坑口新寶城商埸G20舖 預約電話:2177 2386 藍田匯景廣場5樓183-187號F舖 預約電話:2386 8767
Paradise Dynasty is the leading casual dining concept by Singaporean-based Paradise Group Holdings.
Freight Forwarding company. Air freight, sea freight and rail freight.
路線:火炭D出口步行5分鐘即可到達/ 沙田火車站轉乘60k或62k小巴
古怪屋經營18年了 精湛手藝 給顧客質素的保證~ 本店設有 : 專業穿環 (針穿身體各位置 ) 永久紋身 (專業設計圖案/修改舊圖和復蓋疤痕) 臨時紋身 (手繪/henna) 敬請預約: facebook inbox & whatsapp
A place for simple comfort food... 100% Angus Beef Burger... Crispy Pork Belly Burger... Freshly brew coffee with homemade dessert...
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