Recaro Aircraft Seating
RECARO Aircraft Seating
Mehr Komfort über den Wolken Mit innovativen Produkten für die Economy und Business Class hat sich RECARO Aircraft Seating als Flugzeugsitzlieferant bei führenden Airlines einen Namen gemacht.
Heute zählt das global tätige Unternehmen zu den drei größten Flugzeugsitzanbietern weltweit und bietet ein perfekt auf die Bedürfnisse der Fluggesellschaften abgestimmtes Produktportfolio.
Als Teil der RECARO Group gehört RECARO Aircraft Seating zu einer der renommiertesten Sitzmarken der Welt. Airlines wie Passagiere können so jederzeit auf bewährte RECARO Qualität setzen – auch über den Wolken!
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Our STEP participants visit the RECARO Holding in Stuttgart and meet Shareholder and CEO Martin Putsch
Age of "enlightenment": We know that colors and lights influence passengers' mood. For that reason, #RECARO presented a wellbeing mock-up based on the CL6710 business seat at AIX 2016. Here you can find more information about colorful cabines ...
Timeline Photos
Practiced social responsibility: In collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Schwäbisch Hall, RECARO Aircraft Seating has made internships available to refugees. On top, we donated a five-figure amount to the German language institute for its continued work ... read more:
Sporty sightseeing tour, colleagues :-)
Photos from RECARO Aircraft Seating's post
We are celebrating 10 years of RECARO Aircraft Seating in Poland! It is great to see that ambition, know-how and imagination lead to achieving something special. And the journey goes on ... Find some impressions of our festivities including welcoming in the planetarium Zielona Góra and 3D movie "Dream to Fly".
Photos from RECARO Aircraft Seating's post
These days, the #euro2016 keeps a tight grip on us. But the greatest match - Poland against Germany - already took place: at RECARO Aircraft Seating in Świebodzin ;-). It was one-nil to Poland! Find impressions of the traditional friendly match between German and Polish employees. By the way: We're looking forward to the second big #GERPOL match in the semi-final ... hopefully!
RECARO Automotive
Adding Orange For a Touch of Dutch
How about a touch of Dutch? KLM added orange colour features to their typical blue Boeing 777-300 – in only four days! By the way: During this spectacle, our CL3710 "had the best seat" ;-)
Congrats, RECARO!