(Not open to public, please order online for all retail purchases.)
有湯,有餸,有飯 By Invitation Only
Movember is a moustache growing charity event held during the month of November each year that raises funds and awareness for men's health. Supporting Prostate and Testicular Cancer awareness.
Pumpernickel is a bread café which is famous for its fresh home-made breads and bakery products. It creates a nice and relaxing environment for customers to enjoy good food and have good time here.
歡迎光臨Ai Ai Dol Boutique 我們會親自搜羅最潮、最新時裝飾物,全部均為實物拍攝 本店宗旨是以最好品質及貼心服務給客人, 希望大家可以支持本店,而家就快d入嚟like下我地啦!
香港基督女少年軍乃是一個國際性制服團體, 在港已有55年歷史。致力為女性每個成長階段提供各項培訓與個人發展, 讓女性生命展現姿彩, 活得豐盛, 並成為基督的跟隨者。