimulate in-depth discussions around experimentations with stage technologies. The series helps us to foresee operational models for the future Freespace venue, and offers local and international arts professionals a platform to discuss and explore the use of stage technology, broadening the spectrum of creative productions, opportunities, and vision for artists.” Venue: Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre For more information: www.westkowloon.hk/freespacetechlab #Freespace舞台與技術實驗室 #劇場 #Theatre #自由空間創作 #CreationforFreespace
www.westkowloon.hk/freespacehappening 告別金秋,12月「自由約」繼續為大家送上耳目一新的藝術節目,為迎接冬季提前「熱身」。在中央草坪,香港阿根廷探戈樂隊Cafe 852、集合多位一流爵士及古典樂手的Wong Way Down Jazz Symphony、本地數學搖滾樂隊Milos、唱作人Subyub Lee 李拾壹及年青音樂家黃家正,將迸發無窮音樂能量,讓你狂歌起舞! 在黃昏廣場,文學將遇上音樂,多首由網上徵集(http://bit.ly/2AiqUJQ)的精選粵語詩作品將由本地結他手於現場伴奏,與詩人jam出另類演繹風格。還有「草原圖書閣」讓大家在一片書海上找尋心頭好,以及「寫樹──在西九漫遊」導賞團和「文學扭蛋」。 歡迎大朋友小朋友參與「WE Dance展演及工作坊」,由榮雯舞蹈公司的導師和一班小助教帶你認識拉丁舞的熱情與魅力。 同場還有救狗之家的領養家庭向大家分享領養毛孩後的生活逸事。「海角地攤_2046」手作市集及pop-up store、以「自由約」為創作靈感而專門調配的Heroes啤酒和HK Brewcraft的蜂蜜酒自釀工作坊等,各式戶外活動應有盡有。 記得下載全新「自由約」手機應用程式(http://bit.ly/2zYnWOT),一覽所有手作地攤詳情,以及開啟音樂播放器功能,隨時輕鬆收聽多首本地樂隊作品。 As the weather starts to cool down, Freespace Happening keeps the temperature up at the Nursery Park! On stage, the line-up features Hong Kong’s Argentinian Tango band Cafe 852, math rock band Milos, the Wong Way DownJazz Symphony, Subyub Lee 李拾壹 and KaJeng Wong - Pianist. Share your passion for words with local musicians at our Poetry Music Jam, where a selection of Cantonese poems collected through an online open call (http://bit.ly/2AiqUJQ) will be reinterpreted with live music. You can also dip into a good book at Reading on the Grass, join the Writing on Leaves - a Wander in the Park guided tour and read poems inspired by the different plants in the Nursery Park, and try your luck at the Literature Gachapon capsule vending machines and take home a small, poem-inspired charm. To tempt you onto your feet, we also have our WE Dance showcases and workshops where tutors and young dancers of K&B Dance Company will help you learn fun, simple Latin dance steps. Plus, you can browse the handicraft stalls at our regular Hoikokdaytan 2046 and pop-up store, quench your thirst with our very own Freespace Happening inspired Heroes Beer Co., or join the HK Brewcraft team and learn about the ancient art of brewing mead. Before you come, don’t forget to download our Freespace Happening App (http://bit.ly/2zYnWOT) and check out what’s on at our handicraft markets and listen to great music any time you want on the new music player! 免費入場 Free admission 部份工作坊須預先登記 Registration applicable to selected workshops 項目夥伴 Programme Partners 香港文學生活館 後生可畏 Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) 走杯 GO CUP Heroes Beer Co. WE Dance 合作夥伴 Collaborating Partner K&B Dance Company 鳴謝 Acknowledgement 鋼琴由 Piano provided by Tom Lee Music 通利琴行提供
