應科院研發力量主要針對金融科技、智能製造、新一代通訊網絡、健康科技和智慧城市等5個應用範疇。ASTRI focuses on FinTech, intelligent manufacturing, next generation network, health technologies, and smart city. 香港應用科技研究院 (應科院) 由香港特別行政區政府于2000年成立,其使命是要透過應用科技研究,協助發展以科技為基礎的產業,藉此提升香港的競爭力。應科院設立7個技術部,把其在多個領域的核心研發能力組織起來,它們包括通訊技術、電子元件、混和信號系統晶片、先進數碼系統、光電子、信息安全與數據科學,及智能軟件與系統,研發力量主要針對金融科技、智能製造、新一代通訊網絡、健康科技和智慧城市等5個應用範疇。
Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (ASTRI) was founded by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2000 with the mission of enhancing Hong Kong's competitiveness in technology-based industries through applied research. ASTRI's core R&D competences in various areas are organised under seven Technology Divisions, namely Communications Technologies, Electronics Components, Mixed Signal Systems IC, Advanced Digital Systems, Opto-electronics, Security and Data Sciences, and Intelligent Software and Systems. Five areas of applications including financial technologies, intelligent manufacturing, next generation network, health technologies, and smart city are identified for major pursuit.
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facebook.com展示嶄新科技,啟發香港年青人投入STEM的力量,並讓科技生態系統參與者聚首一堂 ── 正是2018年3月21日在科技園舉行的「MakeiTHongKong金蛋大盛會」的寫照。香港應用科技研究院特別在活動上展示了三項創新技術。其中一項是醫療科技的研發項目,以能夠「讀取」醫學圖像的智能工具,協助醫生作出更快和更準確的診斷。該技術為應科院的醫學影像分析平台,結合大數據、圖像分析以及人工智能等強大效能,可協助診斷包括子宮項頸癌在內的多種疾病。此外,應科院亦展出了智能柱項目,此創新項目以智能柱作為支援5G及物聯網的通訊熱點(hotspot),並有助監測環境及進行智能交通管理。應科院於活動上展示的其他項目尚包括智能車和車聯網(V2X)技術。 Showcasing technological innovation, inspiring Hong Kong’s youth to embrace the power of STEM, and tech-ecosystem players coming together for a grand show – that’s how the “MakeIT Hong Kong: 3-2-1 Go!” event in Science Park unfolded on 21 March 2018. ASTRI took part in the event with three ground-breaking innovations on display. One of them - a health technologies R&D project - is an intelligent tool that can ‘read’ medical images and help doctors make faster, more accurate diagnosis. The innovation - ASTRI’s Medical Image Analytics Platform – combines the power of big data, image analytics and artificial intelligence to facilitate diagnosis of various ailments like cervical cancer. ASTRI’s Smart Pole project was also showcased in the event – an amazing innovation that acts as a communication hotspot, facilitates 5G and IoT services, and helps with environmental tracking as well as smart traffic management. In addition, the event’s visitors also witnessed ASTRI’s R&D on smart mobility and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications.
二十五名來自香港中文大學電子工程系的學生於三月二十日到訪香港應用科技研究院,體驗「科技在現實生活中的運作」,並由應科院信息安全與數據科學部高級總監許志光博士及公共事務部總監鄭靄玲女士歡迎及接待。同學於活動中,除參觀了智慧城巿創新中心內展示的一系列智慧城巿及通訊技術,更與三位畢業於中大的應科院研發專家作誠摯交流和討論,他們分別是混合信號系統首席工程師鄧玉輝,先進數字系統高級工程師周松水以及智能軟件系統工程師李子豪。至於交流的內容由中大生活、以至如何將技術知識結合非技術技能、及透過課堂以外學習,為未來投身職場做好準備等,非常廣泛。 Some 25 undergraduate students from the Electronic Engineering department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) experienced ‘Technology in Real-life Action’ in ASTRI on 20 March 2018. Dr Lucas Hui – Senior Director of Security and Data Sciences, and Ms Eunice Cheng – Director of Public Affairs, welcomed the students in ASTRI. Besides witnessing various smart city and communication technology demonstrations at ASTRI’s Smart City Innovation Centre, the students exchanged thoughts and views with three of ASTRI’s R&D experts who happens to be alumni members of CUHK. Kamny Tang - Principal Engineer from Mixed Signals Systems, Walter Chow - Senior Engineer from Advanced Digital Systems, and Spike Lee - Engineer from Intelligent Softwares and Systems had a candid and lively chat with the students. The session’s topics ranged from life@CUHK, blending technological know-how with soft-skills, to ‘learning outside the classroom’ for ‘industry-ready career planning’.
