Le Cleret Brasserie 嘉禧餐廳
Le Cléret餐廳秉承酒莊對上乘材料的執著,選用有機的季節性材料,加上廚師個人獨特的調理,為客人獻上有如藝術般的佳餚極品。
餐廳內所有紅酒來自法國「嘉禧酒莊Château Le Cléret」,由法國皇族於17世紀建立,位於法國西南部的著名產酒區「貝熱克」,距今已有300年歷史。創建以來,酒莊對出產的葡萄酒有著嚴格品質要求,現時莊園所種植的葡萄樹,樹齡達45年,為Le Cléret提供極上乘的材料,釀出優質富果味及單寧的葡萄酒。
Built in the 17th century, Château Le Cléret was the property of French royal family for 300 years, located in South West of France, Bergerac. The vineyard has always been known for the quality of wines produced. Presently, the vineyard grows vines up to 45 years to provide high quality grapes, which allow wines to be blended with rich fruitiness and a firm tannic structure.
Le Cléret Brasserie
In maintaining the Le Cleret passion, our chef uses the best seasonal and organic food ingredients from around the world to create unique and delicious cuisine for your enjoyment. As well can enjoy a beautiful selection of French wines to create the perfect dining experience.
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facebook.comWine & Spirits 酒誌專訪Château Le Cléret 嘉禧酒莊擁有人黃家和太平紳士 暫時未能親身前往酒莊參觀?Le Cleret Brasserie 嘉禧餐廳同樣提供嘉禧酒莊自家釀製紅酒,請即致電2833 5667留座,一嘗正宗法國有機釀製美酒🍷😋 #wine #winetour #chateau #france #travel #gourmet #wineary #harvest #winemaking #redwine #luxury #luxurytravel #nicetrip #goodmemories #lecleret #lecleretbrasserie #newmenu #autumnmenu #foodies #foodie #france #french #frenchcuisine #finedining #lobster #scallop #foiegras #goodfood #gathering #delicious
Christmas is around the corner! What better ways to celebrate with your loved ones? To help celebrate this holiday, Le Cléret offers its very own juicy Roasted Turkey with Chestnuts and Dried Raisins (Approx. 4.5kg) for only $788! :) * Early-bird offer: Enjoy 20% discount for orders before 1 Dec! * Enjoy 10% discount for takeaways! For reservations and enquiries, please contact us via Facebook or via Hotline at 2833-5667 *Terms and conditions may apply. #lelcleret #festive #turkeyfest #christmas #foodie
謝謝 Too Full For Food 的介紹 😉 最新秋季菜單已經推出🍁 想試最新Tasting Menu及Healthy & Light 菜單, 歡迎致電 2883 5667 留座 #lecleret #lecleretbrasserie #newmenu #autumnmenu #foodies #foodie #france #french #frenchcuisine #finedining #lobster #scallop #foiegras #goodfood #gathering #delicious #family #BFF #restaurant #hongkong #dating #romantic #style
【11/13 Daily Lunch Menu】 嘉禧餐廳推介 Daily Lunch Menu已推出 :) 在繁忙的工作中享受一個完美午餐, 即刻打電話到餐廳預留喇! ====== Le Cleret Brasserie 嘉禧餐廳 地址:Shop B, G/F Chung Hing Commercial Building, 62-63 Connaught Road 詳情及預約,歡迎致電28335667 #lecleret #summer #foodiehk #hkfood #frenchstyle #lunch #lunchbreak #dailylunch #menu #lunchmenu #french #food #frenchcuisine #organic #organiclunch #healthy
