Social Media and Politics
Comparative Research about Egyptian and German Students' Use of Media and their Political Views. This research project is asking questions about society, about politics and how life is changing by using the internet in general and specially by using social media.
How do we use social networks? How relevant will they be in future? Do we use them for writing political statements? Or just for talking about our hobbies?
The comparative focus of this study is set on egyptian and german students. Part of it's empirical work is also a online-survey.
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facebook.comOnline-Befragung zur Mediennutzung und Politiksicht Deutscher Studierender
Hallo zusammen, ich promoviere derzeit und suche für meine Online-Erhebung Studierende aller Fachrichtungen. Es geht um soziale Medien und eure Sicht auf die Politik. Wollt ihr mich unterstützen? Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen:
Online-Befragung zur Mediennutzung und Politiksicht Deutscher Studierender
"Wie häufig nutzt du Facebook?" - "In Zukunft werden wir über soziale Netzwerke auch unsere Stimme bei Wahlen abgeben können." Stimmst du zu? – Deine Sicht interessiert mich! Mach mit bei meiner Online-Erhebung (15-20 Minuten, anonym). Dafür suche ich deutsche Studierende, die gerne teilnehmen:
Online-Befragung zur Mediennutzung und Politiksicht Deutscher Studierender
Der Fragebogen für Studierende in Deutschland ist soeben online gegangen:
Die Erhebung in Ägypten neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu – bald schon geht die Befragung für deutsche Studierende online! The survey in Egypt draws to a close – soon the questionnaire for german students will start!
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Social Media and Politics
You are Egyptian student? I need you! Please participate in my online survey – it takes 15-20 minutes and of course it is completely anonymous. For more information please visit my facebookpage:
100 reached
"How often do you use Facebook?" - "Thanks to social media, our political system could change fundamentally." Do you agree? - I'm interested in your view about. Be part of my study and answer the questions (15-20 minutes, anonymous). I'm searching for egyptian students who want to participate:
Social Media and Politics's cover photo
Online-Befragung zur Mediennutzung und Politiksicht Ägyptischer Studierender
"Social media is essential for the formation of political opinions." Do you agree? I'm interested in your view about. Be part of my study and answer the questions, I'm searching for egyptian students who want to participate:
Online-Befragung zur Mediennutzung und Politiksicht Studierender
Egyptian students – please join my online survey, I need your help! My Name is Steffen Armbruster, I’m a 32 year old researcher from Germany, Munich, doing my Ph.D. and asking questions about society, about politics and how life is changing by using the internet in general and specially by using social media. Are social media still relevant in future? Do we use social media for writing political statements? Or just for talking about our hobbies? For that research I visited Egypt several times. Especially in Cairo I met lots of students and Professors from different universities like Cairo University, Al-Azhar-University, from the American and the German University. One sentence I often and everywhere in the country heard, the sentence I loved most was: „Welcome to Egypt!“ Now I want to welcome you to my research and ask for your help. I really do need you! Please check the link below and answer the questions. It will take around 15-20 minutes and of course it is completely anonymous – neither the Swiss company "umfrageonline" nor I can see any informations like IP address or similar data. The only reason for this survey is scientific knowledge and progress: The results of this study will be pulished in my thesis - if you are interested in please feel free to contact me. Thanks a lot, best wishes and regards, Steffen
Online-Befragung zur Mediennutzung und Politiksicht Studierender
How often do you use Facebook? Do you think political parties are still appropriate in today's times? Let's find out: