AIESEC is the global youth network impacting the world through leadership development experiences. AIESEC is the global youth network impacting the world through leadership development experiences. We are present in over 124 countries & territories, with 86,000 members in over 2400 universities across the world, and have been facilitating youth leadership activities as well as international internships & volunteer experiences for over 65 years. We are a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Our members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin.
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AIESEC in CUHK將於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉行本學期的海外交流計劃--Global Citizen Programme 的簡介會。如想在暑假到海外體驗更多,緊記到以下鏈結報名出席我們的簡介會。 Register NOW: [Returnee Stories] #3 Leung Wai Chun, Wilson, Brazil “Brazilians are very kind and warm. They will hug you in every greeting.” -Wilson, Returnee of Global Citizen Programme Wilson在剛剛過去的暑假參加了我們的Global Citizen Programme,在巴西進行義教,度過了難忘的六個星期。一起來看看她的分享吧! 「在今年暑假,我參加了AIESEC的巴西海外郊遊。我住在巴西的西部直轄市,米納斯吉拉斯州里的烏貝拉巴。 在整個旅遊裡,我遇到最困難的事便是語言障礙, 因為差不多所有巴西的當地人都只懂得說葡萄牙語,因此,我不能夠在整個海外交遊中順暢地完成所有工作,例如到超市購物,問路等等都會遇上溝通上的問題。幸好在整個過程中有AIESEC的人幫忙才得以渡過難關。在巴西,因為我們通常只運用英語溝通。過了兩個月後,我發現自己的英語水平上升了不少。除此之外,我更學會了運用一些簡單的葡萄牙語作日常溝通,如 Obrigado, Tudo Bem, Boa Tarte。烏貝拉巴的這個地方就像十年前還未完全發展的中國一樣。在那裡,雖然人們都只利用馬匹來作交通工具,但天空湛藍,幾乎每天的天氣都是晴天,沒有下過雨。至於巴西的飲食文化,差不多所有食物都是甜甜的。他們通常以炒或燴的方法去烹飪。在巴西,我幾乎每天晚上都在吃薯條和熱狗。總括而言,巴西人都十分友善,他們會以擁抱的方式去打招呼,非常溫暖。」 來年暑假,你又會否想成為下一個Wilson,去認識不同國家的朋友,嘗試不同類型的義工服務,到海外擴闊視野? 如有興趣報名參與我們的Global Citizen Programme,到海外度過難忘的六個星期,快點到以下鏈結報名出席於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉辦的Recruitment Talk! 如想報名參與本交流計劃,必須出席一場Recruitment Talk快, 點報名出席吧! 報名鏈結: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wilson has joined our Global Citizen Programme last summer and taught in Brazil for 6 weeks. Let's take a look at his sharing! “In this summer, I travelled to Brazil through AIESEC for an exchange life. The place that I lived was in Uberaba, Minas Gerais. The most difficult thing for me was the language problem. Almost all of the citizens can only speak Portuguese. Therefore, I couldn’t do my mission conveniently, e.g buy things in shopping market, ask someone directions on the road, etc. Luckily, the AIESEC member of my TN AIESEC helped me a lot. We usually communicate using simple English. After this 6 weeks, I think my English has improved so much. Also, I have learnt some basic Portuguese (Obrigado, Tudo Bem, Boa Tarte) for daily conversation. Generally, Uberaba is a city like the old china. The developing level is just like 10 years ago in China. Surprisingly, I could still see the horses as a transportation on the road. And the sky of the city is always in deep blue. Almost every day has sunshine without any rain in Uberaba. About the food culture, nearly all the food is very sweet. They usually cook using fried and braise method. For example, I ate French Fries and hot dog in every dinner. Anyway, Brazilians are very kind and warm. They will hug you in every greeting.” For the coming summer, would you like to be the next Wilson, meeting international friends, trying different types of voluntary service, widening horizons in the foreign country? If you are interested in our Global Citizen Programmes, make sure you register for our coming three recruitment talks, which are on 2/2, 3/2 and 4/2 respectively. If you wish to apply our exchange programme, you MUST attend ONE recruitment talk. Register NOW: #GlobalCitizenProgramme #DiscovertheWorld #DiscoverYourself #ReturneeStories #RecruitmentTalks
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Quiz for your Travel Personality!
