Jim's Kitchen & Bar 的佈置以舒適風格為主,設有戶外坐位,主要售賣手工啤酒,特色飲品,扒類及新派小食。
大嶼山梅窩 麥添記燒爉店 本店營業時間早上7:00am到下午1:00pm 逄星期二休息
Our mission is to provide the best place to our members. You can work here, networking here, find many opportunities here.
One Vegan Shop (OVS) strive to bring convenience and ease to the vegan lifestyle
Welcome to the Liverpool FC Supporters Hong Kong Our mission is to promote LFC and expand our global family. YNWA Steve Parry http://liverpoolfchk.com
Will be LIVE Monday 16th March at The Science Park. Aim to deliver a dash of excitement & colour to your daily lunch palate.
www.iamgreen.com.hk 100% 泰國天然草藥熱敷系列 100% Natural Herbal Heating Pads
Simply a place for everything for everyone, everywhere!
明愛荃灣社區中心 Caritas Community Centre - Tsuen Wan