嘉禧餐廳🍁全新秋季菜單🍁現已推出! 今季度新上市包括龍蝦天使麵、帶子班戟、肉桂蘋果配鵝肝等,大廚選用時令食材,配上傳統法式烹調方法,把食材最原始的美味呈獻予閣下。 歡迎致電(852) 2833 5667 訂座😁 Le Cleret Brasserie🍁Brand new Autumn Menu🍁 is ready! New dishes for the season include Full Lobster Angel Hair, Scallop Pancake and Cinnamon Apple with Foie Gras. Our executive chef chooses the seasonal ingredients and cooks with traditional French cooking method as aiming to present the authentic taste of each freshly grown ingredients to our guests. Please call (852) 2833 5667 for reservation 😁 #lecleret #lecleretbrasserie #newmenu #autumnmenu #foodies #foodie #france #french #frenchcuisine #finedining #lobster #scallop #foiegras #goodfood #gathering #delicious #family #BFF #restaurant #hongkong #dating #romantic #style
【11/6 Daily Lunch Menu】 嘉禧餐廳推介 Daily Lunch Menu已推出 :) 在繁忙的工作中享受一個完美午餐, 即刻打電話到餐廳預留喇! ====== Le Cleret Brasserie 嘉禧餐廳 地址:Shop B, G/F Chung Hing Commercial Building, 62-63 Connaught Road 詳情及預約,歡迎致電28335667 #lecleret #summer #foodiehk #hkfood #frenchstyle #lunch #lunchbreak #dailylunch #menu #lunchmenu #french #food #frenchcuisine #organic #organiclunch #healthy
【11/2 Daily Lunch Menu】 嘉禧餐廳推介 Daily Lunch Menu已推出 :) 在繁忙的工作中享受一個完美午餐, 即刻打電話到餐廳預留喇! ====== Le Cleret Brasserie 嘉禧餐廳 地址:Shop B, G/F Chung Hing Commercial Building, 62-63 Connaught Road 詳情及預約,歡迎致電28335667 #lecleret #summer #foodiehk #hkfood #frenchstyle #lunch #lunchbreak #dailylunch #menu #lunchmenu #french #food #frenchcuisine #organic #organiclunch #healthy
【🎶優惠延長🎶】 嘉禧餐廳三週年優惠反應熱烈🥂 感謝各位壽星支持🎂 由即日起至12月31日,11月及12月生日之壽星們均可享有三週年優惠🍾 請即致電28335667 留座~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Le Cleret Brasserie 嘉禧餐廳已經三歲啦! 歡迎各位壽星們一同來嘉禧餐廳慶祝生日🎉🎊🎁 即可享受以下禮遇: *四位用膳一人免費 (只限惠顧套餐) *六位或以上加送Chateau Le Cleret紅酒一支 *免費生日蛋糕一個 7天前留座更可親自設計個人紅酒標籤😍! 💕為親朋摯愛安排難忘的生日派對,請即致電(852)2833 5667留座 #birthday #3rdanniversary #happybirthday #birthdayparty #party #celebration #friends #family #gathering #bff #buy4get1free #freewine #wine #birthdaycake #privateparty #suprise #birthdaysuprise #dinner #setdinner #french #france #frenchcuisine #foodie #goodfood
嘉禧餐廳 2017秋季菜單預覽😊 Le Cleret Brasserie Preview of 2017 Fall Menu 😊 #lecleret #summer #foodiehk #hkfood #frenchstyle #lunch #lunchbreak #dailylunch #menu #lunchmenu #french #food #frenchcuisine #organic #organiclunch #healthy
【10/30 Daily Lunch Menu】 嘉禧餐廳推介 Daily Lunch Menu已推出 :) 在繁忙的工作中享受一個完美午餐, 即刻打電話到餐廳預留喇! ====== Le Cleret Brasserie 嘉禧餐廳 地址:Shop B, G/F Chung Hing Commercial Building, 62-63 Connaught Road 詳情及預約,歡迎致電28335667 #lecleret #summer #foodiehk #hkfood #frenchstyle #lunch #lunchbreak #dailylunch #menu #lunchmenu #french #food #frenchcuisine #organic #organiclunch #healthy
【10/26 Daily Lunch Menu】 嘉禧餐廳推介 Daily Lunch Menu已推出 :) 在繁忙的工作中享受一個完美午餐, 即刻打電話到餐廳預留喇! ====== Le Cleret Brasserie 嘉禧餐廳 地址:Shop B, G/F Chung Hing Commercial Building, 62-63 Connaught Road 詳情及預約,歡迎致電28335667 #lecleret #summer #foodiehk #hkfood #frenchstyle #lunch #lunchbreak #dailylunch #menu #lunchmenu #french #food #frenchcuisine #organic #organiclunch #healthy