AIESEC in CUHK將於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉行本學期的海外交流計劃--Global Citizen Programme的簡介會。如想在暑假到海外體驗更多,緊記到以下鏈結報名出席我們的簡介會。 Register NOW: [Who Am I?] #4 What's your Travel Personality? 你是否認識自己?你是否了解自己的性格?你是否知道自己有甚麼地方想去、有甚麼事情想完成、有怎樣的經歷想體驗?如果我們不了解自己,我們難以作任何的決定和計劃。 以下是一個有趣的心理測驗,讓大家了解一下自己的旅行個性。大家不妨試一試,逐步找出「你是誰」! 如想在暑假到海外交流,進一步了解自己以及親身體驗不同國家的文化,緊記報名出席我們的Global Citizen Programme簡介會,了解更多詳情,為你的文化探索之旅作好準備。 立刻報名: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know yourself well? Do you have a good understanding of your own personalities? Do you know where you want to go, what you want to complete, what you want to experience? Without knowing ourselves well, it is hard for us to make any decision and planning. Page below is a funny psychological test regarding what your travel personality is. You can read it to learn about yourself. You may try it out and find the answer of ‘WHO AM I?’! If you wish to know more about yourself and have first-hand experience in foreign cultures, make sure you register for our coming Global Citizen Programme Recruitment Talks and prepare yourself for the summer cultural journey! Register NOW: #GlobalCitizenProgramme #DiscovertheWorld #DiscoverYourself #WhoAmI #RecruitmentTalks
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AIESEC in CUHK將於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉行本學期的海外交流計劃--Global Citizen Programme的簡介會。如想在暑假到海外體驗更多,緊記到以下鏈結報名出席我們的簡介會。 Register NOW: [Learn its Language, Learn its Culture] #3 Spain 西班牙作為第二個最廣泛的語言,是全世界20個國家的主要語言。據估計,使用西班牙話的人有約470萬至500萬之間。只要學懂西班牙語便已經可以幫助你到西班牙,墨西哥,哥倫比亞和智利等國家旅行。 學習一門語言不僅僅是在於溝通,更重要是了解語言背後的文化。據估計,全世界有多達約7000種不同的語言。然而,你懂得多少種語言?可能大概是三四種而已。學習一門新的語言從來都不是一件容易的事,但是,如果你能夠知道先去了解那個國家的文化,一定能夠令你更輕鬆地理解一種新的語言。 如想在暑假到海外親身體驗不同國家的文化,緊記報名出席我們的Global Citizen Programme簡介會,了解更多詳情,為你的文化探索之旅作好準備。 立刻報名: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spanish, being the second most widely spoken language in the world, is the primary language of 20 countries worldwide. It is estimated that the total number of Spanish speakers is between 470 and 500 million. Learning Spanish can already help you to travel through countries like Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Chile. Learning a language is not only about communicating, but also about understanding the culture behind the language. It is estimated that there are up to 7,000 different languages around the world. Nonetheless, how many languages do you know? Probably three or four. Never mind, learning a new language is never an easy job. However, if you can know the country’s culture before hand, it can surely help you to understand the language more effortlessly. If you wish to have first-hand experience in foreign cultures, make sure you register for our coming Global Citizen Programme Recruitment Talks and prepare yourself for the summer cultural journey! Register NOW: #GlobalCitizenProgramme #DiscovertheWorld #DiscoverYourself #LearnitsLanguageLearnitsCulture #RecruitmentTalks
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AIESEC in CUHK將於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉行本學期的海外交流計劃--Global Citizen Programme的簡介會。如想在暑假到海外體驗更多,緊記到以下鏈結報名出席我們的簡介會。 Register NOW: [Returnee Stories] #2 Wong Chun, Brazil ‘I was surprised that he gave me a lift because we didn’t have any direct relationships.’ -Wong Chun, Returnee of Global Citizen Programme Wong Chun在剛剛過去的暑假參加了我們的Global Citizen Programme,在巴西工作,度過了難忘的六個星期。一起來看他的分享吧! 「巴西人很喜歡放工後小酌兩杯。他們享受與朋友相處聊天的時間。相比之下,他們效率比香港人低,喜歡在辦公室裏聊著聊著卻什麼也沒有做。在重要會議上遲到對他們來說也是家常便飯。我最印象深刻是在阿裡格勤港受到當地AIESEC的招待,帶我四處遊覽。我覺得巴西人很熱情和友善。他們願意為素未謀面的陌生人帶路遊歷巴西四周。」 來年暑假,你又會否想成為下一個Wong Chun,去認識不同國家的朋友,嘗試不同類型的義工服務,到海外擴闊視野? 如有興趣報名參與我們的Global Citizen Programme,到海外度過難忘的六個星期,快點到以下鏈結報名出席於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉辦的Recruitment Talk! 如想報名參與本交流計劃,必須出席一場Recruitment Talk,快點報名出席吧! 