333 Laundry - 地址: 九龍大角咀鐵樹街25-39號地下32號舖 提供明亮整潔的洗衣環境,24小時不停為您服務! 解決日常洗衣乾衣的煩惱。 We offer a 24 hour self-service laundry throughout the year rain or shine
位於元朗 為顧客提供專業優質 美髮 服務,同時提供免費WIFI服務,細心親切.歡迎網上預約或 致電 24709800預約
utime Fitness focuses on the customer first, providing members with the best equipment, guidance and value added services 24 hours a day.
坑口新寶城商埸G20舖 預約電話:2177 2386 藍田匯景廣場5樓183-187號F舖 預約電話:2386 8767
Darts Fighter - 飛鏢練習/訓練場, 歡迎鏢隊練習或個人訓練 大埔墟廣福道麥當勞對面,安信樓上
泰妹記泰國菜館 Sandy Thai Restaurant 位於元朗福田徑樂富大廈地下10舖 No.10, G/F, Lok Fu Building, Fuk Tin Path, Yuen Long 特色菜式包括,泰式咖哩蟹包,芝士蝦丸,粉絲鮮蝦煲,金不換抄大蜆等 Tel: 54042029
We are The Green Race - A new enviro mix of some of the best road & trail running around! We organise personal training, fun runs, retreats & trail races.