六十多位來自內地科技企業及其他行業的企業家和高級行政人員,在香港投資推廣署的安排下,於三月二十日到訪應科院,並由應科院副總裁(新一代通訊網絡)莊哲義博士與署理總監(光電子)蔡振榮博士歡迎及接待。其間,訪問團參觀了應科院多項研發設施,並對智慧城巿、金融科技、人工智能和自動化機械人等尤感興趣,希望能進一步了解有關技術,及探討彼此於「大灣區發展」以及「一帶一路」的相關合作機會。訪問團成員熱烈投入分享和討論,令活動成為一個難得的交流平台,應科院亦衷心感謝投資推廣署安排是次活動。 Over 60 leading entrepreneurs and senior executives from Mainland-based tech-enterprises and other businesses were in ASTRI on 20 March 2018 for a visit organised by InvestHK. Dr Justin Chuang – Vice President for Next Generation Network and Dr C J Tsai – Director of Optoelectronics welcomed the delegation to ASTRI. Visiting various R&D facilities in ASTRI, the delegation was curious about ASTRI’s endeavours in areas like smart city, FinTech, AI and Robotics. They were keen to know more about these technologies and the potential collaboration opportunities particularly around the ‘Greater Bay Area Development’ and 'Belt and Road' initiatives. The visit turned into a lively platform for sharing - indeed an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences. Thanks to InvestHK for bringing the delegation to tour our facility.
在巴塞隆拿舉行的的2018世界移動通信大會上,來自全球的創新科技業匯聚一堂深入探討資訊及通訊技術的未來發展。受惠於5G網絡的發展,在不久的將來,人們可以在彈指之間下載到網上影片,又或者可以輕易透過即時高清流播技術與家人對話。憑藉其高達1Gbps前所未有的速度,5G不單止重新定義用戶互相連接與通信的方式,更加透過物聯網的實際應用,改變我們的生活。在世界移動通信大會上,應科院與一眾合作夥伴如英特爾、羅德與施瓦茨、Sunnada (三元達網絡)以及Keysight (是德科技)一同展示了5G技術的研發能力。 5G技術將會與物聯網連繫,並且讓每位用戶都受惠。它將結合電訊、訊息娛樂、大數據、雲運算、人工智慧以及其他平台,為未來十年的創新發展鋪設了一條康莊大道。有份參與世界移動通信大會的應科院高級工程師蘇棟哲在接受網上媒體慧聰物聯網訪問時指出:「5G標準達到超高網速、毫秒級延遲、99.999%以上網路穩定性,可説明實現車與車、車與路的互聯,從而降低事故率、節約能源。」除了在5G測試平台擁有尖端科研技術外,應科院還在研究一些不同的創新應用例如智慧燈柱、社區醫療平臺、智慧導航、汽車互聯以及窄帶物聯網技術。 資料來源: At the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2018 in Barcelona, the global ICT industry talked about a future where a video could be downloaded in little over a second. Or, real-time HD streaming from home will allow people to watch over their families. That future, thanks to astonishing pace of 5G development, isn’t too far away. With unprecedented speed like 1Gbps, 5G will not only redefine the way we connect and communicate, but will also revolutionise our lives with seamless, real-life applications of Internet-of-Things. At the MWC, ASTRI demonstrated a number of software and hardware solutions jointly with its partners like Intel, Rohde & Schwarz, Sunnada and Keysight – showcasing its 5G R&D capabilities. 5G will connect everything, and benefit everyone. It will combine telecommunications, infotainment, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and many other platforms to pave the way for a golden age of innovation over the next decade. See this news coverage where Su Dong-zhe, ASTRI’s R&D expert participating in the MWC pointed out that “5G technology not only delivers exceptionally high speed at less-than-a-millisecond latency, but also ensures over 99.999% network stability. It can enable seamless communication between vehicles as well as vehicles and traffic infrastructure, and thereby reduce accidents rate and save energy.” In addition to its cutting-edge R&D on 5G testbeds, ASTRI is also working on a number of other innovative applications such as Smart Poles, Community Healthcare Platform, Smart Navigation, Connected Cars and Narrowband Internet-of-Things. Source:
應科院的智慧水務物聯網系統再次獲國際殊榮 應科院的智慧水務物聯網系統再次贏得國際認可,今次的獎項由世界信息技術與服務聯盟(WITSA)頒授。該項創新的城市方案用於監測,檢測和分析自來水,有助革新水務系統的管理。該系統最近榮獲2018年度WITSA全球資訊科技卓越獎授予優異獎。頒獎儀式於2018年2月19日在印度的國際資訊科技中心 –海得拉巴舉行。 應科院行政總裁周憲本祝賀得獎團隊,認為這項「創新的解決方案令供水系統切合時代所需,對人口稠密的香港城市尤具效益」。他提及該系統目前正被水務署試用, 並補充說:「是項技術再度獲獎帶給我們鼓舞,我們定會繼續積極研發創新的智能城市應用方案,並加強與各界的合作,以進一步造福業界和社會。」 應科院的智慧水務物聯網系統在過去亦曾贏得多個本地、亞太區,以至國際獎項,其中較著名的包括:2017年香港資訊及通訊科技獎最佳商業方案(應用)銅獎及2017年亞太資訊及通訊科技大獎(APICTA)工業應用類別優異獎。 