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信義宗神學院專頁 Lutheran Theological Seminary

道風山路50號, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Religious Center



Training God’s Servants for Asia and Beyond. The mission God gives to us is: “On the Foundation of the Bible, Training Faithful Servants of God’s Word.” Our goal is to help learners attain holistic growth in terms of their spiritual life, their wisdom, pastoral skills, commitment to mission and witness to Jesus Christ



16 February Devotion (Source : be’emuna) Psalm 40:17 You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God. Mark 1:40-41 A leper came to Jesus begging him, and kneeling he said to him, “If you choose, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, and said to him, “I do choose. Be made clean!” The life of King David was not a smooth one. Firstly, he was famous when he killed the giant from Philistine in his young age. He became a hero and everyone thought that he could be at the top of his career. But his achievement was envied and brought him into a very dangerous situations. Saul tried to kill him many times. So he had to flee from Saul’s persecution. From hero he became a fugitive, a person who just tried to survive! Whatever we are as great as David or as poor as a leper, we as human being might face difficult time. In this time of trial, one might blame on bad luck or God does not care, or even give himself or herself up. But as we read the Bible, we discover a different result. The faithful persons of the Bible cried to the Lord and pray for his or her situation. And these prayers are ferment and earnest in faith. And at the end they experienced God’s faithfulness and mercy. Our modern life also filled with pressure and sometimes bad news. I wish we could be like those faithful persons of the Bible who turned to God and pray, so that we may also taste the goodness and faithfulness of our Lord in prayer. Dear heavenly Father, you are the refuge and power when we are in distress and danger. Help us to trust in you and teach us how to pray, in Jesus name we pray, amen. Dr. Angel Lam Angel Lam

2月16日 靈修資料 (出處: 因著信) 珥二32 「到那時候,凡求告耶和華名的就必得救;因為照耶和華所說的,在錫安山,耶路撒冷必有逃脫的人,在剩下的人中必有耶和華所召的。」 約十六23 「到那日,你們甚麼也就不問我了。我實實在在地告訴你們,你們若向父求甚麼,祂必因我的名賜給你們。」 舊約時代上主藉約珥先知向上主的百姓發出預言,呼籲他們離開罪惡,以前的大自然災難乃是上主的管教。現今,若他們願意悔改回轉,向上主呼求,上主必再施恩憐憫,「到那時候」,使他們不致羞愧,得著拯救和豐盛。新約時代,主耶穌應許祂的門徒,「到那日」,凡靠著祂的名向天父祈求,就必得著。就是主耶穌成就救恩,門徒得著聖靈更新,按著祂的旨意求告,成就祂的美事。 「到了時候」和「到那日」都是說一個有盼望的日子。今天雖然仍有痛苦和憂愁,但到了那日、那時候,一切也會有盼望,因為耶和華的名被高舉。當我們呼求耶和華的名,心轉向祂,祂必憐憫賜福,並賜下恩典,保守我們活在祂的大愛中。 天父,願我的心貼近你,無論現在的境況如何,只要活在你的愛裹,就有盼望,並必得著所賜的福氣和恩典。阿們。 林雪文博士 Angel Lam

2月15日 靈修資料 (出處: 因著信) 箴三11 我兒,你不可輕看耶和華的管教(或譯:懲治),也不可厭煩他的責備; 彼前五2 務要牧養在你們中間上帝的群羊,按著上帝旨意照管他們;不是出於勉強,乃是出於甘心;也不是因為貪財,乃是出於樂意; 小時候不想做小孩,經常模仿大人。一方面是好奇心驅使,因為小孩的世界是新鮮的,是一個沒有邊際的世界,什麼都想知,什麼都想試。另一方面,當自己任性,做錯事被父母責罰時,就特別想做大人,以為做大人便沒有人管,不會受責罰。 長大了,經常從身邊的友人口中聽到「一代不如一代」,直接地理解是自己的一代比年輕的一代好。再引申下去的涵意是下一代不但不濟,而且不肯受教。因此,另一句大人的口頭禪是「不聽老人言,吃虧在眼前。」 大人是否一定對,小孩是否必然錯呢?教與學之間的磨擦和衝突是否無法解決的呢?相信對於第一個問題我們已經有共同的答案,但假如我們沒有給予第一個問題的答案足夠的肯定和作恰當的行動,第二個問題的答案很自然的是「無法解決」了。我很喜歡今天的經文。它沒有給予大人或小孩的對與錯的肯定,卻說出了教與學的應有態度。 假如我自以為對而不受教,如果我沒有按著上帝旨意牧養和管教,又不是出於甘心,懇求主寬恕! 羅永光牧師 Pilgrim LO