【#似重若輕 #WeightofLightness】展覽短片 Exhibition Trailer (Please scroll down for English) 「(提起水墨,大家) 通常會想到山水畫或者是書法這種傳統的表現方式,但是M+的出發點是希望能從一個跨領域和跨國界的方式來收藏水墨。」 在最新的展覽短片中,水墨策展人馬唯中介紹展覽「似重若輕」的源起,包括題名的來由和展覽三大主題與之的關係。 'Ink art for most people refers to the traditions of landscape painting or calligraphy. However, one of the aims for M+ is to collect ink art from a cross-disciplinary and transnational perspective.’ In this video, Lesley Ma, M+’s ink art curator introduces the concept behind the exhibition, ‘The Weight of Lightness: Ink Art at M+’, from the title to how the three thematic chapters of the exhibitions are connected. The Weight of Lightness: Ink Art at M+ 似重若輕:M+ 水墨藏品 13 Oct 2017 – 14 Jan 2018 11:00 am to 6:00 pm M+ Pavilion, West Kowloon Cultural District 西九文化區M+展亭
【#FreespaceTechLab】舞台與技術實驗室昨日正式啟動 Opened yesterday with the first creative and technical showcase (For English please scroll down) 「Freespace 舞台與技術實驗室」(Freespace Tech Lab) 昨日正式啟動,頭炮活動以 進念.二十面體 Zuni Icosahedron 2016年原創多媒體劇場作品《維根斯坦》、許敖山創作的電子音樂為藍本,加上胡恩威的導演設計和利志達的圖像設計,藉著四面巨形鏡牆和不同的音效及燈光效果,延續空間與聲音的實驗。 「今次的實驗,透過用新器材、新物料,讓觀眾有新的舞台體驗。觀眾可從被動的觀眾席走進舞台裡,感受這個空間。」總策劃兼藝術總監胡恩威道。 接下來一連串的創作及技術展示、工作坊和專題講座將陸續展開,立即購票及登記。 場地: 香港文化中心劇場 活動詳情: www.westkowloon.hk/freespacetechlab Freespace Tech Lab opened yesterday with the first of a series of creative and technical showcases. Directed by Mathias Woo, the showcase was developed around the blueprint of Steve Hui’s music from the 2016 original multimedia theatre “Wittgenstein” and illustrations by Li Chi-tak, and made use of GiantMirror walls and a range of lighting and sound effects to offer the audience a fully immersive theatre experience. "For this showcase we experimented with new equipment and materials to provide a different kind of stage experience. Rather than being passive spectators, the audience is able to move within the stage arena and get a new sense of space." Mathias Woo, Creator, Artistic Director and Spatial Designer To buy tickets and register for upcoming showcases, workshops and talks, please visit the website below. Venue: Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre For more information: www.westkowloon.hk/freespacetechlab #Freespace舞台與技術實驗室 #劇場 #Theatre #自由空間創作 #CreationforFreespace
【#自由約 #FreespaceHappening】 Update as at 4:30pm 更新 由於惡劣天氣,本日「自由約」所有節目現告取消。不便之處,敬請原諒。 Due to inclement weather, today's Freespace Happening is cancelled. Sorry for the inconveniences caused. ______________________________________ 原定於下午2時至5時舉行的各項演出及工作坊因天雨關係取消,惟「海角地攤 2046」手作市集及餐飲如常開放。我們將於下午4時30分公佈晚間節目之最新安排,不便之處,敬請原諒。 All performances and workshops between 2pm – 5pm are cancelled due to heavy rain. “Hoikokdaytan 2046” handicraft market and F&B continues. Arrangements of evening programmes will be announced at 4:30pm. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