ASTRI’s Smart Water IoT system received yet another international recognition ASTRI’s Smart Water IoT System has received yet another global recognition – this time from World Information Technology and Services Alliances (WITSA). The innovative smart city solution, which has the potential to revolutionise the way water supply is monitored, measured and analysed, won a Merit Award at the WITSA Global ICT Excellence Awards 2018. The award presentation ceremony took place on 19 February 2018 in Hyderabad, the international ICT hub of India. Commenting on this feat, ASTRI’s CEO Mr Hugh Chow congratulated the project team for this “innovative solution that modernises water supply systems with significant potential benefits for the densely populated urbanscape of Hong Kong.” He referred to the project’s current pilot run by the Hong Kong Water Supplies Department and added that “this recognition will reinforce our efforts to innovate state-of-the-art smart city solutions and forge strong collaborations to support local industries and the communities.” ASTRI’s Smart Water IoT System won a series of local, regional and international accolades in the past. The impressive list includes: Best Business Solution (Application) Bronze Award in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 and Merit Award in the Industrial Application category of the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards 2017 (APICTA).
應科院與歐洲研發機構INL協議成立聯合創新實驗室,為雙方合作揭開序幕 香港應用科技研究院(應科院)與International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory(INL)最近簽署協議,成立聯合創新實驗室,為智慧城市的整體發展進行跨領域的先進技術研究。簽約儀式於應科院舉行,隨後更安排了研討會讓香港,內地和歐洲的知名學者及專家就「智慧城市的納米和傳感技術」交流意見。 應科院主席王明鑫在儀式上表示:「應科院與INL結為合作伙伴,標誌著香港,西班牙和葡萄牙在科技研發方面的合作邁向新里程,透過共同發揮科技的力量,促進大中華和歐洲地區的經濟及社會發展。」INL理事會副主席兼西班牙國家研究組織總幹事Marina Villegas Garcia教授祝賀兩家機構達成合作,並期望「西班牙、葡萄牙,中國大陸和香港之間的合作,有助促進在創新研發,技術,知識和意見等方面的交流,從而提升人們的生活質素。」 出席簽約儀式的嘉賓包括:香港特區政府創新科技署科學顧問余安正教授、葡萄牙駐澳門和香港總領事薛雷諾博士、西班牙駐香港副總領事兼經濟商務事務專員Maria Perez-Ribes,此外,尚有其他高級官員、外交團成員、INL高層人員和研發專家,以及應科院的管理層和研究人員;和來自大中華地區的學者及科技企業高層。 Agreement to set up a joint innovation lab marks the beginning of international collaboration between ASTRI and European R&D institution INL ASTRI is thrilled to announce that it has signed an agreement with the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) to set up a joint innovation laboratory to pursue cutting-edge and interdisciplinary research for overall smart city development. The signing ceremony, held at ASTRI premises, also included an insightful seminar on ‘Nano and Sensing Technologies for Smart City’ facilitated by leading scholars and experts from Mainland China, Hong Kong and Europe. In his opening remarks, Mr Wong Ming-yam, Chairman of ASTRI said, “The partnership between ASTRI and INL sets a significant milestone for closer research collaboration among Hong Kong, Spain and Portugal, to leverage the power of technology for the benefit of communities and economies across Greater China and Europe.” Professor Marina Villegas Garcia, Vice Chairman of INL Council and Director General of the Spanish State Research Organisation congratulated both organisations on the successful commencement of this partnership and hoped that “collaboration between Spain, Portugal, Mainland China and Hong Kong will lead to meaningful exchange of innovative R&D, technologies, knowledge and insights which will ultimately improve the quality of people’s lives.” Professor On-ching Yue, Science Advisor to the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government; Dr Vitor Sereno, Consul General of Portugal in Macau and Hong Kong; Ms Maria Perez-Ribes, Deputy Consul General and Commissioner for Economic and Commercial Affairs of Spain in Hong Kong; joined other senior officials, members of the diplomatic corps, senior officials and researchers from INL, ASTRI’s senior executives and R&D leaders; scholars and technology business leaders from Greater China on the occasion.