報名鏈結: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wong Chun has joined our Global Citizen Programme last summer and worked in Brazil for 6 weeks. Let's take a look at his sharing! “They love going bar after work. They spend a lot of time in chatting with friends. Compared with Hong Kong, they are not effective in work. They like talking and talking in office hour and do nothing. They always be late in formal meeting. My memorable moment is one man from AIESEC in Porto Alegre drives me to visit famous places in Porto Alegre. I was surprised that he gave me a lift because we do not have any direct relationships. He is not IGCP AIESEC member and we just know each other. So I think Brazilian may be more helpful and friendly.” For the coming summer, would you like to be the next Wong Chun, meeting international friends, trying different types of voluntary service, widening horizons in the foreign country? If you are interested in our Global Citizen Programmes, make sure you register for our coming three recruitment talks, which are on 2/2, 3/2 和4/2 respectively. If you wish to apply our exchange programme, you MUST attend ONE recruitment talk. Register NOW: #GlobalCitizenProgramme #DiscovertheWorld #DiscoverYourself #ReturneeStories #RecruitmentTalks
Are You A Savvy Traveler?
AIESEC in CUHK將於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉行本學期的海外交流計劃--Global Citizen Programme的簡介會。如想在暑假到海外體驗更多,緊記到以下鏈結報名出席我們的簡介會。 Register NOW: [Who Am I?] #3 Are you a savvy travler? 你是否認識自己?你是否了解自己的性格?你是否知道自己有甚麼地方想去、有甚麼事情想完成、有怎樣的經歷想體驗?如果我們不了解自己,我們難以作任何的決定和計劃。 不同的人會有不同的旅遊風格。然而,旅遊風格從來沒有分對錯,只要你能享受旅程便是一個好的旅程。做個精明的旅行者,是需要花時間去感受,而不單單是去看,這樣才可以從旅行中有所收穫。 如想在暑假到海外交流,進一步了解自己以及親身體驗不同國家的文化,緊記報名出席我們的Global Citizen Programme簡介會,了解更多詳情,為你的文化探索之旅作好準備。 立刻報名: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know yourself well? Do you have a good understanding of your own personalities? Do you know where you want to go, what you want to complete, what you want to experience? Without knowing ourselves well, it is hard for us to make any decision and planning. Different people will have different style of travelling. Nonetheless, there’s never right or wrong for each travelling style as long as you enjoy the trip. Be a savvy traveler, take more times to feel than to see and it is how you can gain experiences from the trip. If you wish to know more about yourself and have first-hand experience in foreign cultures, make sure you register for our coming Global Citizen Programme Recruitment Talks and prepare yourself for the summer cultural journey! Register NOW: #GlobalCitizenProgramme #DiscovertheWorld #DiscoverYourself #WhoAmI #RecruitmentTalks
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[AIESEC WEEK 2016 - Movie Night] 想在這個寒冷的星期五晚放鬆一下?又想知多些AIESEC海外交流計劃的資訊?一於把握最後機會參加明天AIESEC WEEK最後一個活動,跟我們一起探索世界! 我們會播放完整的Bucket List -一套關於兩個將要逝世的老人家如果用自己僅餘的日子去環遊世界、做盡各種瘋狂的事來讓人生無憾的電影。一位在去年暑假參加了Global Citizen Program的同學還會跟我們分享她探索一個全新國度的體驗! [29/1 星期五] 電影夜 - the Bucket List 地點:i-LOUNGE (YIA 3/F) 時間:18:00-20:30 語言:英語 登記: 預告片: *歡迎Walk-in! ------------------------------------------------- Want to feel warm and have fun this Friday Night? Want to learn more about AIESEC's Global Citizen Programme and be inspired by our returnee's sharing? Grab the LAST chance to join our LAST AIESEC WEEK event, and discover the world with us tomorrow! Movie - The Bucket List will be FULLY played. It is a movie which talks about two dying men travelling around the world to do crazy things before they die, so that they will have no regrets. We will also have a returnee from Global Citizen Programme share her story of exploring a new country last summer! [29/1 Fri] Movie Night - the Bucket List Venue: i-LOUNGE (YIA 3/F) Time: 18:00-20:30 Language: English Sign-up: Trailer: *Walk-ins are welcome!