15 February Devotion (Source : be’emuna) Genesis 6:9 Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation; Noah walked with God. Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, warned by God about events as yet unseen, respected the warning and built an ark to save his household. In Genesis Noah was a righteous, blameless man in his generation. He walked with God. In the Epistle to the Hebrew, Noah was described that by faith he was justified. What kind of person was Noah really? When Genesis described that Noah was in “his generation”, what was his generation look like? Jesus told us that “in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage.” (Matt 24:38) In fact, the generation was full of sin. The wickedness of human being on the earth was great, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. On the contrary, when Noah received the instruction of the Lord, his feared the Lord and did accordingly, to build an ark and saved his family. What kind of generation is today in our midst? It is still a generation of wickedness and people think only evil in their hearts. Therefore, whatever generation we belong, we are living in a world of sin. How can God’s people react to this reality? Noah was justified by his faith in the Lord. May we also come closer to God and listen to His instruction so that we may fear Him and obey Him and do His will. Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your saving power on the cross, that you draw us near to you and cleanse us. Help us Lord to love you more and live a righteous life, amen. Dr. Angel Lam Angel Lam

14 February Devotion (Source : be’emuna) Deuteronomy 4:10 Assemble the people for me, and I will let them hear my words, so that they may learn to fear me as long as they live on the earth, and may teach their children to do so. 2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth. The Lord ordered His servant Moses on the mount Horeb to give decrees and laws to Israelites in order to implement the “truth-education” and to nurture the next generation. This truth-education was a good and spiritual but at the same time a “compulsory” education. It was also a national education and as well as a family education. This education fostered the growth of Israelite in truth, nurtured them to love God and to built God’s kingdom. Martin Luther once in his sermon said, that we should let our children to be educated. He pointed out that people were seduced to despise the word of God and schooling. What is our ideal education now? What are the purposes of the life of our children? What are our educational goals? Luther had exposed the purposes of Satan, who seduced people to have educational goal only on becoming rich. Satan wanted our children only to serve Mammon or riches. Only if we have truth-education, will our children be set free. Let us decide to be good steward of truth and to have quality truth education for our children. Lord help us to focus on our life goal and direction, so that we may be encouraged to do your will and be good steward of truth. Give us wisdom to educate our children in truth, so that they may glorify you and be good neighbors to others, in Jesus Christ we pray, amen. Dr. Angel Lam

2月14日 靈修資料 (出處: 因著信) 亞十二10上 我必將那施恩叫人懇求的靈,澆灌大衛家和耶路撒冷的居民。 約十六13上 (耶穌說)只等真理的聖靈來了,他要引導你們明白(原文作進入)一切的真理; 很多基督徒都嚮往被聖靈充滿,因為聖經記載了聖靈充滿是上帝的工作,獲得聖靈充滿是蒙恩的。再聽到一些見證說,被聖靈充滿便能說方言,能說預言,可趕鬼治病,這不是比神奇女俠,比美國隊長更了不起嗎?有誰不想有如此的超能力呢。 好奇是人的天性,沒有好奇心便沒有發明,人類不會有進步。然而,人也想預知未來,想超越極限。但這正是人的罪性。因為上帝沒有賜予祂的受造物這些能力。除非他特別的賜予我們,不然,若我們強行要求,這便是僭奪上帝的位份。 今天的經文告訴我們,充滿我們的,像澆灌大衛家和耶路撒冷居民的靈。他是施恩的靈,是為我們懇求的靈,也是引導我們明白真理的靈。這是上帝賜予聖靈的原意。有了這樣的聖靈充滿我。我便別無所求了。 主啊,我只想做一個普通人,一個蒙祢施恩的人,一個認識真理的人,阿門! 羅永光牧師 Pilgrim LO


