Next to the sea with the breeze and the sound of waves, at the place where our father built his ALONI (threshing floor), 50 years ago, for the threshing of wheat and barley, we built for you our own ALONI.
In our warm family environment you can enjoy our home-made meals, which are made with care and fresh pure ingredients. You can enjoy our specialities and taste our salads made by our own home-grown vegetables and olive-oil. You can also enjoy a variety of fresh seafood and choose from a selection of greek wine or ouzo.
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS #August #aloni_restaurant #yellow_buoys
Happy August!!!
Μπεκρής μεζές! Spicy pork pot!
Αρνί λεμονάτο! Lamb in wine sauce!
Happy Easter from The Soulos Family!