四驅車,農夫車改裝, 代訂各國改裝件零件,保養及維修,政府驗車,汽車買賣,代辦保險等
漢和韓國料理集團於 1993 年成立,一直以韓國傅統烤肉為特色,加上新經營概念,目前已成為香港最具規模的韓式燒烤餐廳集團,並擁有全港最大的韓式餐廳
One of the most influential wine companies in Asia
BLOODLINK is a non-profit organization founded in Hong Kong in 2014
於 1990年成立於灣仔 已真誠對待客人
It is an interactive artwork by Bryan Chung to use brainwave sensing technology to transform meditation as a mean for interactivity in art.
Design, Production, Retail Presention, Bike Furniture.
WORKWARE - Mira Store 尖沙咀美麗華廣場1期2樓236號鋪 WORKWARE War Clothing Store 尖沙咀加連威老道29號信基中心5樓