13 February Devotion (Source : be’emuna) Joshua 24:18 We also will serve the Lord, for he is our God. 1 Corinthians 4:2 It is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. As Saint Paul had already expressed, “as indeed there are many gods and many lords.” We have to face challenges and to decide whom do we pledge allegiance. When Joshua led the Israelites into the land of Canaan, the Lord had already driven the inhabitants out in order to avoid the Israelites worshipping other gods, and sinned against the Lord. However, we can learn from the history of Israel, not each and every one of the Israeltes faithful to the Lord, and the Lord had to punish them. In this way, those faithful servants of the Lord taught and reminded the people all the time to pledge allegiance to the Lord. As children of God in Christian countries of non-Christian countries, we always face a temptation of whether we can be faithful to God. Satan tempted Jesus and said, “If you worship me, it will all be yours.” If Jesus were a little bit slack, he would be defeated. Today, the invisible tempter is still using different kinds of ways and methods to challenge our allegiance to God. For instance, we are told that we do not need to be too committed to the Lord. We are facing challenges from our work, finance, family members, friends and social pressures. Do we still pledge allegiance to the Lord? What kind of problem that stop you from pledging allegiance to the Lord? Dear Lord, give us a faithful heart to trust in you, whatever challenges and temptation come. Give us the heart of standing firm in you, Amen. Dr. Angel Lam

2月13日 靈修資料 (出處: 因著信) 詩三十六6下 耶和華啊,人民、牲畜,你都救護。 羅八21 但受造之物仍然指望脫離敗壞的轄制,得享(享:原文是入)上帝兒女自由的榮耀。 對於現代社會的我們,自由仍然是每一個人所嚮往的。作子女的,想脫離父母的管轄;作學生的,要有自由選擇自己喜歡的東西;作公民的,要爭取自己應有的自由,選擇自己心儀的政治領袖。當看到聖經的記載,當聽到教會教導自由時,難免覺得有點格格不入,好像我們信仰中的自由與自己所面對的情況距離很遠。因為我們經常聽到的是:舊約記載的自由,是上帝拯救以色列民脫離為奴的埃及,讓他們重獲自由;而新約則記載,基督拯救我們脫離罪的枷鎖,不再為罪的奴僕。可是,奴隸制度已不再存在於我們今天的社會。現代人對於聖經所講的罪也不以為然,現代社會甚至黑白不分,顛倒是非,矇糊了罪的意識。 今天的經文照亮了我的靈魂,他指出受造物必然敗壞,而我,作為有思想有靈魂的受造物是不甘於敗壞的。保羅說出了我內心深處的話,我渴望能脫離敗壞的轄制。詩篇則說出了安慰的話,上帝連畜生都拯救,何況比天使微小一點的我呢。保羅說的自由是榮耀的自由,是上帝兒女所享有的自由,這不比脫離為奴之地更美好嗎?這不就是在基督裏的真自由嗎? 親愛的恩主,我感謝祢!因為拯救和自由都是出於祢,是祢所賜予,我便歡喜快樂地領受,並珍而重之。 羅永光牧師 Pilgrim LO