【#自由約 #FreespaceHappening】「自由約」咁正,一日又點會夠?明日有阿爆(阿仍仍)、Teriver Cheung & Friends feat. Eric Marienthal、 Choi Sai Ho 蔡世豪 x 曾皿堅(Modern Children)x Jing Wong、Mr.Wally等音樂單位為你傾力演出,晚上仲有紀錄片 《樂滿天下:馬友友絲路合奏團》。兩點苗圃公園(再)見!(For English please scroll down) 時間表 SCHEDULE:http://bit.ly/2zj0riB 節目地圖 MAP:http://bit.ly/2hpeRHe 如何前往 GETTING HERE:http://bit.ly/2h7Rdeu Can't get enough of Freespace Happening? Tomorrow, Aljenljeng (ABAO), Teriver Cheung & Friends feat. Eric Marienthal, Choi Sai-ho x Kenneth Tsang x Jing Wong, Mr.Wally etc. will be performing on stage at our Nursery Park. You can also watch 'The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble' on the lawn in the evening. See you again at 2pm! 自由約 Freespace Happening (11-12.11.2017) 西九文化區苗圃公園 Nursery Park, West Kowloon Cultural District www.westkowloon.hk/freespacehappening
【#自由約 #FreespaceHappening】今個週六日帶來戶外影院、「台灣月」原住民音樂、阿根廷探戈、手作市集、文學、DIY工作坊等精彩活動;一個個夠晒氣的充氣梳化亦會ready給大家盡情享用,於晚上舒舒服服欣賞戶外放映!This weekend, Freespace Happening expands to bring you two full days of music, movies and more. Grab your family, friends and make the most of the great open spaces. Don't forget to get one of our inflatable sofas and make yourself comfy on the Nursery Park lawns! 時間表 SCHEDULE:http://bit.ly/2zj0riB 節目地圖 MAP:http://bit.ly/2hpeRHe 如何前往 GETTING HERE:http://bit.ly/2h7Rdeu 自由約 Freespace Happening (11-12.11.2017) 西九文化區苗圃公園 Nursery Park, West Kowloon Cultural District www.westkowloon.hk/freespacehappening 逆光飛翔 The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble Silkroad MOViE MOViE by bc DFG Louise Wright Music Sangpuy 桑布伊崔展鴻 Tsui Chin Hung WAT DE FUNK RubberBand Chantalia Joyous Contrast Choi Sai Ho 蔡世豪 Modern Children Jing Wong The TimeCrafters 時。刻室樂 Jason Kui 阿爆(阿仍仍) Teriver Cheung Lydia Lau 劉敬雯 Official Fans Club 大耳 BigEar geez Yeung Tung 楊彤 Mr.Wally 香港文學生活館 Senior CID Pet Sitting - 寵物保姆社企 Mak's Beer 後生可畏 海角地攤2046 黃乃忠 Wong Lai Chung 黃乃忠師傅 新忠花店 Hong Kong Food Truck Federation 香港美食車聯盟 走杯 GO CUP光華新聞文化中心
【#什麼是舞台 #WhatIsStage】立即回顧「認識恩.瓦斯維費爾德及他的舞台美學」公開講座 Watch Public Seminar “Jan Versweyveld’s Aesthetics of Scenography” online (For English please scroll down) 今年「什麼是舞台:空間會說話」的壓軸講座於九月請來阿姆斯特丹劇團設計及攝影總監恩.瓦斯維費爾德 (Jan Versweyveld) 與西九及劇場導演林奕華對話。 立即欣賞Jan懾人的舞台設計,及聆聽他對舞台美學的前瞻性洞見! This September, we were delighted to welcome Jan Versweyveld, Head of Design and Photography at Toneelgroep Amsterdam , to share his insights on scenography with West Kowloon and theatre director Edward Lam in an artist workshop and public seminar in Hong Kong. Hear Jan talk about his experience, his work with Ivo van Hove and his thoughts on scenography in our public seminar, available online now on our YouTube page. #自由空間創作 #CreationforFreespace #Scenography #JanVersweyveld #ToneegroepAmsterdam
【#戲曲中心 #XiquCentre】小劇場粵劇《霸王別姬》北京之行順利完成 明年獲邀往福建泉州演出 After a great reception in Beijing, the experimental Cantonese opera “Farewell My Concubine” is set to play in Quanzhou next year (For English please scroll down) 西九文化區戲曲中心製作的小劇場粵劇《霸王別姬》(新編) ,上週參與北京「第四屆當代小劇場戲曲藝術節」,並展開一連三晚的演出,全院爆滿,觀眾報以熱烈的掌聲,演出大獲好評。 內地媒體《風行港澳》評論是次演出在音樂、劇本上的創作突破:「小劇場粵劇《霸王別姬》清新之氣撲面而來,它的標籤不是『青春』那麼簡單。在香港這樣一個潮流彙聚之所,創作並駕馭如此精美戲文,令人回味無窮。」閱讀全文: https://goo.gl/9RGeb6 此劇將於明年三月前往福建泉州演出,以饗知音。敬請繼續支持,並留意最新消息。 