精工鏍絲五金製造廠有限公司 Seiko Screw Metal Manufactory Limited
Seiko Screw Metal Manufactory Limited is a registered company have over 30 years specializing in producing screws and importing the other kinds of product. Dear Sir/Madam,
Please allow us to introduce to you our company, Seiko Screw Metal Manufactory Limited.
Seiko Screw Metal Manufactory Limited is a registered company specializing in producing screws in Hong Kong and importing the other kinds of product from Taiwan. We have over 30 years experience in producing metal products. Our company is one of the best screw manufactory in Asia.
Our company is so well advanced technique, superior manufacturing equipment and perfect inspection instruments. We understand a high quality of production will gain a higher standard of the reputation for the company or even the world-class business.That’s why we promised to product the highest standard of goods for our distinguished customers.
And our company is also produces various kinds of screws, rivets and some special specification items; with materials include Aluminum Alloy, Brass, Steel, Stainless Steel, Titanium…etc. The colorful products are suitable for decorating the garments, bags and shoes…etc.
Do not panic about the exportation! Our company is well advanced the fastest delivery service to export our products to Japan, America, Europe, China and Hong Kong domestic market. We understand sometimes things just need to be done in a hurry. We also
promised our clients to delivery our products on time.
If you are interested in our product and company, please feel free to inform us by (email: seikoscrew@incnets.com) and quoted us prices of our products.
We will be glad to cooperate with you! Thank you.
Best Regards
Sandy Shiu and Vi Vi Lai
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