Go Grow Kids Learning Centre which is carefully designed for different ages of child through Music, Arts, Signs Language.
K Bar
Sunglasses, Eyewear, Stylish Frames, Progressive Lens
練習室租用 / 樂器商店 / 錄音製作 / 音樂推廣 Rehearsal room / Instrument store / Production studio / Music promotion
Affiliated with International Rope Skipping Federation (IRSF-FIASC) and Asian Rope Skipping Federation (ARSF).
地址 : 屯門震寰路3號德榮工業中心20樓A室 (河田輕鐵站 / 屯門西鐵站A出口, 消防局側) WHATSAPP : 5405-1818 電話 : 3690-1014 E-Mail : info@mamafunbuy.com