� 一站式潮流美妝、養生、纖體及美容服務,多年營運,信心保證。�
練習室租用 / 樂器商店 / 錄音製作 / 音樂推廣 Rehearsal room / Instrument store / Production studio / Music promotion
Opening hours: Monday -Friday 9:30am - 6:30 pm Saturday 9am - 6:30pm
Campus TV of True Light Middle School of Hong Kong
CORE is a multi-purpose, state of the art community center. Here, you get to connect with your peers, learn something new, expand your opportunities, all while having fun! With great services and facilities.
8-14 March. 250 km in 7 days. Self-supported. 10 kg on the shoulders. Scorching heat daytime. Freezing cold at night. A challenge, if not a torture.
藥膳 | 私房菜