【校園記者活動】香港其中一家主要報章《明報》為年輕學生提供新聞採訪與撰寫新聞故事的機會,並且讓他們了解城中的最新科技發展,今次帶同九名中學生參觀應科院的設施。在今次活動中,參觀者絕大部分是對數碼及科技發展有著濃厚興趣的中學生,他們共花了數小時在香港應用科技研究院(應科院)參觀,了解院內的各種研究室及設施,並藉此千載難逢機會與應科院新一代網絡副總裁莊哲義博士真情對話。 莊哲義博士向學生分享了應科院的技術願景、香港科技業的發展潛力、香港如何吸引全球人才以及投資者的能力,以及如何為香港培育下一代科技領袖。他也向校園記者們解釋了為甚麼「香港能夠繼成為亞洲的國際都會,皆因香港仍有很多優點可以提供,以及仍有很多可供發展的空間」。 他進一步解釋,作為亞洲四小龍之一,香港擁有良好的基建以及商業監管法規。這才是真正有利推動創新與科技發展的原因。 【Student Reporters visit ASTRI】When one of the leading newspapers in Hong Kong provides young students with an exposure to news-hunting and storytelling, and compliments that with an opportunity to learn about latest technological developments in the city, the outcome can be quite captivating. That’s exactly what happened when some 12 student-reporters from Ming Pao Daily visited ASTRI recently. The visitors spent a few hours visiting various R&D labs and facilities within ASTRI’s premises and chatting with Dr Justin Chuang – ASTRI’s Vice President for Next Generation Network. Dr Chuang shared about ASTRI’s technology vision, the potential of the tech-industry in Hong Kong, the city’s ability to attract global talent and investors, and building the next generation of technology leaders for Hong Kong. He explained to the student reporters why “Hong Kong continues to be Asia’s world city with lots to offer and lot more to achieve.” Dubbed one of the four “original Asian Tigers”, Hong Kong has “a vibrant economy with great infrastructure and an excellent, business-friendly regulatory regime which are genuinely conducive to promote innovation and technology,” he commented.
[投資創新及科技,為香港締造更好未來:財政司司長公布2018-19年度財政預算案] 香港特區政府財政司司長陳茂波今日向立法會提交香港2018至2019年度財政預算案。 此為自特首林鄭月娥上任以來所公布的首個整年度財政預算案,當中顯示香港錄得破紀錄的1380億港元盈餘,而內容主要集中於福利措施以及科技發展。其中將預留高達500億港元 – 逾35%的財政盈餘,用以支援創科發展,特別是創新及科技基金;落馬洲河套區的港深創新及科技園;兩個匯聚科技人才的創新科技平台,分別研發醫療科技、人工智能及機械人;並向科學園和數碼港增撥資源,藉以支援企業培育。 財政司司長明確表示,希望香港能於創科「激烈競爭中突圍而出」。 並善用資源,聚焦具有優勢的四大範疇,即生物科技、人工智能、智慧城市和金融科技。 回應香港特區行政長官的施政布告,財政司司長表示政府將為研發投資提供大幅減稅,並且繼續支持基層及應用研發機構,期望於目前政府的五年任期內,令香港的研發經費所佔的生產總值的比例由現時的0.73%上升至1.5%。 應科院歡迎預算案中的策略性支援,所增撥的財政資源將為香港的科技發展提供有效的支持和動力。作為香港最大的政府資助研發機構,應科院一直致力透過科技研發及與創新科技生態系統不同持份者的協作,提升企業競爭力,和改善市民的生活質素。 [Investing in innovation and technology to secure a strong future for Hong Kong: Financial Secretary announces 2018-19 budget] Paul Chan Mo-po, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, delivered Hong Kong’s 2018-19 budget in the Legislative Council today. The first full-year budget announced since Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor took over as the SAR’s Chief Executive, it revealed a record surplus of HKD 138 billion, and focused heavily on welfare measures as well as I&T development. A massive HKD 50 billion – equalling over 35% of the budget surplus – has been dedicated to I&T, with particular emphasis on boosting the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF); Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in the Lok Ma Chau Loop; two dedicated research clusters for artificial intelligence, robotics and health technologies; and enhanced support to enabling organisations like Hong Kong Science Park and Cyberport. Mr Chan made it very clear that he would like to see Hong Kong shining bright “in the fierce I&T race amidst keen competition”. He added that “Hong Kong must optimise its resources” while focusing on areas like biotechnology, artificial intelligence, smart city and FinTech. In line with the HKSAR Chief Executive’s Policy Speech, the Financial Secretary said the Government will offer a significant tax-reduction for R&D investment. This, coupled with the Government’s continued support to basic and applied R&D institutions, aims to Hong Kong’s Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product from the current 0.73% to 1.5% within the current Government’s five‑year tenure. ASTRI welcomes the strategic boost announced in the budget - the fund allocation will provide significant support to I&T development in Hong Kong. As the largest Government-funded R&D institution in Hong Kong, ASTRI remains committed to leveraging the power of technology and collaborating with different stakeholders in the I&T ecosystem to enhance the competitiveness of businesses and enrich the lives of people.