Global Citizen Programme Sem 2 Recruitment Talks
AIESEC in CUHK將於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉行本學期的海外交流計劃--Global Citizen Programme的簡介會。如想在暑假到海外參加義工交流計劃,體驗更多,緊記到以下鏈結報名出席我們的簡介會。 Register NOW: [Global Citizen Programme Recruitment Talks] 尋覓自己的未知 發掘未知的世界 Discover Yourself Discover the World AIESEC的Global Citizen Programme是一個為期6-8個星期的海外義工交流計劃。可供同學選擇的國家眾多,當中更包括東歐和南美等地的國家。義工的類型共有三種,分別是海外義教,舉辦文化活動以及在社企工作。 如有興趣了解更多關於我們的海外交流計劃,歡迎點擊以下鏈結,閱讀我們的宣傳單張,了解更多! 鏈結: AIESEC in CUHK將於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉行本學期的海外交流計劃--Global Citizen Programme的簡介會。如想在暑假到海外參加義工交流計劃,體驗更多,緊記到以下鏈結報名出席我們的簡介會。 立刻報名: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIESEC's Global Citizen Programme is an overseas voluntary exchange programme which lasts for around 6-8 weeks. Countries for students to choose from even include the countries of Eastern Europe and South America. There are a total of 3 types of voluntary work which are Enlightening(Teaching), Borderless(Organizing Cultural Activities) and Social Enterprise(Working in Social Enterprise). If you are interested in our Global Citizen Programme, make sure you click into the following link and read our leaflet! Learn more about our programme and plan your own voluntary experience from this moment! Link: AIESEC in CUHK will be holding 3 Global Citizen Programme Recruitment Talks on 2/2, 3/2 and 4/2.. If you are interested in our Programme, wishing to volunteer abroad, make sure you register for our Recruitment Talks from the link below! Register NOW: #GlobalCitizenProgramme #RecruitmentTalks #DiscoverYourself #DiscovertheWorld #WEDISCOVER1516
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[地點更新] AIESEC in CUHK將於明天晚上舉行「零蚊看世界」的講座,由本來LSK轉至WMY 403。我們有幸邀請到花邊空姐及領隊「江子弦」為是次的嘉賓! 花邊空姐是一位任職中東航空公司的空姐,常於Facebook分享其工作及遊歷的經驗,更曾受YAHOO! 邀請為專欄作家。 「領隊」江子弦曾任職多個行業,包括飲食業、建築業、旅遊業,人生經驗豐富,更曾出版書籍介紹領隊工作。 他們將會分享探索世界時經歷的趣事及困難,以及他們工作的一點一滴,更會講到探索世界如何影響其人生。精彩內容,萬勿錯過! 周遊列國,踏出追求夢想的第一步,就由明晚開始!! 地點: 伍何曼原樓 403室 (最新更正!) 時間: 18:45 - 20:00 語言: 廣東話 報名: -------------------------------------------------- [Venue Update!] The “Discover the world with $0” talk will be held tomorrow night(venue changed to WMY 403!). We are honored to have 花邊空姐 and 領隊江子弦 as our guests. 花邊空姐 is a flight attendant working for a middle-east airline. She is also a Facebook blogger who shares her experiences and stories about working and exploring the world. She has even been invited by YAHOO! to be a columnist. As for 江子弦, he has worked in various industries, including F&B industry, construction industry. He is also a writer who writes a lot of interesting stories about his job as a tour guide. They will share their unique memories and experiences in discovering the world, which have made significant impacts on their lives. Don’t miss this chance! Let’s step out of our comfort zone, and discover the world by joining the talk tomorrow night! Venue: WMY 403 (the latest update) Time: 18:45 Language: Cantonese Sign-up:
