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Airsoft Shooting Club

Floor 2, Room A, Block AB, 688 Castle Peak Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong
Retail and consumer merchandise



Airsoft Shooting Club (ASC)  ASC(以下簡稱本會)是一間室內小型氣槍練習中心 , 面積4700呎 , 可給與槍友小型對戰 , 個人或團體租場練習各種類型氣槍技術 及 默契
本會宗旨推廣氣槍射擊運動 , 令到大眾更加多人參與氣槍運動 , 達至以槍會友。
氣槍運動適合男女老幼 , 可訓練個人紀律 , 集中力 , 思維 , 判斷力及體力。
同時本會亦有射擊課程 , 可令槍友從專業導師身上學習更加氣槍知識
本會更歡迎槍友加入我們ASC 氣槍隊 , 一齊去參加各種類型公開賽 , 贏取更多個人及團隊獎項。
ASC is a indoor shooting ranges. We promote safety air gun activity. We provide a place for beginners and all experienced players to practice and enhance the technical skill in  game. We hope the players who come to ASC can identify themselves with other players  and have fun.

Besides shooting ranges,ASC also provide customer service.We can help you to creat a unique air gun if you have any order. We even have  "  "TW system and repair services



NEAR Airsoft Shooting Club