Rennteam Uni Stuttgart e.V.
Das Rennteam Uni Stuttgart e.V. konzipiert, konstruiert und fertigt einen Formula Student Rennwagen
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS to FSA 2017 with a behind the scenes pic ✌😉 #behindthescenes #throwbackthursday #formulastudent #rennteamunistuttgart #stuttgart #0711
#tbt to FSA 2017 with a behind the scenes pic ✌😉 #behindthescenes #throwbackthursday #formulastudent #rennteamunistuttgart #stuttgart #0711
It' tuesday and time for a new shirt 👕 but tshirt tuesday women edition is over 😞 we already showed you all girls of our team! But now, we want to start the team tuesday 👬👭👫 #teamtuesday that means we introduce you every week one team member and maybe some #fs teams want to join us and start the #teamtuesday as well 😉 Today we want to start with Mo. He's responsible for the motor organisation and it's his second year in the team. #teamtuesday #formulastudent #rennteamunistuttgart #stuttgart #0711
We definitely miss the sun and the heat of #FS Spain in Germany! Currently, we have winter and sometimes it snows but most of the time it rains. Which season do you have at the moment? Comment 🌸 for spring, 🌞 for summer, 🍁 for autumn and ❄ for winter #❄ #FS #FSS17 #formulastudent #rennteamunistuttgart #stuttgart #0711
Am Dienstag waren wir bei DELO Industrie Klebstoffe und haben einen sehr aufschlussreichen Vortrag über klebegerechtes Konstruieren gehört. Im Anschluss konnten wir die gelernte Theorie in der Praxis anwenden. Vielen Dank für den interessanten Tag! #rennteamgoesDELO #formulastudent #rennteamunistuttgart #stuttgart #0711
#tbt to FS Spain and sunny days 🌞 #skidpadfun #formulastudent #rennteamunistuttgart #stuttgart #0711
Thanks to Airtech Advanced Materials Group for giving us vacuum bags and composite tooling materials! #formulastudent #rennteamunistuttgart #stuttgart #0711
It's time for tshirt tuesday women edition 👚💃 today with Lisa⬇ she is doing our spring damper system and wears a tshirt from HAWKS Racing e.V. . Regards to Hamburg✌😉 #tshirttuesdayfs #formulastudent #rennteamunistuttgart #stuttgart #0711
➡️ come and see the innovation of the future!
#tbt to our #2017bestnine picture 🎆 it was an amazing year with you! #throwbackthursday #formulastudent #rennteamunistuttgart #stuttgart #0711
11th - FS UK 6th - FS Germany 3rd - FSAE Italy
Happy new years eve 🎆 Race into the new year and use every chance to get better and better ❤ #nye #formulastudent #rennteamunistuttgart #stuttgart #0711