Zakka home 專營日韓田園風格傢俱,不定期搜羅新奇特式傢俱!
小店經營二手漫畫回收, 出售, 香港至海外代購 台灣至香港代購 日本至香港代購 地址:葵興工業街10-14號華發工業大廈(前座)25樓01室E單位 電話:66262643 Twenty Two North is a haven for the design savvy shopper. Our collections link quality craftsmanship with styles containing unique European and American touches.
SUAVIS - A meaning of Sweet, Soft, and Charming. Enhance your attractiveness by enjoying the professional and comfortable lash treatments provided by us.
Yallay gallery opened in Hong Kong in January 2013 in the industrial area of Wong Chuk Hang in a converted industrial space of 6500 Sq ft
Portraiture | Commercial | Photo Crafts Workshop
V Style HK is a lifestyle group that aims to provide fans with up-to-date lifestyle tips and infos.