麥師傅為詠春學社 (International Wing Chun Organization) 的創辦人。目前「詠春學社」除在香港的總部外,在海外共有分館一百多間, 我們在此專頁分享學校的練功心得和麥師父的敎學方法。
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My article about distancing is included in the Wing Chun Illustrated new Issue No. 38. The printed edition is now on sale! Use code MCFAM25 at check-out and save 25%! The coupon code is valid for the new issue as well as our 37 back issues. Offer ends October 16, 2017. #WingChun #VingTsun #MartialArts #MasterWong Master Wong #PrintEdition SHOP PRINT:
My upcoming article in Wing Chun Illustrated, to be released on 13 October
Thanks Simone and his students for making such great video clip.
Forthcoming Seminar in Mexico City, Mexico Topic: Footwork in Chi Sao This 6-hour seminar in 2 days mainly focus on the application of Wing Chun's stances (Yee Jee Kim Yeung Ma, Pien Sun Ma, Ching Sun Ma) and footwork (Juen Ma, Tor Bo, Biu Bo and Huen Bo) into the Chi Sao exercises. Date/Time: 25 & 26 Nov 2017 (Sat & Sun) 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Forthcoming Seminar in Mexico City, Mexico Topic: Chin Na Techniques in Wing Chun Wing Chun is well known for its best striking techniques among the four main branches of the Chinese fighting arts (Striking, Kicking, Chin Na & Take-down) that Chin Na is sometimes overlooked. This 3-hour seminar will preliminary reveal the Chin Na techniques within Wing Chun system, which is very seldom seen in other Wing Chun seminars. Date/Time: 26 Nov 2017 (Sunday) 10:00am - 1:00pm
My forthcoming Wing Chun Seminar in Mexico Mexico City - 25 - 26 November 2017 (Contact: Rodrigo B. Maldonado) Toluca - 2 - 3 December 2017 (Contact: Wilfrido Hernandez Lopez)
"Kung Fu behind closed door - The myth of 'secret' Wing Chun training" Feature story by Sifu Donald Mak and Martin Murphy published in Blitz Martial Arts Magazine, Volume 31 No. 3 / Jun-Jul 2017
Special class on the topic "Wing Chun Take-down" was given to the Swedish group of IWCO students during their HK/China trip on 10 March 2017.
運用詠春十字步法施展過頭摔示範 Overhead throwing demonstration by using Wing Chun's cross step footwork