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Sebastian Otten Equestrian

Severinusstraße 49, Zülpich, Germany



Sebastian Otten - Education for Horses and Riders Welcome to our facebook-page and thank you very much for paying me a visit. Through this page you will gain insight into our daily work and our philosophy regarding the education of horses and riders. Certainly I would be very pleased to talk to you personally for more in-depth information.

Horse Education
Our horses are selected according to their strengths and talents and are then purposefully schooled to fully develop their naturally given, specific aptitudes. Thus, the pillars of our philosophy of horse education are gently familiarizing the horses with the saddle, giving them extensive time to adjust to the rider and later on letting them compete at selected shows. During all levels of education, keeping up the healthiness and motivation to perform is of greatest importance to us. Thus, a proficient and long experienced team works tirelessly for the horses’ well-being. Also you can benefit from this successful education!

Rider Education
We are keen on passing on our knowledge to our guests and students, and we enjoy consequently instructing and supporting rider and horse to help them to work together in harmony. Years of experience have enabled us to ideally and individually plan the different steps of education and thereby to optimize the athletic career of rider and horse.
We would be glad to develop your own personal training concept – customized to meet your wishes and objectives. We offer all kinds of training, from single lessons to on-site training modules that take several months and that contain theoretical and practical units. Furthermore we assist you in the successful planning of competition participation and support you on site at competitions.

Sales Horses
Our most important objective is to match each customer with the horse that suits him best individually. We offer a wide variety of horses, from young jumping talents over experienced and well-schooled amateur horses up to competition horses that can immediately be deployed in international sport. You can find an excerpt of our current sales collection under We are looking forward to talking to you and finding the perfect horse for you!

Our equestrian facility provides ideal training conditions and is idyllically situated in a park-like surrounding area.
These are the facility’s amenities:
•   Bright, spacious stalls with windows
•   An indoor jumping arena 30m*80m
•   An indoor dressage arena 20m*40m
•   Both indoor arenas have an elaborate ventilation system for summer and winter
•   3 outdoor arenas with perfect footing:
Jumping arena 40m*80m
Dressage arena 20m*55m
Lunge arena 20m*45m
•   Indoor lunge arena
•   Roofed horse walker
•   Horse treadmill
•   All-weather paddocks
•   Pastures
•   Washing areas
•   Nice surrounding area to go for a ride
Furthermore our guests can enjoy the wonderful restaurant on site and reside in one of the apartments that are available.

