Top Local Places

14 St. Francis Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong, Hong Kong



{sfs} 咖啡 x 生活概念店

{sfs} cafe | lifestyle gallery Book {sfs} for your next event! Our versatile space has hosted numerous events and filming sessions. A centrally located ground floor cosy environment with all the basic amenities such as toilet and wi-fi, {sfs} is the ideal spot! PM us for more details.

Events | Cocktail | Exhibition | Filming | Pop-up | Interview | Workshops | Training | Talks

{sfs} - 灣仔斜坡街角上的咖啡x生活概念店

集咖啡店與生活概念店於一身的{sfs}進駐灣仔星街這個型格生活文化區域。{sfs}既與這個小社區那種Bobo生活態度感覺融合,又著重獨立精神,從採用的咖啡豆品牌,以致搜羅的型格生活產品,皆以其個性和內涵為重。咖啡店的設計與意念由英國回流,本身為執業建築師的創辦人之一Mark Chan 親自操刀,將英倫“Simple, Elegant & Classic”,既經典又簡約流麗的感覺以型格又親民的方式展現於聖佛蘭士街。

{sfs}希望為鄰近上班和生活的人士提供一個 “hang-out place”,亦希望成為一個小型的,讓獨特又有趣的意念滋長的空間,除繼續於本地及海外搜羅合適的生活產品外,{sfs}亦希望與從事音樂,文化,設計等的朋友合作舉辦活動,與具創意的腦袋們一起看更廣的世界。


隨著咖啡文化在香港更為人認識,許多咖啡愛好者也更追求獨特的咖啡品味。兩位曾在英國生活的 {sfs}創辦人決意把他們嚮往的咖啡味道,以及他們皆熱愛的英倫氣息帶回香港。選擇來自英國的咖啡豆品牌亦因為那裡正在經歷著咖啡文化發展的第三浪潮 - 即追求獨特有個性的咖啡味道,這與香港的情況相近;兩位創辦人就將這些對研究咖啡充滿熱情的獨立烘焙品牌帶回香港與一眾咖啡愛好者分享,並配搭手造餅食,味道必定一試難忘。

{Nude Espresso}
於2008年開始烘焙自家咖啡豆,創立短短數年間已於2010及2013年兩度獲倫敦備受推崇的Coffee Society頒發 “Winner of Independent Café of the Year”。Nude Espresso富動力與熱誠的態度讓他們在物色咖啡豆上不斷嘗新,發掘更多味道出眾,具個性的產品。這與{sfs}的態度不謀而合。

{Climpsons & Sons}
Climpsons & Sons由曾於澳洲這個咖啡文化非常成熟的環境歷練多年的Ian Burgess與Danny Davis 合作領軍,他們亦是英國的咖啡文化第三浪發展的先導者。Climpsons & Sons非但在發掘及烘焙咖啡豆上具創新和冒險精神,他們更堅持平等與具持續發展的咖啡貿易;連續三年獲London Coffee Guide選進Top 30 Independent Coffee Venue。{sfs} 為能夠跟他們合作感到非常榮幸。

英式摩登經典隨身擁有 – Ally Capellino功能型格皮革產品

{sfs}這份既經典又簡約流麗除可在店內感受之外,更可將之隨身擁有。我們引入的英國自家品牌Ally Capellino皮革產品,其設計簡約耐看,手工物料均展現Ally對細節與質素的執著,並非一般只著重潮流的品牌可比擬。在英國等地亦深受一眾愛型格,重內涵的人士愛戴。Ally近年更與著名的Tate Gallery及Apple合作推出產品,其來頭絕不可少覬。

{sfs} streetside cafe | lifestyle gallery

Hidden behind its purple gate mid-way on St Francis Street in Wanchai is {sfs}, aka St Francis, a brand new addition to the Star Street Precinct. Named after the street it sits on, {sfs} aspires to be a streetside café & lifestyle gallery knitted within this established community of urban bohemian bourgeois, one tucked away from the unavoidable hustle-bustle of a world class metropolitan.

{sfs} is the neighbourhood’s hang-out café and lifestyle gallery. Committed to gathering new and emerging talents from Hong Kong and abroad, the selection of coffee beans and lifestyle products is a careful curation of what they believe best represents ‘simplicity’ and ‘elegance’. The interior, equally simple and elegant, is designed by St Francis’ co-founder Mark Chan, a chartered architect who has returned from the UK having spent over 15 years in Europe. {sfs} is a space for collaborations, a space for musicians, designers and people from all walks of life with creative ideas.

Award-winning independent coffee roasts from the UK

{sfs} brings to Hong Kong not only a unique aroma, but moreover a lifestyle that the founders have brought back from the UK. Themselves active participants in the cultural and coffee scenes in London, the two founders introduce to Hong Kong coffee lovers a selection of award-winning independent coffee roasts to add to the increasingly diverse choice of third-wave coffee available in Hong Kong. Accompanied with homemade pastry, the experience is not to be forgotten and will sure bring back memories for those who lived or travelled abroad.