狗代表忠誠和友誼,是人類最好的朋友。在狗年來臨之際,應科院恭祝您和摯愛親朋:闔家歡樂,如意吉祥﹗ Dogs are human being’s best friends - they represent loyalty and friendship. As we usher in the Year of the Dog, ASTRI wishes you and your loved ones a happy and prosperous happy Chinese New Year!
今個情人節,願愛與關懷在每位戀人、家庭及朋友間盡情散播。應科院祝各位情人節快樂! May this Valentine’s Day bring all loved ones, families and friends together with happiness showered on them all. ASTRI wishes a happy Valentine’s Day to all of you.
資深學者兼科研專才許志光博士 加入應科院領導信息安全與數據科學研發 資深學者兼科研專才許志光博士於2018年2月1日加入應科院,領導信息安全與數據科學部。在研究、教學和提供諮詢方面有26年經驗的許博士,將於應院科發揮其在網絡安全、密碼學及電子商業的專業知識。他從基礎科研邁入應用研究的領域,將領導應科院的科研團隊,努力為不同機構以可靠和安全的方式實現數碼化,並協助業界掌握「數據的力量」。 許博士擁有加利福尼亞大學的碩士及博士學位。他於香港大學取得學士及哲學碩士學位。他成立了香港大學信息安全及密碼學研究中心,並在加入應科院前於該校出任副教授一職。 許博士認為「科技快速發展帶來眾多好處,但隨之而來的挑戰是如何確保資訊安全萬無一失。維護網絡安全像解決數學謎題,是節奏明快且刺激的競賽,維護秩序者必須比作奸犯科者走前一步,才能保障大家的數字資產,以及機構和客戶的利益。」應科院的研究團隊人才濟濟,並一直與監管機構、執法部門和業界保持緊密合作,許博士很高興能與如此出色的團隊共事。 Seasoned researcher and academic Dr Lucas Hui joined ASTRI on 1 February 2018, to lead its Security and Data Sciences Division, bringing with him 26 years of research, teaching and consulting experience in cybersecurity, cryptography and digital finance. Making a foray from basic R&D into applied research, he will spearhead ASTRI’s efforts to enable organisations to go digital in a sound and secure way, and help them to leverage the "power of data". Dr Hui holds an MSc and a PhD from the University of California, Davis. Getting his undergraduate and MPhil degrees from the University of Hong Kong, he also founded the University’s Centre for Information Security and Cryptography, and worked as an Associate Professor before joining ASTRI. Dr Hui feels that “along with the wonders of faster technologies, comes the practical challenge of ensuring full-proof information security." Cybersecurity is like solving math puzzles. "It’s an exciting game where the good people must remain one step ahead of the bad people, to safeguard our digital assets and protect the interest of organisations and customers.” He is delighted to join ASTRI's terrific team of talented researchers who collaborate closely with regulators, law enforcers, and the industry.
應科院行政總裁周憲本先生相信,香港要站在環球金融科技發展的前沿,人才供應最為重要。他認為推動金融科技發展絕非單一持份者可以達成─ 若要成功,生態系統裡的所有主要持份者必須攜手同心。周先生相信「我們群策群力,定能取得的更大成就。」請參閱他的最新文章以獲取更多資訊。 ASTRI’s CEO Mr Hugh Chow believes a healthy talent pipeline is the all-important factor behind Hong Kong’s rise to global FinTech prominence. According to Mr Chow, advancing FinTech can’t be a solo-performance from any one player – it requires key players from Hong Kong’s FinTech ecosystem to come together for a shared cause. He is amazed to see “just how much more we can achieve when we collaborate and synergize our efforts.” Read his latest article for more.
