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Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin

1 On Ping Street, Sha Tin, N.T., Sha Tin, Hong Kong



Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin Website:
Reservations can be made and hotel information can be found at this site. Strategically located in Shatin, with a mere 5-minute walk to the MTR Shek Mun Station (Ma On Shan Line), the 524-room Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin features stylish rooms with tranquil views of the Shing Mun River, offering smart and practical choices to make your stay energized and productive.



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Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin offers fashionably delicious homemade Chinese New Year pudding for the festive celebration! Gift set starts from HK$68! Buy now on +852 3940 8788 我地今年推出咗得意有趣嘅猴子造型賀歲年糕禮盒, 售價都只不過由港幣$68起! 想知更多詳情, 打電話到+852 3940 8788 #cny #ricepudding #yum #foodie #shatin

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Book your stay for a minimum of 7 consecutive nights at HK$5,550 with lots of exclusive privileges. Reserve now on: +852 3940 8888 連續住7晚都只不係港幣5,550起,另加其他優惠! 而家就打+852 3940 8888訂房啦! #shatin

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MoMo Cafe offers 3 freshly shucked oysters served to your table alongside with mouthwatering oyster dishes at Oysterrific Dinner Buffet! Book now on +852 3940 8788 MoMo Cafe 每晚送上三款精選即開生蠔及任食一系列鮮蠔美饌,仲唔快啲嚟試!訂座即電 +852 3940 8788 #foodie #yum #shatin

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Home - Udderbelly Hong Kong - Underbelly

Weekend idea: Udderbelly Festival, a huge carnival from Euro, at Central Harbourfront Event Space! More information: 依個周末可以去中環新海濱活動空間嘅紫色牛牛, 欣賞各項藝術娛樂節目! 詳情:

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Enjoy 3 pieces of freshly shucked oyster at dinner buffet in MoMo Cafe from HK$458! Book now on: +852 3940 8788 我哋嘅MoMo Cafe自助晚餐每晚送上三款精選即開生蠔都只不過由港幣458起! 訂座即電: +852 3940 8788 #oyster #yum #foodie #shatin #沙田

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We are thrilled to receive the Wedding Award from Wedding Message! Our professional catering team will keep on providing tips and personalized service to our guests. 我哋好高興得到全城至like新婚通訊大賞嘅「至like瑰麗婚宴」! 我哋會繼續努力為大家提供更好更優質嘅服務 #shatin #courtyard #marriott #award

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To pamper yourself, unwind at our Lobby Lounge or LEVELthirty Lounge & Bar with delectable tea set! Our afternoon tea starts at HK$298 for two. For more information: +852 3940 8799 對自己好啲, 嚟我哋嘅Lobby Lounge或者LEVELthirty嘆返個下午茶啦! 下午茶套餐供兩位用都係由港幣298起~ 想知更多詳情: +852 3940 8799

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Photos from Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin's post

Rewards for our loyal fans! Return to MoMo Cafe and show the dining receipt to enjoy 25% off on Weekend Lunch Buffet! Offer until 28 Feb, reserve now on: +852 3940 8788 熟客仔有優惠~只要拎住之前喺MoMo Cafe消費過嘅單據返嚟惠顧週末自助午餐就可以有75折優惠! 優惠到2月28號~ 仲等? 快啲打+852 3940 8788訂位啦! #foodie #MoMo #Cafe #shatin

Photos from Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin's post

Great Outdoors | Hong Kong Tourism Board

Looking for something to do on the weekend? Get some ideas from “Great Outdoors” of HKTB which showcases the great places for outdoor activities! Check it out: 諗緊周末有咩做? 不如去探索一下戶外啦!香港旅遊發展局詳細介紹咗一系列戶外活動俾大家,而且有啲仲好近我哋酒店添!想知多啲:

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Travel smart! Check out the GoBoard at our hotel lobby! The LCD touch screen presents the up-to-date local information that is necessary to you! 去旅遊梗係要知清楚當地資料啦~我哋酒店大堂號GoBoard就有齊本地資料,外出前睇一睇,保証您玩得暢心又放心~ #smart #travel #goboard #courtyard #shatin

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考SAT想專心溫書? 住喺我哋度就夠晒靜啦,1月23日朝早仲有專車送你去試場~ 訂房即電: +852 3940 8888 #exam #study #shatin

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Offering 3 freshly shucked oysters served to your table alongside with a variety of oyster dishes, our Oysterrific Dinner Buffet at MoMo Cafe will definitely satisfy your oyster craving! 我哋MoMo Cafe新推出「品味鮮蠔」自助晚餐,每晚送上三款精選即開生蠔及任食一系列鮮蠔美饌,等各位可以「蠔」食! Reserve now on 訂座即電: +852 3940 8788 #oyster #foodie #yum #Shatin

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NEAR Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin