座落於沙田香港文化博物館內,以慢遞明信片為主題,希望推廣「執筆寫字文化」、「寄信給親人、友人」等感覺,令生活在急促之中的香港人,有一刻可以停下來,回顧生活或關心別人。 牧羊少年是於 2012 年誕生的本地咖啡館品牌,除了提供餐飲服務外,一直致力推廣旅遊、音樂、文創、人文及社福等五大文化。幾年之間開創多間概念咖啡館,讓香港市民可在不同分店感受不同文化。這一次,牧羊少年與香港文化博物館合作,設立嶄新的概念咖啡館 –––【牧羊少年咖啡.慢遞館】。
The Alchemist Café and Bistro is a Hong Kong based coffee shop founded in 2012. The café aims to promote culture of travel, music, creative design and social responsibilities. Events like sharing sessions, concerts, exhibitions, and writing contests also shows our support to local artists.
In 2015, The Alchemist Café and Bistro has collaborated with The Hong Kong Heritage Museum, igniting a new concept - Coffee X Future Mail. Guests are encouraged to write a postcard to their future selves or friends. Then, the café will mail the postcards according to the chosen date and year, by the latest 5 years after writing it. We support local artists also be exhibitions in the house, providing an art-infused environment.
The sense of touch and smell on a letter rewind us back into the days where we begin our journey...
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