12 February Devotion (Source : be’emuna) Psalm 26:8 O Lord, I love the house in which you dwell, and the place where your glory abides. Luke 2:46 After three days the parents found Jesus in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Our Lord Jesus who emptied himself and incarnated as human being. As son of man he grew up in Nazareth and obeyed to his bodily parents. Until twelve he got a chance to walk a long distance to the holy city Jerusalem to celebrate a festival. As a twelve years old boy, what should be the most attractive place for him in this political and religious capital city? We do not know about how he had got lost from his parents, but within 72 hours of being alone, where should he go? His parents discovered him at last in the temple of the Lord. As a kid of twelve, Jesus took the time of lost contact with his parents, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. Where do we like to go? Where do we usually linger around? Do you like God’s house? How can God’s house be made as a place where people stay and learn God’s word? Lord, help us to love your Church and learn the truth. Amen Dr. Angel Lam

2月12日 靈修資料 (出處: 因著信) 傳八8 無人有權力掌管生命,將生命留住;也無人有權力掌管死期;這場爭戰,無人能免;邪惡也不能救那好行邪惡的人。 弗五15-16 你們要謹慎行事,不要像愚昧人,當像智慧人。要愛惜光陰,因為現今的世代邪惡。 以弗所書第五章一開首,是整章的標題,點明「效法上帝、蒙愛兒女」(五1)這新身分的生命特質,跟信主前「悖逆之子」(五6)有何大不同。信主前,我們效法世界,與世人同夥,行暗昧無益的事(五7-11);信主後,是蒙愛兒女,我們效法上帝,察驗何謂主所喜悅的事(五10)。五1-21節就有不少這樣黑白平行對比的「圖案」。 五15-17正是這效法上帝的蒙愛兒女生命的其中一個素質,不要像愚昧人(五15)……不要作糊塗人(五17)。若按平行對立的「圖案」去理解,要像智慧人的意思,就是要明白主的旨意而生活(五17);要愛惜光陰的意思,就是珍惜每刻,被聖靈充滿,常常感謝父神(對神),彼此順服(對人;五20-21)。 在今天的自義當正義、屬世當入世、咒罵當先知發聲的邪惡世代,我可怎樣活出主的旨意,常常感謝父神?在個人主義風行的誇世代,怎樣與其他蒙愛兒女同心,口唱心和讚美主? 求主聖靈幫助,讓我在昨天教會崇拜中經歷到的敬拜讚美,能在今天的工作環境裏實踐出來。奉主耶穌基督的名求,阿們。 何善斌牧師 Sin-pan Daniel Ho

11 February Devotion (Source : be’emuna) Jer 31:7 ESV For thus says the LORD: "Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, and raise shouts for the chief of the nations; proclaim, give praise, and say, 'O LORD, save your people, the remnant of Israel.' Act 4:29 ESV And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants1 to continue to speak your word with all boldness After they were interrogated and threatened in Sanhedrin, the Jewish leaders released Peter and John the apostles. Many local Jerusalem Jews testified that the crippled begging at the gate of Solomon for years has now been healed. He was no longer forbidden from worshipping in the temple; he was now restored and became a joyful worshipper of God. No any Jews will deny that this is good by adding one worshipper in God’s temple! In Acts 4:27, in their prayers, the Jesus followers testified that their fellow Jews were gathered in the city Jerusalem against God’s holy servant Jesus. The people involved in this crime include both rulers and ordinary people. However, their tone is not out of bitterness or accusation. It’s out of the connotation of faith proclamation: “to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place”. While they were treated unjustly, they did not lose heart, nor did they seek for revenge or their own vindications. On the contrary, they prayed together in one heart and took it as the very reason of praising the Lord. As a result, “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness (Act 4:31 ESV).” Nowadays, people often preach a truncated / oversimplified concept of justice. Based on this tailor-made justice discourse, people justify their own agendas. As rabbi Gamaliel says wisely: if the people movement is from God, it should be more united and influential; if it is undertaken by flesh and blood or based on false claims, the movement will perish and people scatter. It is necessary for us to pray for unity and ask for God’s wisdom for discernment, and courage to speak the word of God with boldness and leave our unfair treatment to the wrath of God. Lord Jesus who calls us to deny ourselves to follow you, please open our eyes so that we may turn from seeking our own rights to your righteousness. In your name we pray, amen. Rev. Daniel Ho Sin-pan Daniel Ho


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