The West Kowloon Xiqu Centre production “Farewell My Concubine” played to a packed house at the Xiqu Opera Black Box Festival in Beijing last week, and was well received by the audience and critics alike. Groundbreaking in terms of its music and script, the experimental Cantonese opera was also featured in a mainland media review: “The experimental Cantonese opera ‘Farewell My Concubine’ is such a breath of fresh of air that the label ‘youthful’ is inadequate. The thing that leaves a lasting impression is that such a refined script could be produced in a modern, crowded city like Hong Kong. ” Read full article here (Chinese only): https://goo.gl/9RGeb6 In March 2018, the production will hit the stage in Quanzhou, Fujian. Stay tuned for updates. #西九戲曲中心 #戲曲 #ChineseOpera #XiquOperaBlackBoxFestival #Xiqu
【#FreespaceTechLab】專題講座 探究劇場空間的實用、實驗和技術設計 Thematic talks on theatre design and architecture (For English please scroll down) 除了創作及技術展示外,「Freespace舞台與技術實驗室」亦帶給觀眾兩場深度專題講座,立即登記! 2017.11.17, 7pm 香港文化中心劇場 專題講座:「劇場建築的實用與實驗」 實用的劇場空間才能實驗?什麼是實用的劇場空間?劇場設計和舞台科技的實用是怎樣決定?以東京劇場為例子,說明實驗與實用的關係。 主講: 胡恩威(項目總策劃及藝術總監) 立即登記:https://etickets.hk/project/zuni/theatrearch/ 2017.11.26, 4:30pm 香港文化中心劇場 專題講座:「自由空間 Freespace 的技術設計」 計劃於2019年開幕的自由空間Freespace是一個靈活的表演空間,當中的黑盒劇場將可容納450個座位或900個企位,這個空間的技術設計是怎樣的?它將如何配合當代跨界別節目的各種技術與創新需求,啟發表演藝術的未來? 主講: 胡偉聰(西九高級技術與製作經理(表演藝術)) 劉祺豐(西九表演藝術主管(戲劇)) 立即登記:https://etickets.hk/project/zuni/freespacetech/ 場地: 香港文化中心劇場 活動詳情: www.westkowloon.hk/freespacetechlab To accompany our creative and technical showcases, the “Freespace Tech Lab” series also includes two thematic talks on theatre design and architecture. 2017.11.17, 7pm at Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre “The Practical and Experimental Nature of Theatre Architecture” In this talk, Mathias Woo explores the relationship between experimental and practical considerations by looking at examples of theatres in Tokyo. Speaker: Mathias Woo, Creator, Artistic Director and Spatial Designer of “Freespace Tech Lab” Register now: https://etickets.hk/project/zuni/theatrearch/ 2017.11.26 4:30pm at Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre “The Technical Design of Freespace” Scheduled to open in 2019, West Kowloon’s Freespace venue includes a black box theatre that can accommodate 450 people seated or 900 standing. In this talk, Rae Wu and Low Kee Hong from the Performing Arts team at West Kowloon talk about the technical design of the black box space, and how it answers the various creative and technical needs of different cross-disciplinary programmes. Speakers: Rae Wu, Senior Manager, Technical and Production, Performing Arts, West Kowloon Low Kee Hong, Head of Theatre, Performing Arts, West Kowloon To register: https://etickets.hk/project/zuni/freespacetech/ Venue: Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre For more information: www.westkowloon.hk/freespacetechlab #Freespace舞台與技術實驗室 #劇場 #Theatre #自由空間創作 #CreationforFreespace