Christliches Zentrum Rheinfelden Internationale ev. Freikirche
Internationale Evangelische Freikirche (Pfingstgemeinde)
Pastor Michael Griffith
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facebook.comInstead of practicing (living) what you preach, try preaching what you practice (live). Does your practice (life) draw people to Jesus? Anstatt das zu leben, was du predigst, versuch einmal, das zu predigen, was du lebst. Zieht dein Leben Menschen zu Jesus?
“If Your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here.” Exodus 33:15 Und er sprach zu ihm: Wenn dein Angesicht nicht mitgeht, so führe uns nicht von hier hinauf. 2 Moses 33:15 Ist Ihr tiefste Wunsch Gaben Gottes, seine Versprechungen oder Intimität mit ihm?
Wer unter dem Schutz des Höchsten wohnt, darf bleiben im Schatten des Allmächtigen. Darum sage ich zum Herrn: »Du bist meine Zuflucht und meine sichere Festung, du bist mein Gott, auf den ich vertraue.« Psalms 91:1-2 Gott lädt uns ein, nicht mit ihm Leben zu besuchen. Das ist, wo man Frieden findet!
Come to me with all your weaknesses, physical, emotional and spiritual. REST in the comfort of MY presence, remembering NOTHING is impossible with ME. Pry your mind away from your problems so you can focus all your attention on me. Remember that I GOD AM ABLE TO DO IMMEASURABLY more than all you can ask or imagine. Instead of trying to lead me to your desires....better seek to tune into mine/God. When anxiety attacks your mind..this is the time to remember I am your shepherd..the one who has the responsibility and right to lead you to green pastures safely. Bottom line I am taking care of need not fear anything...rather than trying to maintain control...let go Let God. This may feel frightening as we are programmed by this world to be live in the world of selfies. BUT FOR THOSE WHO ALLOW ME THE CONTROL I DESIRE....THOSE WILL EXPERIENCE THE GLORY OF MY WILL. I edited one of my go to daily devo posts....I was humbled yesterday to understand that despite knowing the above and living it out with all its blessings...I had fallen back into trying to overpower the almighty God. It is impossible to do...and a waste of time and energy to even try. We tend to put more weight on what we need to do than He does..which is exactly what the enemy wants..when we are overwhelmed we cannot be effective. God bless saints. - Breaking Chains
CZR outreach in Rheinfelden yesterday!
Glücklich zu nennen sind alle, die in deinem Haus wohnen dürfen, sie werden dich für immer preisen. // Glücklich zu nennen ist, wer seine Stärke in dir gefunden hat, alle die, deren Herz erfüllt ist von dem Wunsch, zu deinem Heiligtum zu pilgern. Psalms 84:5-6
A Christian does not get to choose what comes his way in life, but he will always gets to choose his response. We all have two options in our life, we can choose to live our life directed in the love of God, a choice to walk in His power, or make a powerless choice to walk otherwise. Who you are, what you are, is not the determined by your actions. Your identity comes from who God says that you are. You must understand who God says you are and come into agreement with Him; then your actions will change.
Herzliche Einladung zu unserem Open-Air Gottesdienst. Nach dem Gottesdienst laden wir noch zu Kaffee und Kuchen ein.
Ich aber, ich will in dem Herrn frohlocken, will jubeln in dem Gott meines Heils. yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! Habakkuk 3:18
Ich bin nicht länger ein Sklave der Angst, ich bin ein Kind Gottes I am no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God