ACS email: ACS is a primary resource agency that delivers services tailored to the needs of the extended USAG Wiesbaden community. Our goal is to maintain community readiness and resiliency through our wide range of proactive educational opportunities, as well as individualized counseling and coaching services. This is the official page for USAG Wiesbaden Army Community Service.
From first assingments through separation or retirement, ACS will lend support!
Tell your friends
facebook.comHAP - ACS is STILL accepting applications for the Holiday Assistance Program until 15 DECEMBER! Anyone can apply for the Angel Tree Program for Gifts for Children. Please see attached for qualifications for Commissary Gift Cards. Application is also attached.
The weekly job listings are here!! Come and visit our AWESOME Employment Readiness Program Manager for help with your resume. Schedule in your appointment. Call 0611-143-9201-9202
The weekly job listings are here!! Come and visit our AWESOME Employment Readiness Program Manager for help with your resume. Schedule in your appointment. Call 0611-143-9201-9202
Happy Thanksgiving! Share the Holiday Season with EFMP at our next bowling event.
Did you know...Army Family Team Building's birthday is December 16th? We are celebrating by having an AFTB 3 minute shopping-spree at the commissary on the 15th! There are two more opportunities to enter your name into the drawing!
Volunteers come in all sizes! 21 of our USAG Wiesbaden kids are volunteering for the opening ceremony of the DEU v US Rugby game. Tune in at 1700!
The EFMP USAG Wiesbaden now has a Facebook page. We encourage community members to like this page. Help us in our effort to connect with Families that have special needs. We look forward to reading your comments and responding to your questions.