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[AIESEC Week2016][Collaborative Painting-Explore, Experience, Expand] 你有幻想過屬於自己的旅行嗎? 不同的人對於世界又有怎樣的看法? 想知道其他人的看法和分享自己的經歷嗎? 快來我們位於大學火車站的攤位, 親手畫出屬於自己的旅程。 -------------------------------------------------- Have you ever imagined your own journey? Do you want to share your own experience to others? Come to join us at the the University Station Plaza and draw your own wonderland. #aiesesweek2016 #exploreexperienceexpand #discovertheworld
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AIESEC in CUHK將於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉行本學期的海外交流計劃--Global Citizen Programme的簡介會。如想在暑假到海外參加義工交流計劃,體驗更多,緊記到以下鏈結報名出席我們的簡介會。 Register NOW: [Global Citizen Programme Recruitment Talks] 尋覓自己的未知 發掘未知的世界 Discover Yourself Discover the World AIESEC的Global Citizen Programme是一個為期6-8個星期的海外義工交流計劃。可供同學選擇的國家眾多,當中更包括東歐和南美等地的國家。義工的類型共有三種,分別是海外義教,舉辦文化活動以及在社企工作。 AIESEC in CUHK將於2/2, 3/2 和4/2舉行本學期的海外交流計劃--Global Citizen Programme的簡介會。如想在暑假到海外參加義工交流計劃,體驗更多,緊記到以下鏈結報名出席我們的簡介會。 立刻報名: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIESEC's Global Citizen Programme is an overseas voluntary exchange programme which lasts for around 6-8 weeks. Countries for students to choose from even include the countries of Eastern Europe and South America. There are a total of 3 types of voluntary work which are Enlightening(Teaching), Borderless(Organizing Cultural Activities) and Social Enterprise(Working in Social Enterprise). AIESEC in CUHK will be holding 3 Global Citizen Programme Recruitment Talks on 2/2, 3/2 and 4/2.. If you are interested in our Programme, wishing to volunteer abroad, make sure you register for our Recruitment Talks from the link below! Register NOW: #GlobalCitizenProgramme #RecruitmentTalks #DiscoverYourself #DiscovertheWorld #WEDISCOVER1516
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明天預測最低只有3℃,中大可能再低1、2兩度,大家記得穿夠禦寒衣物保暖!亦因天氣嚴寒,AIESEC week的World-Citizen Challenge活動將會延遲。但星期三及星期五將會如常舉行「零蚊看世界」講座及電影夜—The Bucket List (報名連結在下方)!請大家繼續支持我們的活動,到時見! -------------------------------------------------- Temperature at CU may remain below 3℃ only tomorrow! Remember to put on warm clothes before you go to class! And since the weather is very cold and windy, the ‘World-Citizen Challenge event’ of AIESEC week will be postponed. But don’t forget that we are going to have two night events which are ‘Discover the World with $0’ Talk and ‘Movie Night—The Bucket List’ on Wed and Fri respectively. See you at the night events!!! [27-1-2016, Wed] “Discover the world with $0” Talk Venue: LSK LT4 Time: 18:45-20:00 Language: Cantonese Sign-Up: [29-1-2016, Fri] Movie Night—The Bucket List Venue: i-Lounge (YIA 3/F) Time: 18:00 - 20:30 Language: English Sign-Up: